martedì, 16 luglio 2024, 16:59
Sito: OpenMoodle
Corso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossario: MEDIA

bid for st

- snaha, úsilí; usilovat o něco

1. However, the brothers filed through their shackles and made a desperate and final bid for freedom. BNC

2. In the Second Division, Clyde strengthened their bid for promotion with a 2-1 home win over Queen of the South. BNC

3. The Board of Guinness properly established a committee for the purposes of the take-over bid for Distillers PLC. BNC

bird's eye view

- pohled z ptačí perspektivy, ptačí perspektiva

1. Edited by Richard Evans, who oversees some of the world's greatest tennis tournaments, the book offers a bird's eye view of the Tour, not least because of some of the superb colour photography contained within it. BNC

2. A good selective bibliography gives a bird's eye view of the subject literature, and where a reliable source of this kind already exists, stock revision in the subject area is considerably simplified. BNC

3. One alternative Chinese perspective is shen yuan , in which the viewer is placed as if on a hill, and the horizon line is thus high up, almost a bird's eye view. BNC

blow a fuse

- ztropit povyk

1. Ian Wright blew a fuse yet again and Arsenal are fast blowing their title challenge. BNC

2. It was only a suggestion, Robyn; there's no need to blow a fuse. BNC

3. His mind would likely have blown a fuse at the Jon Kessler show, at Luhring-Augustine until the 25th. BNC

bold headlines

- výrazné, velké titulky

1. Denverpost.Com: There are large bold headlines, and they even have different headline sizes. WebC

2. Your ad will be posted on the front page, above the free ads and have bold headline. WebC

3. Obviously, the first text to strike your eye is the large bold headline. WebC

book review

- knižní recenze

1. As a subscriber, I will receive, about every two months, a free edition of the book review magazine, from each of which I agree to buy at least one book. BNC

2. Lifestyle South , a general interest magazine aimed at households in Hants and Dorset, is planning to include a book review section. BNC

3. This statement was attributed to a book review in the Boston Globe by one Stephen J. Gould. BNC

breach of contract

- porušení smlouvy

1. So if you are dismissed before the agreed age, you might have a claim for breach of contract, but not for unfair dismissal if you are over the normal retiring age for colleagues in your class of work. BNC

2. You are entitled to a money refund for breach of contract. BNC

3. It applies in exactly the same way in the case of a breach of contract by the seller. BNC

break down

- porouchat se

1. We would have converted it to run off the engine, but the trouble is that if the engine broke down, you wouldn't be able to get the bonnet up to look at it! BNC

2. The turning point for them came when their car broke down after a family christening. BNC

3. The Redcar offshore lifeboat was called to the aid of a fishing vessel which broke down off the coast yesterday. BNC

bribery charges

- obvinění z korupce

1. The French League yesterday began court proceedings over bribery charges involving Marseille. BNC

2. According to the news agency Postfactum, Ikramov was the third member of Dushanbe city authorities to be arrested on bribery charges. BNC

3. Tory MP Harry Greenway spoke last night of his relief that bribery charges against him have been dropped. BNC

brilliant article

- vynikající, skvělý článek

1. Thanks for providing me with a brilliant article for the summer edition of Cymru Wledig. Wasps

2. I would like to congratulate you on your brilliant article on the Kwikmas pudding. Wasps

3. PFK has published some brilliant articles on the construction of trickle filters at little cost. Wasps

bring sb fame

- přinést někomu slávu

1. Binyon's volume does however bear out quite touchingly one point that Mrs Lowndes makes: that Hewlett's ambition was to be known as a poet rather than novelist, though it was his historical romances in Wardour Street prose that brought him fame and money. BNC

2. Tennis may have brought him fame and fortune, but it still didn't bring happiness to Boris Becker. BNC

3. A stream of scientific papers began to bring him fame but not fortune. Wasps

broadcast a program(me)

- vysílat pořad

1. The BBC has not even seen fit to broadcast a single programme in his memory. Wasps

2. Anti-Iranian radio stations using Iraqi facilities were no longer permitted to broadcast their programmes. Wasps

3. And TV will broadcast special programmes for their benefit. Wasps

broadcasting schedule

- program vysílání

1. Please find herewith the broadcasting schedule of our daily broadcasts beamed to your area. WebC

2. Following is a complete broadcasting schedule, including first pitch times, for the World Series. WebC

3. The Sports Broadcasting schedule can be found at the following link listed below. WebC

brought about by the recession

- způsobený hospodářským poklesem, recesí

1. The size of the deficits now were in large part brought about by the recession that we were in. WebC

2. Following the sharp decline in asset values and market liquidity brought about by the recession, the global market has now entered a new cycle. WebC

3. Prior to the devastating budget cuts brought about by the recession in California in the early part of the last decade, the campus budget was determined by a multitude of algebraic equations. WebC