Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 4:26 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: HEALTH

Black death


The cause of this devastation was the Black Death. (BNC)

It will make the Black Death look like a mild dose of flu. (BNC)

The disease was not actually known as the Black Death during the fourteenth century. (BNC)

blow your nose

vysmrkat se

To avoid nosebleeds happening, try not to blow your nose too hard. (BNC)

Can you get a tissue and blow your nose cos you have such a runny cold. (BNC)

Will you blow your nose you're going to give yourself a real bad chest! (BNC)

break wind

mít větry, upšouknout si

At a wedding that I attended last summer, one of the guests broke wind very loudly during the groom's speech.(CIDI)

Most dogs break wind occasionally but Cedric was different; he did it all the time. (BNC)

The boy might break wind or say a naughty word and forfeit the protection of that great white spirit. (BNC)

I want to break wind .(BNC)

breathe (new) life into st

vdechnout život, projasnit (např. místnost vymalováním)

I`ll try to breathe new life into our old bedroom. (Lingea)

We need some new people to breathe life into this project.(CALD)

Breathe new life into a tired old bathroom with a coat of brightly coloured paint in this season's exciting colours.(CIDI)

breathe down sb`s neck

dýchat někomu za krk, šlapat na paty, být v závěsu

I shall be so glad to get out of this office and not have Mason breathing down my neck any more. (English Idioms, Oxford)

It's awful having to work with a boss who's breathing down your neck the whole time.(CIDI)

It's awful having a boss who breathes down your neck all the time.(CALD)

bring st to life

oživit, přivést k životu, vnést oživení (př.do knihy)

In fairy-tales it is possible to bring the statue to life. (Lingea)

She brought he story to life with some details. (Lingea)

It's always been an interesting period in history and this film really brought it to life.(CALD)

brush sb`s teeth

čistit si zuby

How often were you expected to brush your teeth? (BNC)

You may see traces of blood when you brush your teeth. (BNC)

Henry did not wash his face or brush his teeth. (BNC)