Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 1:46 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: MEDIA

back copy

- staré číslo

1. Something that wasn't there was a magazine she'd asked him to get: a back copy of a thing called Focus on Germany. BNC

2. You can do this simply by thumbing through back copies of the newspaper and seeing who writes environmental articles. Wasps

3. There was only one person nearby, an elderly gentleman immersed in back copies of the Edmonton Journal, so she slipped the book out. BNC

ban a film

- zakázat film

1. The government issues screening permits for the films, which means they can ban a film or demand changes in it. WebC.

2. Usually scenes of overt sexuality or violence caused the censors to either ban a film or at least demand certain cuts. WebC

3. Eirin has no legal powers to ban a film, but the rules of the Japan Association of Movie Promoters, which covers the owners of nearly all cinemas in the country, forbid its members to screen films that do not carry Eirins seal of approval. WeC

ban on st

- zákaz něčeho

1. The ban on loans to institutions for buying shares was also lifted. BNC

2. Environmentalists are pressing for a ban on logging in ancient forests throughout Europe. WebC

3. The UN has called for a ban on drift nets worldwide by 1992, and in the South Pacific by 1991. BNC

banner headline

- titulek přes celou stránku (většinou na první straně)

1. The anti-government weekly with this banner headline sold out in Cairo within hours. WebC

2. The front-page banner headline read DISGRACED. BNC

3. It was given a banner headline on page one and was continued on two inner pages. BNC

base story on

- založit článek na něčem

1. The Northern Echo printed the story based on information given by prosecutors at the crown court. BNC

2. Although the juxtaposition of short story and source material would provide in itself a useful basis for an informal discussion of composition and technique, the proposed extension to the activity undertaken here involves participants developing their own story based on the newspaper account. BNC

3. To be sure of surprise and originality adapt the joke to a new locality or profession, or better still find a funny story based on a situation taken from real life. BNC

be a box-office success

- mít finanční úspěch, být trhák

1. While Timothy Dalton's first appearance as Mr Bond was a box-office success, his computer replica is a poor Missile Command variant bearing little resemblance to the film; wasting yet another potentially good licence. BNC

2. Hence Juice was probably not as big a box-office success as it might have been, although it did make money. BNC

3. Do films require big named actors to be a box office success? WebC

be a flop

- neuspět, nemít úspěch

1. Despite another popular subtheme, namely the need for museums to use as much high-tech gadgetry as possible, the trade fair organised for the conferees was a flop. BNC

2. It also warns that the legislation that followed the Monopolies and Mergers Commission report in 1989 has been a flop. BNC

3. CNN's Bob Furnad said the programme was a flop. BNC

be concerned with st

- zabývat se něčím

1. When Parliament was considering the 1984 Act they were only concerned with trespassers. BNC

2. We are therefore concerned with the impact which trade unions and trade union membership has upon the productivity of the workforce. BNC

3. Western policy-makers, particularly those in Washington and London, were not so concerned with the question of controlling access to the Gulf's oil reserves. WebC

be in line with

- být ve shodě s něčím

1. The press began to campaign with a strongly pro-tram tone for a decision on renewing the tram track: 'The tram is such an efficient means of transport, its retention would be in line with modern ideas, and the expense would be justified'. BNC

2. The government has made it clear that redevelopment should, as far as possible, be in line with local planning policies but that where this is impossible new uses are preferable to leaving a large site derelict. BNC

3. If the videos are at any time broadcast for public viewing the Publisher will negotiate a residual fee which will be in line with the agreement for minimum fees that exist at the time between the Society of Authors/Writers' Guild and ITCA/BBC. BNC

be involved in polemics

- vést polemiku; zaplést se do polemiky

1. He did not wish to be involved in the polemics of the approaching elections of 1808. TDA

2. The Turkish Press will becompelled to depart from its present restraint, and then Papen's name will necessarily be involved in Press polemics. TDA

3. In recent years IRI has also been involved in polemics over certain bank appointments and over the transfer of Signor Ettore Bernabei from being the chief executive of the state television RAI to its public works holding company Italstat. TDA

be on television

- být (na programu) v televizi

1. Writing for radio is an aspect which we will touch on tomorrow, and television again we're going to talk about tomorrow, there's less opportunity being realistic to be on television but the impact is probably greater because many of us watch the box and so forth. BNC

2. It is to be on television, said Alison in her careful precise voice. BNC

3. But his finest hour in the Leone films is to be on television next week. BNC

be on the air

- být vysílaný (rozhlasem); vysílat

1. And it's Richard at Radio Nottingham and you're on the air at the moment, this is your wake-up call. BNC

2. During the 1970s television was on the air between thirty-five and forty hours a week. BNC

3. I think Oxfordshire's a brilliant place, and I'm not just saying that because we're on the air. BNC

be on the spot

- být na místě (události, činu)

1. In fact on balance she thought it might be very interesting to be on the spot when the cars were tested for real instead of waiting in the laboratory for the print-outs and reports from whichever of the team was out there. BNC

2. I just thought Britain was getting like a treadmill, and that if I was on the spot in the States I'd be able to chivvy them around a bit more. BNC

3. Your BNFL News was on the spot to cover the latest exciting events, so to find out more turn to the centre pages. BNC

be out of the question

- být nemožný, zcela vyloučený, nepřícházet v úvahu

1. Obviously this needs to be done without undue pressure; hammering is out of the question, and the stakes must not be broken. BNC

2. In short, unless there are serious reasons why a prefabricated garage is out of the question, it is probably your best choice on all counts. BNC

3. He's out of work and finding £900 is out of the question. BNC

be pushed for time

- mít málo času, být v časové tísni

1. We said yesterday, journalists are frequently very pushed for time, some of them are lazy, and the more help you give them, and the same is true for radio, the better. BNC

2. Since our meeting in May is the annual meeting, we're pushed for time there. BNC

3. If you are new to the business (or even experienced but pushed for time) it can be difficult to make up your mind on the spot and some manufacturers have hundreds of calendar and diary titles in their programmes. BNC