Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 4:04 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: FOOD

boil down to

scvrknout se (na pouhý)

Their evidence boiled down to this... (English Idioms and how to use them)

boil over

překypět, utéct (při vaření)

If you put on more fire the pot will boil over. (English Idioms and how to use them)

boil up

navařovati se, vzkypět

"But in the last couple of months we've seen things suddenly boil up --violent attacks, cars damaged, that sort of thing, along with loads of abuse." BNC

What I think was true was that the Falklands was not regarded as a front-line issue for some period of time, and indeed the forecast was that it wouldn't really boil up again until August or thereabouts in 1982. BNC

Then you can boil up the carcass for a turkey soup or stock. BNC

Brazil nut


Sweetcorn, chickpeas or maples may well be the going bait and it could then be an advantage to fish a couple of very large jumbo tiger nuts of half a brazil nut over the top of the baited area. BNC

Another help is selenium, a vital trace element: one brazil nut will provide your daily needs. BNC

But the Brazil nut is a seed with a thick wall, the walnut a drupe, a stony-seeded fruit. BNC

bread and butter


He's written one or two novels but journalism is his bread and butter. (Oxford Idioms)

bread and cheese

chléb se sýrem

idiomatic expression

Of course, if you squeeze yourself and your mates into a "compact" studio and live on bread and cheese, you can live more cheaply in France than in a Swiss hotel. BNC

How did the annexe people get their bread and cheese? BNC

bread and milk

chléb a mléko

idiomatic expression

Then we sussed out that bread and milk were delivered to the local restaurants really early. BNC

So we'd wait up all night, follow the delivery van around and survive on the bread and milk we could swipe. BNC

But they also take scraps thrown out for birds, together with the bread and milk put out for them by well-meaning animal lovers. BNC



breast milk

mateřské mléko

It is at Labour conferences that you get the sweet nuttiness of Baby Milk Action, which proclaims, "Breast Milk: a World Resource," and tells you, as a fact, that it would take 114 million lactating cows to replace the milk of the women of India. BNC

Her organisation is preparing a complaint about a Boots advertisement for Ostermilk featuring a bra with two Ostermilk tins inside, which claims: "Any closer to breast milk and we would have to change the packaging." BNC

A mother supplies her baby with the purest of all food, i.e. her breast milk. BNC

bring home the bacon


My boss told me that if I brought home the bacon on the new contract I would be given more wages. Longman Dictionary

Rumour had it that, particularly towards the end of the financial year when sales targets were a few thousand off and hopes of bonuses were beginning to fade, the sound of the office globe could be heard spinning as anxious sales staff searched the world for the magic market that would bring home the bacon.  BNC

Congresswoman Smith, I explained to students, is a first term member in the majority party facing a tough reelection race. As such, she needs to "bring home the bacon" to her district, but she hasn't yet been through the budget process and needs some ideas about how to authorize and fund a district project. WebCorp





burn sth to a crisp/cinder

spálit na uhel

Alan left the potatoes for so long that they were burnt to a crisp. (Oxford Idioms)

burn the midnight oil

chodit pozdě spát, pracovat dlouho do noci

Because of this insider's knowledge, I chose to record my fieldnotes surreptitiously and with much burning of the midnight oil. BNC

He burned, too much, the midnight oil. BNC

I have burned the midnight oil scanning the arid wastes of computer programming manuals, but at last a publisher has come up with a series of inexpensive, factually sound but palatable titles which aim to introduce the beginner to the fun that can be had with calculators, computers and cassette recorders. BNC

butcher's meat

výsekové maso