úterý, 16. července 2024, 17.30
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HEALTH

be/arrive dead/right on time

být/přijet přesně na čas

The bus arrived dead on time.(CALD)

The train arrived dead on time, so we didn`t have to wait long on the platform. (English Idioms, Oxford)

But they always arrived dead on time so we never got on, said Mr Kelly. (BNC)

be/be beaten black and blue

být samá modřina, dobitý, zmlácený

He was beaten black and blue at boarding school. (BNC)

He'll beat him black and blue,'; she said hopefully, but without much conviction. (BNC)

But nobody had the right to be that nasty; not even if his backside was black and blue. (BNC)

be/feel above par

cítit se výbroně, skvěle, být v dobré kondici

být nadprůměrný, vyhovovat

Yet, as it happened, he was registering well above par that evening, for three of the four ideas he had formulated were finally to prove wholly correct. (BNC)

The jeans maker's bonds are trading above par, even in a badly depressed market. (BNC)

If the current price is above par, the operative life of the bond will depend on the date on which the call price falls below the current price. (BNC)

be/feel full of life

být plný života, nabitý energií (píseň, atd.)

His songs are full of life. (Lingea)

If entering a show, you may well find you come up trumps, mainly because you feel so fit and full of life. (BNC)

Louisa, an attractive girl full of life was in service at Mapledurham. (BNC)

be/feel on top of the world

být/cítit se na vrcholu sil, zcela fit, být šťastný

She'd just discovered she was pregnant and she felt on top of the world.(CIDI)

She was feeling on top of the world. (CDAE)

But Javed's men should be on top of the world. (BNC)



be/feel sick to your stomach

být někomu na zvracení, být zhnusený

Looking at those pieces of raw meat I felt sick to my stomach.(CIDI)

It makes me feel sick to my stomach when I remember my car accident.(CALD)

Stop the car! I think I'm going to be sick to my stomach.(English Idioms,Magnuson)

be/get out of condition

nebýt v kondici, vyjít z formy 

If you are out of condition then exercise, or the movements you make, will cause you some degree of physical and possibly psychological distress. (BNC)

Occasionally members of all species die when out of condition for no known reason. (BNC)

You can't do that if you are out of condition. (BNC)

be/get sick (and tired) of

být znechucený čím

We are getting sick and tired of listening to them argue all the time. (LDCE)

You've been giving me the same old excuses for months and I'm sick and tired of hearing them!(CIDI)

I get sick and tired of the feminist movement trying to undermine the English language. (BNC)

be/get/feel airsick

trpět nevolností při letu/v letadle

I won't be air sick!

(BNC)At one point in the turbulence I felt certain I was going to be air-sick and the very thought was unsettling. (BNC)Either the mental strategy worked or the weather became slowly but imperceptibly better, for I was not air-sick and have usually been a `;good sailor'; by air or by sea ever since. (BNC)

be/get/feel carsick

trpět nevolností při jízdě autem

Paul remembers that the awful thing is that each time he never even felt carsick until after Ed threw up.


At first, however, being unused to the sensations of the journey, they may well be car sick. (BNC)

What's wrong, darling; are you car sick? (BNC)

be/get/feel seasick

trpět mořskou nemocí

I was/felt seasick, so I went up on deck for some fresh air.(CALD)

The crossing took almost a week and those team members who were not seasick practised hitting shots on board, timing their swings with the roll of the ship. (BNC)

Chester and the Wordsworths were violently seasick almost at once. (BNC)

be/get/feel travel-sick

mít nevolnosti při jízdě dopravními prostředky, dělat se někomu špatně při jízdě

The more the puppy is travel sick, the more it associates the car with a bad experience and the harder it is to break this association.

(BNC)Unlike George Bush, I don't get travel sick. (BNC)Italian Railways found that a high proportion of passengers became travel sick on the train. (BNC)

be/go/turn/look as white as a sheet/ghost

být bílý jako stěna

When Terry read the telegram he went as white as a sheet. (English Idioms, Oxford)

He went as white as a sheet and backed off immediately. (BNC)

She was as white as a ghost, and her eyes were shadowed as if she hadn't slept properly for weeks. (BNC)

be/look/feel like death (warmed up/over)

cítit se velmi unavený, nemocný

I wish I'd got to bed earlier last night - I feel like death warmed up.(CIDI)

The poor guy looked like death warmed over.(CIDI)

He shouldn't be working when he's so ill - he looks like death warmed up!(CALD)

bite the dust

zemřít, natáhnout brka; přestat fungovat/existovat

Three hundred more people lost their jobs in the same region when another firm bit the dust.(CIDI)

Two Hollywood stars of the thirties have recently bitten the dust.(CIDI)

Pete was 98 when he bit the dust. He lived for nearly a century.(W.Magnuson, Eng.Idioms)