úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.00
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

balance of trade

obchodní bilance

1. During these three years there was also a sharp deterioration in Britain's balance of trade, not assisted by her annual average deficit on her trade account with the EEC of some £10 billion. (BNCI)

2. They depend on the current and anticipated future state of the balance of trade, the rate of inflation, the current and anticipated levels of interest rates in other major trading countries, the price of oil, and so on.(BNCI)

3.  When the amount exported exceeds the amount imported the country is said to have a favourable balance of trade or a trade surplus.(BNCI)

ballistic missile

balistické střely

Last summer, Romania reportedly warned neighbouring Hungary it was working on nuclear weapons and a ballistic missile system.(BNCI)

The development of the Blue Streak ballistic missile that might replace the V-bomber had started, and was greatly helped by the 1950 Anglo-American agreement to collaborate in missile technology; and the development of the British hydrogen bomb was well under way. (BNCI)

 In 1957 Russia stunned the West by launching an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) and the first space satellite, `;Sputnik';. (BNCI)

ballot box

volební urna

An election that had been fought by the Conservatives on the issue of," Who runs the country --; government or trade unions?", was won by a party that was seen by many as in the pay of the unions and there was the spectre of socialism via the ballot box. (BNCI)

The essential point, if there is to be proper democratic accountability, is that there must be a clearly defined authority whose judgement and power cannot ultimately be contradicted other than by the citizens themselves through the ballot box. (BNCI)

Not only have the people never voted for the Prime Minister at the ballot box: they have consistently and persistently voted against him at the ballot box. (BNCI)

ballot paper

hlasovací lístek

This means the voter marks his second preference on the ballot paper; and, if his first choice candidate does not finish in the first two, his vote is transferred to one of those who is still in with a chance. (BNCI)

It is well established that there are voters whose preferences are influenced by the alphabetical sequence in which candidates' surnames appear on the ballot paper. (BNCI)

Overall, little more than half of them were serious candidates put up by Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Labour and the Progressive Democrats, and on the ballot paper they were not listed for convenience of identification in party groups; the other candidates were outsiders. (BNCI)

bank statement

výpis z bankovního účtu

1. Even now when a bank statement comes that shows I'm overdrawn, or the gas bill for the central heating seems enormous, my mind turns to quite inappropriate strategies, like boiling down the ends of soap, and lighting fires with candle ends and spills of screwed-up newspaper to save buying wood. (BNCI)

2. She didn't know how to budget or how to keep track of her expenditures, and she cried every time she opened her bank statement. (BNCI)

3. Every year a bank statement informs us that the Trust has lopped a mildly painful number of pounds from our far from princely pensions and every year we wonder whether we should continue to belong or not. (BNCI)

black market

černý trh

She had once explained that slaughtering animals secretly and trading on the black market was simply bending the law a little and not really stealing at all, but real thieves were as bad as liars. (BNCI)

 A CAREER diplomat was jailed for nine months yesterday for using United Kingdom High Commission bank accounts to profit from a currency black market.(BNCI)

According to local legend, this is how Kent cigarettes rather than any other brand became the currency of the black market in Romania. (BNCI)

blank disk

prázdný pevný disk

A new disk, called a blank disk, has no data on it.(BNCI)

 Before you can store data on a blank disk, however, you must format it.(Google)

Before that stage, the program may also have provided instructions to encourage you to copy files on to a blank disc in drive A:, to `;please insert this in another machine'; and type A:Share. (Google)

blatant discrimination

očividná, do očí bijící diskriminace

Ciaran Ryan reported on a case of blatant discrimination in Bank of Ireland, Area West which had recently come to light. (BNCI)

Part of the answer lies in the growth of an Irish Civil Rights movement, stimulated, in turn, by the emergence of a larger, better-educated Catholic middle class, less willing to accept a status of inferiority and blatant discrimination than earlier generations. (BNCI)

All too often people who perform their job well are fired simply because they are gay. They seldom have any recourse to fight this blatant discrimination.(Google)

bomb blast

výbuch bomby

Some time later, in 1984, Schoon's wife and child died in a bomb blast in Angola. (BNCI)

The terrific bomb blast shattered every window in Gdynia. (BNCI)

But repairs to the Great Victoria Street theatre after the IRA's bomb blast in December 1991, ruled the production out. (BNCI)

building society

stavební spořitelna

1. Checks carried out by the Inland Revenue on a sample of bank and building society accounts have revealed that some people have incorrectly registered to receive interest payments without deduction of income tax.(BNCI)

2. In fact, in 1989 the Abbey National Building Society became a public limited company and thereby ceased to be a building society, becoming instead a bank. (BNCI)

3. If your building society won't allow you to register you can still apply for a refund of overpaid tax financial year. (BNCI)

buoyant economy

rostoucí ekonomika

1. When the next Conservative Government are re-elected , we shall have a growing and buoyant economy, and everyone will be better off . (WASPS)

2. The buoyant economy at the end of the eighties of course helped in part by increasing road congestion , forcing many to take the train who would have preferred to drive. (WASPS)

3. Although there was a great deal of debate about education after 1944, much of it up to 1951 focused on the eradication of class differences, not gender differences, in an endeavour to build a more buoyant economy and develop a substantial welfare state. (BNCI)

business as usual

nic mimořádného, normálka

That's business as usual, with the regulators unable or unwilling to keep the insiders from taking money out of the pockets of the public investors.(WebCorp)

I would like to reassure everyone that it is business as usual at the National Council.(WebCorp)

But when asked if it was business as usual, he replied "yes" and described the meeting as "good".(WebCorp)

business is business

obchod je obchod

Your comment about the whole situation as being unfair...well sir...business is business....If we ran our businesses based on being "fair" alone we wouldn't be in business for long....(WebCorp)

He was shocked by his friend's behavior. "I'm much colder now. Friends are friends and business is business."(WebCorp)

Any religious criticism of these marriages belongs in a church, mosque or temple. It has no place in the state market, where business is business, and marriage is really big business.(WebCorp)