martes, 16 de julio de 2024, 16:24
Sitio: OpenMoodle
Curso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glosario: FAMILY

be crazy/mad/nuts about sb.

být do koho blázen

Just perfect for each other. She was nuts about him and he was nuts about her. WebC

I was crazy about her and I still believe that she is the biggest influence I've ever had. WebC

Steve tells Mary that he was blind and is crazy about her. They kiss. WebC

be expecting (a baby)

být v jiném stavu/čekat dítě, dvojčata...

She returns to reality and goes to the park to tell Selby that she is expecting. WebC 

She is pleased to announce that she is expecting this spring. WebC

Madonna announced last week that she is expecting a second baby later this year. WebC

be fond of sb.

mít koho rád

She was fond of him, too, for he had a remarkable gentleness and courtesy in his dealings with women. WebC

It made him sad, for he was fond of her. BNC

She had a young brother, Kevin, who was fond of her in his quiet way. BNC

be great with child

nosit dítě pod srdcem

Joseph being a righteous man, when he perceived that Mary was great with child, was minded to put her away because he feared God. WebC

The young pioneer bride was "great with child," so instead of going on to Nicodemus, they stopped in Lawrence. WebC

By then I was great with child and focusing inward. WebC

be in a family way

být v jiném stavu

Uncle Jim wants her to stay put because she’s in a family way. WebC

Bertie was ecstatic to learn she was in a family way. WebC

Priss had missed two periods and appeared to be in a family way. WebC

be like a kid in a candy store

You should have seen him when they arrived. He was like a kid in a candy store. CIDI

Everyone has felt like a kid in a candy store at some point in their life. WebC

When I go out in my garden, I feel like a kid in a candy store. WebC

be like taking candy from a baby

hračka, snadná věc, žádný problém

Beating them was the easiest thing in the world - it was like taking candy from a baby. CIDI

So fighting a noob corp in empire space would be like taking candy from a baby ! WebC

The people are outrageously tight and stealing pots is like taking candy from a baby! WebC

be lovesick

chřadnout láskou

Orsino is lovesick for the beautiful Lady Olivia, but becomes more and more fond of his handsome new page boy, Cesario, who is actually a woman—Viola. WebC

The King, however, is lovesick and distracted.WebC

In May at the Bezukhov house, Helene congratulates Natasha on her engagement but confides that her brother Anatol is lovesick over her. WebC

be mothered by sb

být rozmazlován kým

Being mothered by a grandparent was certainly not always a happily remembered experience, and for one illegitimate Scots girl it generated a lifetime of mutual bitterness. BNC

Such worthy clients as the Lords Hanson and White, the John McEnroes, the Roger Moores, Richard Branson, Jack Nicholson and the entire chorus of supermodels, all enjoy being mothered by Mara. BNC

During Sonya’s long absence, Kelithe is largely mothered by her grandmother. WebC

be of humble origin

pocházet z malých poměrů

Villefort represent three different means by which an individual of humble origin entered elite Parisien society. WebC

There was one young man of humble origin named Yan Hui who wanted to be accepted as Confucius's student. WebC

She is of humble origin and never dreamed of such fortune. WebC

be one's father's son

být jako otec 

 But he was his father's son in temperament. WebC

The governor stared coolly across the threshold at Jack, who with the same dark, penetrating eyes was plainly his father's son. WebC

He was his father's son, and it was the music that drove him along, not the money or the fame, just as it had with Tim a generation before. WebC

be very attached to sb.

být velice oddán komu

One young woman is still as attached to her parents now as she was when she was small. BNC

She had been very attached to her but for some reason was quite unable to cry over her death. BNC

She was, in spite of her exasperated commotion, deeply attached to her elder sister. BNC

be with child

otěhotnět, těhotná

Emily was unable to make the journey, being heavy with child. CIDI

You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. WebC

A woman who thought she might be with child had to schedule an appointment with her doctor. WebC

bear children

plodit děti

Working women were delaying or curtailing their capacity to bear children, marrying later or perhaps being reluctant to have children at all. WebC 

One thing that struck me was the great need to bear children. WebC

Women leave, afraid to bear children in a city so close to the reactor. BNC

become engaged

zasnoubit se

I remember Princess Anne speaking briskly on television when she and Captain Mark Phillips became engaged. BNC

When they became engaged, his future mother-in-law said about her daughter, "I hope you will understand her." BNC

It was when we became engaged that things seemed to change. BNC