tisdag, 16 juli 2024, 17:52
Startsida: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Ordlista: FAMILY

baby blue

světle modrý

When she fluttered the long lashes of her baby blue eyes she had the timeless charm of Olive Oyl or Betty Boop. BNC

Then there was blonde and bubbly Joan Pyman, who always wore baby blue to match her eyes. BNC

When I saw her last time she was wearing this really sweet baby blue dress. BNC 

baby blues

poporodní smutek matky

The high occurrence of so-called `baby blues' and feelings of isolation alone shows us that the birth of a child is a very stressful event. BNC 

Dads suffer from the baby blues, too -- often because they feel left out. WebC

The mild depression that affects women soon after giving birth is often referred to as "the baby blues". WebC

baby boom

populační exploze

This is caused by the baby boom generation of the 1960s settling down and having families of their own. BNC

Thereafter, the ageing of the post-war baby boom generation becomes apparent, and by 2031 over one fifth of the population is expected to be aged 65+. BNC

The great increase in the popularity of marriage and the baby boom which it partly caused accompanied the post-war economic growth of the 1950s. BNC

baby boomer

člověk narozený v USA nebo GB v době poválečné populační exploze

The punk generation now spend half their time whining about the smothering blanket of baby boomer nostalgia. BNC

Bill Clinton, on the other hand, is a "baby boomer" born after the terrible war which Bush still has such vivid memories of. BNC

The current fad in Hollywood is for TV remakes which will tape the baby boomer nostalgia market in the style of The Addams Family. BNC

baby buggy

dětský kočárek

He was in a baby buggy and beside him was holdall containing clothes, bottles and baby wipes. BNC

But first, would your baby buggy pass an MOT test? BNC

She grabbed her children, leaving her baby buggy behind, and ran into the store. BNC

baby carriage

dětský kočárek

Annie disregarded the remark and as she walked out of the side door pushing the baby carriage Bessie turned to her employer. BNC

Dianne raced downstairs and out the front door to look in the baby carriage under the cherry tree. BNC

Two women tore the nylons I was wearing, really good ones, another dragged a baby carriage across my ninety-dollar shoes. BNC

baby face

dětská tvářička, člověk s dětskou tváří

Yeah but he it's not a baby face any more. BNC

She sat down on the bench opposite to him and looked at his fat baby face, which was now showing some concern. BNC

People sometimes said he had a baby face. BNC

baby grand

malé křídlo (piano)

His parents had no piano, but his grandmother had a baby grand and he taught himself to play that whenever he visited her. BNC

In addition to twenty-five cabins it had three bars, a dining room, a lounge with a baby grand piano, a writing room, library and sick bay. BNC

A baby grand piano stands in the drawing room and is often played by guests. BNC

baby milk

Microwave cooking creates potentially dangerous substances in baby milk which may damage the brain, liver and kidneys, doctors said. BNC

And one of the first foods grand-daughter Lisa gave her baby were Farley's Rusks mixed up with a little baby milk. BNC

Four tons of baby milk supplied by Cow and Gate were last night being loaded on board a replacement truck loaned by Transmore Van Hire. BNC

baby talk

šišlání, žvatlání

From the time he could say words, he always spoke correctly, no baby talk… BNC

Because the man continues his role outside the home he provides a window on the adult world which may be sorely needed by his partner when she fears she is slowly sinking beneath piles of dirty nappies and baby talk. BNC

'Dinna imagine it's the local baby talk,'; Reid went on. BNC

baby tooth

mléčný zub

Visited kids who placed their last baby tooth under their pillow for the tooth fairy. WebC

As the adult tooth is coming into the mouth, the root of the baby tooth is getting shorter. WebC

After a few weeks you should notice that the baby tooth is getting looser and it should fall out. WebC


opatrovatel(ka) dětí

Carlie also claimed that when she was two months old a baby-sitter had stolen a gold cross from round her neck. BNC

I can delegate authority over my son to a baby-sitter instructing him to make sure my son is in bed by a certain time. BNC

Mary is very sorry that she has to put off coming to dinner tonight, they are not sure about getting a baby-sitter. BNC


baby's dummy


According to the eyewitnesses, they were dressed in night-gowns, and one of them
had a baby's dummy in her hand. WebC

The most damaging thing we can do as parents is put sweet concentrates in a baby's
dummy or bottle at night. WebC

It was quite normal to dip a baby's dummy into rum or brandy. WebC

battered child

týrané dítě

Battered child syndrome refers to injuries sustained by a
child as a result of physical abuse, usually inflicted by an adult caregiver. WebC

Although the concept of the battered child is relatively new, there is sufficient evidence that the phenomenon itself is deeply rooted in human history. WebC

A major step in looking into the death of a battered child is to be able to spot signs of battering. WebC

be born out of wedlock

narodit se jako nemanželské dítě

I was born out of wedlock and have my mom's last name. Can I stop my dad from changing my last name to his? WebC

Burns had fourteen known children, half of them born out of wedlock. BNC

A baby born out of wedlock was a great sin, then, and a huge embarrassment to the family. BNC

be crazy/mad/nuts about sb.

být do koho blázen

Just perfect for each other. She was nuts about him and he was nuts about her. WebC

I was crazy about her and I still believe that she is the biggest influence I've ever had. WebC

Steve tells Mary that he was blind and is crazy about her. They kiss. WebC

be expecting (a baby)

být v jiném stavu/čekat dítě, dvojčata...

She returns to reality and goes to the park to tell Selby that she is expecting. WebC 

She is pleased to announce that she is expecting this spring. WebC

Madonna announced last week that she is expecting a second baby later this year. WebC

be fond of sb.

mít koho rád

She was fond of him, too, for he had a remarkable gentleness and courtesy in his dealings with women. WebC

It made him sad, for he was fond of her. BNC

She had a young brother, Kevin, who was fond of her in his quiet way. BNC

be great with child

nosit dítě pod srdcem

Joseph being a righteous man, when he perceived that Mary was great with child, was minded to put her away because he feared God. WebC

The young pioneer bride was "great with child," so instead of going on to Nicodemus, they stopped in Lawrence. WebC

By then I was great with child and focusing inward. WebC

be in a family way

být v jiném stavu

Uncle Jim wants her to stay put because she’s in a family way. WebC

Bertie was ecstatic to learn she was in a family way. WebC

Priss had missed two periods and appeared to be in a family way. WebC

be like a kid in a candy store

You should have seen him when they arrived. He was like a kid in a candy store. CIDI

Everyone has felt like a kid in a candy store at some point in their life. WebC

When I go out in my garden, I feel like a kid in a candy store. WebC

be like taking candy from a baby

hračka, snadná věc, žádný problém

Beating them was the easiest thing in the world - it was like taking candy from a baby. CIDI

So fighting a noob corp in empire space would be like taking candy from a baby ! WebC

The people are outrageously tight and stealing pots is like taking candy from a baby! WebC

be lovesick

chřadnout láskou

Orsino is lovesick for the beautiful Lady Olivia, but becomes more and more fond of his handsome new page boy, Cesario, who is actually a woman—Viola. WebC

The King, however, is lovesick and distracted.WebC

In May at the Bezukhov house, Helene congratulates Natasha on her engagement but confides that her brother Anatol is lovesick over her. WebC

be mothered by sb

být rozmazlován kým

Being mothered by a grandparent was certainly not always a happily remembered experience, and for one illegitimate Scots girl it generated a lifetime of mutual bitterness. BNC

Such worthy clients as the Lords Hanson and White, the John McEnroes, the Roger Moores, Richard Branson, Jack Nicholson and the entire chorus of supermodels, all enjoy being mothered by Mara. BNC

During Sonya’s long absence, Kelithe is largely mothered by her grandmother. WebC

be of humble origin

pocházet z malých poměrů

Villefort represent three different means by which an individual of humble origin entered elite Parisien society. WebC

There was one young man of humble origin named Yan Hui who wanted to be accepted as Confucius's student. WebC

She is of humble origin and never dreamed of such fortune. WebC

be one's father's son

být jako otec 

 But he was his father's son in temperament. WebC

The governor stared coolly across the threshold at Jack, who with the same dark, penetrating eyes was plainly his father's son. WebC

He was his father's son, and it was the music that drove him along, not the money or the fame, just as it had with Tim a generation before. WebC

be very attached to sb.

být velice oddán komu

One young woman is still as attached to her parents now as she was when she was small. BNC

She had been very attached to her but for some reason was quite unable to cry over her death. BNC

She was, in spite of her exasperated commotion, deeply attached to her elder sister. BNC

be with child

otěhotnět, těhotná

Emily was unable to make the journey, being heavy with child. CIDI

You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. WebC

A woman who thought she might be with child had to schedule an appointment with her doctor. WebC

bear children

plodit děti

Working women were delaying or curtailing their capacity to bear children, marrying later or perhaps being reluctant to have children at all. WebC 

One thing that struck me was the great need to bear children. WebC

Women leave, afraid to bear children in a city so close to the reactor. BNC

become engaged

zasnoubit se

I remember Princess Anne speaking briskly on television when she and Captain Mark Phillips became engaged. BNC

When they became engaged, his future mother-in-law said about her daughter, "I hope you will understand her." BNC

It was when we became engaged that things seemed to change. BNC

bed and board

manželský stav

Most petitions were for divorce from bed and board, perhaps because cruelty and desertion were the most common complaints. WebC

Proposed law requires marital counseling in a proceeding for a judgment for divorce and reinstitutes the cause of action for separation from bed and board.WebC

The proposed law shall apply to actions for separation from bed and board or divorce commenced after Jan. 1, 2004. WebC

best man

ženichův svědek

Pete fulfilled the best man role and, during the wedding (in July, 1987), Pete wore all the gear and carried the rings in a little pouch on his harness. BNC

Marilyn Thompson was Charlie's wife's best friend; Charlie was to be Jack's best man and one day he thought he would be godfather to Jack's first child. BNC

Medallion silk waistcoat and bow tie from Oxford and Swan, perfect for your groom or best man. BNC 

big with child

v pokročilém stadiu těhotenství

And his daughter in law the wife of Phinees, was big with child, and near her time. WebC

She said seeing me big with child reminded her of when she gave birth to me. WebC 

There is no one here who cares for me or will look out for me and I must shift for myself in everything which is not easy now I am big with child and not well as I was with my first-born. BNC

biracial child


What it is like raising a biracial child in a world that still sees people by race and color, not individuality. WebC

What should a biracial child be taught about his black ancestry? WebC

A biracial child with white parents will face the same challenges as a black child with white parents. WebC

birth certificate

rodný list

Forenames should be printed in full exactly as they appear on your birth certificate and/or passport. BNC

If the account is for a child under seven, you must identify yourself and produce the child's birth certificate. BNC

Mother's occupation is not routinely recorded on the birth certificate. BNC

birth control

kontrola porodnosti, antikoncepce

There are several birth control methods to choose from. BNC

Your partner is also welcome, so why not go along together to discuss the different methods of birth control? BNC

Sterilisation may be the ideal method of birth control for couples who are sure they have completed their family. BNC

birth pangs

porodní bolesti (také přeneseně)

Some Protestants argue that, because the woman had birth pangs, she was a woman with sin. WebC

Her anger brings on an attack which in turn brings on the birth pangs. BNC

It was the beginning of the birth pangs of quantum theory, whose characteristic it is to replace the continuous by the discrete, the smoothly varying by the fitful. BNC

birth rate


The concern about population trends emerged as it became evident that population growth was declining and that the birth rate, in particular, was falling rapidly. BNC

By the late 1930s, the birth rate was about three-quarters of what it had been at the end of the First World War. BNC

It is clearly birth rate which is central to any explanation of population trends during the inter-war years. BNC

blind date

schůzka naslepo

Diving into the pool is like a blind date, he laughed. BNC

They chose their high-flying ceremony after a blind date and party brought them together. BNC

Once seated, Denice tells us she's only been on a blind date once before, and that was years ago. BNC

blood is thicker than water

krev není voda

I know there wasn't much love lost between them but, as they say, blood is thicker than water; even doctors know that. BNC

Are you trying to hint that blood is thicker than water? BNC

There still remained, however, some examples of blood-sharing among unrelated bats, cases where the `;blood is thicker than water'; explanation would not fit the facts. BNC

blood line

pokrevní linie

The palace arranged the marriages of the children to seal a political alliance, or to shore up the family's blood line. WebC

They appear to be in only one family blood line. WebC

He could trace back his blood line all the way to Abraham and know just exactly whether he was of the tribe of Levi or the tribe of Ruben, or whatever it is. WebC

blood relation

pokrevní příbuzný

Where a blood relation sobs, an intimate friend should choke up, a distant acquaintance should sigh, a stranger should merely fumble sympathetically with his handkerchief. WebC

What is an in-law? It means they are not a blood relation - there is no common ancestor. WebC

They consider their membership in the community as a birthright, and are proud of their blood relation. WebC

bottle baby

dítě odkojené lahví

Whether you bottlefeed your baby right from the start or after a few weeks,you will discover a bottle baby needs a fairly well-organized mother. WebC

One was dam raised, the other was a bottle baby. WebC

When a bottle baby needs a little extra boost I use the following special formula. WebC

boys will be boys

kluci jsou kluci (pro chování, které bývá považováno za typicky mužské)

However, boys will be boys and they enjoyed the fresh air and the sport of fishing... BNC

Boys will be boys and in spite of warnings at least one fatal accident occurred involving local lads, and several were injured. BNC

Isabelle shrugs amiably as though to say `boys will be boys' and shoots Perry up easily in the top of his hand. BNC

break off the engagement

zrušit zasnoubení

Are you going to tell them about your decision to break off the engagement?'; he asked suddenly, interrupting her thoughts. BNC

You knew that I was going to break off the engagement anyway, so it's not exactly the end of the world for me. BNC

Telephoning Jonathan to break off the engagement had almost been a high point of comic relief. BNC

break up with sb

rozejít se s kým

I broke up with a guy who i really cared for and ever since then Iam horribly sad. WebC 

I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years today! WebC

I just recently broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years and we broke up because of my depression and his lack of interest to help me. WebC

breakup of a marriage

manželský rozvrat, rozpad manželství

The breakup of a marriage is viewed as a situation that children may find temporarily unpleasant but will gradually accept. WebC

Your lawyer can give valid legal advice on how best to achieve the division of property you believe fair following the breakup of a marriage. WebC

Surviving the breakup of a marriage or, for that matter, surviving the loss of any cherished individual, can leave us a little wiser about love. WebC

breakup once and for all

rozchod jednou provdždy

Would you take a deep breath and say good bye, cutting all the connection, accepting all the cost of breakup once and for all? WebC

She decided to finish it - a breakup once and for all. WebC

This time, it was a breakup once and for all. WebC

bring a child into the world

přivést dítě na svět

The reason should be to make a couple happy to have the chance to bring a child into the world. WebC

An ability to help bring a child into the world and care for it does not necessarily create a good parent. BNC

When you bring a child into the world and give him (or her) your name, you are forever linked to his fate and responsible for his values and his reputation. WebC

bring up

vychovat, vyrůst

How do you bring up a child like that? BNC

When people do not know how to bring up or what to teach their children their cultural heritage is indeed in jeopardy. BNC

A school acts as a magnet for young people who want to bring up their family in a rural or well-defined small urban environment. BNC

bringing up

vychovávání, výchova (dětí)

But we also recognise that all families face extra costs in bringing up children. BNC

You concentrate so much on bringing up your children correctly, that suddenly you don't have a life of your own. BNC

On the one hand, bringing up children is seen as a purely private matter. BNC

by birth


Both men were part Austrian by birth and spent formative early years in Vienna. BNC

Many sociologists have assumed that social position is gained by individual achievement rather than by birth. BNC

It seems that he speaks no English although he has lived in this country for some time; he is in fact Italian by birth. BNC