tirsdag, 16. juli 2024, 18:01
Portal: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

ball park figure

přibližný odhad

Ball park figure, will this thing be out next year?

Feel free to ask him or her to give you a ballpark figure about the percentage of couples he or she works with who leave with their marriages intact and are ...

A ballpark figure is much higher


bar code

čárový kód    cool

Every product at the supermarket has a UPC bar code. WebC

The bar code must, at a minimum, contain the drug's National Drug Code (NDC) number, which uniquely identifies the drug. WebC

The first patent for bar code was issued to inventors Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver on October 7 1952.

bar code scanner

snímač čárového kódu      wide eyes

Metrologic’s MS6720 is the first laser bar code scanner to truly bridge the gap between omni-directional fixed projection and hand-held scanners. WebC

The LS 3200ER provides the greatest range of any bar code scanner with extended range reading capabilities from 4 inches to 35 feet. WebC

The company installed the world's first bar code scanner in a supermarket in 1974.  WebC

be all over the shop

všude (hovor.), halabala, páté přes deváté, bez ladu a skladu   thoughtful

The presents were fantastic, but she shipped the stuff with about 7,000 evil packing peanuts, which naturally dispersed themselves all over the shop. WebC

The movie's dilemma is that its luxurious pace ambles all over the shop, never really getting anywhere or bringing any of the characters to a satisfying conclusion. BNC

We put the same bright yellow flier-invitations on our door and all over the shop so people would see and be reminded everywhere they looked. WebC

be badly off

být na tom finančně špatně    sad

He is badly off for money. WebC

He is badly off because of his waste. WebC

You see at home we are badly off economically, my mom has eight children besides me, and she has to work for all of them because her husband is very old and now almost no one hires him. WebC

be behind the times

být staromódní   mixed

That woman in the old-fashioned clothes is behind the times.  WebC

The office I’m placed in is behind the times, technologically speaking, and I repeatedly compare it to a medieval society... WebC

Avant-garde art is behind the times, and the times are about mass communication by means of technology built on the back of science. WebC

be better off

zámožnější  clown

We occasionally encounter the claim that a plaintiff is better off  financially than before the accident, or at least will be better off in the future. WebC

Customers are better off today than they were a year ago. WebC

Survey argues that UK employees are better off than their European neighbours. WebC

be broke

být na mizině   sad

I am broke and have no income whatsoever. WebC

I am broke, I do not have a lot of knowledge and my credit is bad; however, I am willing to work hard.  WebC

I am broke and drinking water out of the tap. WebC

be caught short

mít nedostatek (obv.peněz)   sad

We went to lunch and I was caught short and had to ask Tom to pay the bill. WebC

The City Council is caught short of money that should be refunded to senior citizen and disabled bus riders... WebC

If a bank is caught short of cash to meet fund outflows, it will be forced to sell its (non-liquid) asset quickly and suffer capital losses... WebC

be cheesy

být nevkusný, laciný, nemožný    thoughtful

Valentine's Day is cheesy and interferes with my birthday.  WebC

Yes, the story is cheesy, but it moves along at a good pace and most of the acting is good. WebC

The first season was good, but this one is cheesy. WebC

be dirty with money

mít peněz jako šlupek   big grin

Europeans, he knew, were dirty with money but had no scruples. WebC

This was a place to make money; also where else could you go party, have fun and go home all dirty with money... WebC.

He was dirty with money and therefore could buy anything he wanted.  PDEI

be flush with (of) money

být při penězích    wink

According to the farmers, the board is said to be flush with money collected through levies and penalties. WebC

Unlike most Third World countries seeking influence in Washington, Saudi Arabia is
flush with money and hence has no need for foreign aid... WebC

Although China is flush with money to spend, its leaders know spending too much
at home could overheat the economy... WebC

be fooled out of one's money

být ošizen o peníze    mixed

I would have went home but I was ashamed to go after being fooled out of my money... WebC 

I was never so fooled out of my money before, since the house of my birth. WebC

I was, however, a little suspicious about being fooled out of my money, and I asked
him if I did advance the money what security I could have... WebC

be in a tight squeeze

být ve složité finanční situaci    mixed

Faced with an increase in government fees, rising benefit costs, declining enrolments, and rising supply costs, the Board is in a tight squeeze. WebC

The company is in a tight squeeze now that sales are down from last year.  WebC

Schools across the country are in a tight squeeze because local support is declining while the need for technologically advanced programs is rising. WebC

be in clover

žít v nadbytku, mít na růžích ustláno    kiss

Eugene Kelly is in clover. Thanks to Kurt Cobain, he doesn't have to work again.  WebC

American foreign policy kept him in power and in clover. BNC

If the reader is motivated and interested and has the money to spend, the bookseller is in clover. WebC

be in funds

být při penězích    kiss

Perry will be planning to leave for the Continent as soon as he is in funds. WebC

It will be used to finance an expensive lifestyle or habit, and many serious and organised criminals appear to be short of money as often as they are in funds. WebC

As soon as they are in funds they ride into town, drink, gamble and fight. WebC

be in hock

mít věci v zatsavárně, být zadlužený   shy

The little guy is the typical American, and he's deeply in debt. The little guy is in hock up to his ears. WebC

The average household and business today is in hock up to their necks.  WebC

In 1992, the average household owed only $56 for every $100 it earned. Now, it is in hock, owing $125 for every $100 earned. WebC

be in hock to sb

být zadlužený u koho   black eye

Bernie is in hock to the club and to Shelly for a large gambling debt and has been paying it off by chilling shooters on a hot streak. WebC

Today, the United States of America is in hock to about 12 nations around the world, including those very same oil kingdoms, but also nations like China. WebC

He is in hock to the mob and desperately needs to raise some cash.  WebC

be in low water

být finančně na mizině   sad

It is general knowledge that the economy of Brazil is in low water and much more precarious than that of this country. WebC

If the country is in low water today, the blame attaches not to the government’s performance, but overwhelmingly to the destructive venom of the opposition ...  WebC

When you cannot afford to pay taxes, you are in low water. WebC

be in the hole

být v dluzích, v nouzi  mixed

The band is now 1/4 of the way through its contract, has made the music industry more than 3 million dollars richer, but is in the hole $14,000 on royalties. Webc

The state of California is in the hole by $8 billion for the coming year. WebC

In the 3rd District, incumbent Cannon has a relatively meager $26,791 in cash on hand — but has outstanding debts of $33,478, meaning he is in the hole. WebC

be in the money

být při penězích   tongueout

If the potential gains are better than 3 times my potential losses, I am in the money. WebC

Forget the bank, kids are in the money and they're ready to spend. WebC

You will be able to see if you are in the money or out of the money. WebC

be no bargain

za moc nestát, nebýt žádná výhra   thoughtful

A plant on sale at the end of the season is no bargain if it's diseased. WebC

An inside cabin is no bargain if you suffer from claustrophobia. WebC

Buying a used Fujica camera even with the lenses listed, is no bargain, as there are few parts for it and fewer repair shops willing to fix it. WebC

be out of bread

být bez peněz, bez výdělku   sad

If a man is out of bread he can hardly find a house ... WebC

Greg now wants to see Black Sabbath at Cobo H. next Sunday but he is out of "bread". WebC

He was out of bread and out of hope. WebC

be out of stock

nemít na skladě   mixed

We will notify you if the item you ordered is out-of-stock.  WebC

If your top choice is out of stock, we'll wait a few hours to see whether we can get it for you. BNC

What happens if one of the products I ordered is out of stock? WebC

be penniless

nemít ani halíř   sad

At the beginning of the novel, she is penniless, but she quickly inherits and learns to run a farm in Weatherbury... WebC

He is an American writer who is penniless and calls himself a "loser."  WebC

She is penniless and receives no pension whatsoever.  WebC

be penny wise and pound foolish

 šetřit na všcech které stojí málo, ale utrácet za drahé zbytečnosti   shy

Trying to save a few dollars but losing a customer is penny wise and pound foolish. WebC

It is penny-wise and pound-foolish to try to save a few bucks by going to the office supply store and buying a generic sales contract that might not be valid. WebC

States have difficult budget choices to make, but it is penny wise and pound foolish for them to cut tobacco prevention. WebC

be rolling in money

bohatý, zavalený penězmi   approve

They're rolling in money at the new county government center. WebC

Unless you are rolling in money, you won’t be able to pay cash to buy your first home. WebC

They are oppressed and exploited by the ruling Dutch, who are rolling in money while the people are nearly starving to death. WebC

be stone-broke

být bez peněz   sad

Since I am stone broke - would you buy us some coffee so we can spend some time together? WebC

His brother is stone broke and won't be able to come to the movie with us.  WebC

How does the president Bush, still manage to carry on with smirk and sqagger....when he is stone broke and living on borrowed money? WebC

be strapped for cash

nemít k dispozici žádné peníze    mixed

The city is strapped for cash and is expected to make some significant cuts to its budget for next year. WebC

In this nation of 37 million people, almost everyone is strapped for cash. WebC

The National Health Service there provides care for free to citizens, so it is strapped for cash. WebC

be the fashion

být v módě    cool

The 'in thing' changes so fast that change is the fashion of the day... WebC

Her skirts were much fuller and began lower down than is the fashion in France.  WebC

Technology is the fashion of the '90s. WebC

be up for sale

být inzerován na prodej    surprise

The company that owns London's top two exhibition halls is up for sale... WebC

The London home where 007 author Ian Fleming lived for the last eleven
years of his life is up for sale... WebC

Everything we have listed here is up for sale; let us know if you're interested. WebC

be waiting in line

čekat ve frontě   mixed

A little girl is waiting in line to see Santa.  WebC

They don't have to wait in line or make quick decisions because someone is waiting in line behind them. WebC

When they finish with one customer, they move on to the next customer that is waiting in line.  WebC

bear market

trh s klesajícími cenami     blush

My view is that an important market top has been completed, and that the primary bear market is read to assert itself again. WebC

We began comparing this Nasdaq bear market to the the 1929 bear market in mid 2000. WebC

The ferocious bear market that began in April 2000 has been a costly and unnerving experience for millions of investors.  WebC

beat money out of sb

vyrazit z někoho peníze    tongueout

They should learn to quit trying to beat money out of a dead horse. WebC

They won't come to your house to beat money out of you, unless you've managed to do tons without paying for it. WebC

That issue dealt with the fact that the NEA is using legislation to beat money out of the taxpayers... WebC

big spender

ten, kdo hodně utrácí   mixed

New defence minister a big spender. WebC

It's a hard sell to convince young people who are the big spenders that cider is the most fashionable drink. WASPS

Report calls city of Pittsburgh a big spender.  WebC

blow one's money on sth

utratit všechny své peníze najednout, rozhazovat penězi   thoughtful

But my dad blew his money on drinking and drugs and buying rounds for his friends. WebC

He blew his money on alcohol and spent late nights at a bar, leaving his wife at home stressed out and worried about her husband. WebC

After the 16th century, tastes changed again; royal families blew their money on lavish parties instead of sculptures honoring the dead. WebC

blow one's stake

přijít o/utratit všechny své peníze     mixed

We now went uptown, for we didn't see a town very often, to blow our stake.  WebC

Larger bets may be more to your liking if you're willing to blow your stake in a grab at a bigger prize. WebC

They come to a ranch an' work up a stake and then they go into town and blow their
stake...  WebC

book bargain

výprodej knih    wink

The Friends shop is a popular place for book bargain hunters. WebC

If you are looking for a book bargain, this is it. WebC

It is indeed a book bargain day, as the maximum price on any item is $1.00. WebC

born with a silver spoon in one`s mouth

od narození dobře zaopatřený   cool

Charles was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, in the castle of Arona in Northern Italy, on October 2, 1538. WebC

The student in our class was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He's never worked a day in his life. WebC

He didn't work for anything. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and just expects to be treated like a king. WebC

bottom out

Dosiahnuť najnižšiu úroveň, padnúť až na dno

1. And of course that become overlayed by the Gulf situation , but there are clear signs now that the recession has bottomed out but that we 're on the way up again. BNCB

2. This potential demand is estimated to be of the order of 600,000 , and if it becomes clear that the housing market has bottomed out and house prices are rising once more , it could provide significant support to the housing market . BNCB

3. It 's bottomed out now , but it 's fallen by about fifty or sixty in the last eight months . BNCB

brand new

zbrusu nový   kiss

There was this guy who had just bought a brand new Ferrari F-50 and he was taking it for a cruise. WebC

I just bought a brand new pine table that is painted black from Spiegel.  WebC

When was the last time you bought a brand new car? WebC

bread and butter

 živobytí, obživa    approve

I’ll keep my radio job for fun, but the Monkey knife fighting is my bread and butter, and my passion. WebC

The glamour industry of course, is my bread and butter. WebC

Because tennis is my bread and butter I would not stop playing. WebC

bread line

fronta na potraviny rozdávané charitou; existenční minimum   dead

Right now I guess I'll focus on this life and finding something to keep me out of the bread line. WebC

Finally, I stood in the bread line in Twenty-fifth Street... WebC

It must be understood that about 80 per cent of the Indian people live below the bread line.  WebC

bring home the bacon

živit rodinu

One of the reasons why Anne's parents approved of her new husband was the fact that he really brought home the bacon. Google

Can women bring home the bacon and have their husbands not feel emasculated? WebCorp

Why are today's two-income household budgets leaner than when just one parent brought home the bacon? Google

bucket shop

cestovní agentura, kde je možné zakoupit levné letenky   smile

If you manage to get a ticket from a bucket shop, make sure you read the fine print. WebC

Your best bet may be to fly to London, or even Munich, and pick up a cheap flight from a bucket shop there. WebC

If you're just after cheap international airfare, you're probably better off going to a bucket shop. WebC

buy a lemon

koupit bezcennou, nepoužitelnou věc (obvykle o autě)  sad

If you think you've bought a lemon, first try to resolve the problem with your dealer. WebC

You don't know if you've bought a lemon until it's too late. WebC

Initially we loved the car but began having lots of problems, I think we were just unlucky and had bought a lemon. WebC

buy a pig in a poke

kupovat zajíce v pytli   clown

There's a definite limit on what you can successfully sell through a classified ad because people simply won't buy "a pig in a poke". WebC

While English speakers must be careful not to buy a pig in a poke, Czechs have to watch out for hares in sacks. WebC

"They're asking people to buy a pig in a poke, and not really telling us what the pig looks like," he said. WebC

buy a pup

koupit něco bezcenného   shy

The car didn't even have a cam cover over the timing belt so I guess I bought a pup. WebC

The fact is that the Government bought a pup. WebC

At Wimbledon the size and nature of the crowds led Sam to sell to those who ultimately felt that they had bought a pup. WebC

buy a round for the house

koupit rundu každému v hospodě   wide eyes

After the trophy was presented, Jimmy bought a round for the house. WebC

The owner of the Little Lambs Eat Ivy, bought a round for the house. WebC

When Ilo and Alfred made their Round Top deliveries they usually bought a round for the house. WebC

buy at a discount

zakoupit ve slevě    big grin

He had been almost tempted to buy some from her at a discount until he remembered her prices. WebC

Many  families are buying their gifts at a discount! WebC

Well you you buy it all at thirty three or twenty five percent discount so you can then  sell it  at a bit more. WebC

buy at retail

kupovat v malém množství   blush

Please set a reasonable price because our dealers can't buy at retail.

Florida's utilities say that they don't buy at retail; they buy at wholesale.  WebC

Collectors generally buy at retail and have to sell at wholesale. WebC

buy cheap

koupit lacino    big grin

Do you want to buy cheap Viagra online? WebC

Where to buy cheap Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Panasonic, Sony Ericssson and Siemens mobile phones that support polyphonic ringtones.  WebC

Find the best places to buy cheap washing machines online in the UK... WebC

buy in bulk

nakupovat ve velkém množství    kiss

When you buy in bulk it's a good idea to get your cupboards in order.  WebC

With more expensive products, such as office furniture and equipment, the cost may be the same whether you buy in bulk or individually.  WebC

I buy in bulk, break it up into smaller portions and freeze or store it.  WebC

buy odds and ends

nakupovat drobnosti   wink

In the industrial age, many of us went to the super market to buy groceries and other essentials, sometimes to the flea market to buy odds and ends. WebC

I'm on a fixed income and it is just enough to pay my bills and buy odds and ends for the children. WebC

They are able to buy odds and ends such as school supplies, laundry supplies, pet food, assorted nuts and bolts, and packaged ice cream.  WebC

buy quality goods

kupovat kvalitní zboží    wink

You can buy quality goods from all the top designers securely online. WebC

There is an astonishing variety of places to buy quality goods of all sorts, including clothes, china, furnishings, works of art, books, kitchenware and food ...  WebC

If you want to buy quality goods and fresh vegetables and fruit, you should go to the Wochenmarkt.  WebC

buy sight unseen

kupovat zajíce v pytli   evil

Just like anything you buy sight unseen, you've got to evaluate the situation and ultimately decide if you're up to the risk. WebC

There are no used cars I would buy sight unseen, but there are people (very few) whose used cars I would buy sight unseen. WebC

Anyone will buy the first time, but only a very satisfied customer will buy sight unseen the second time. WebC

buy someone's silence

zaplatit někomu za to, že bude mlčet   thoughtful

What's the world coming to when you can't buy someone's silence without being cheated out of your shareholders' hard-earned cash? WebC

"Rome is more than aware that to buy someone's silence can easily backfire and create more harm than good," Quevedo said. WebC

Sheila told Mike what happened and bought his silence with a kiss. WebC

buy sth as it stands

koupit něco jak to stojí a leží    approve

After the cure's death the house had been for sale; and Benassis, who had only just come into the country, had bought it as it stood... WebC

Even if the US multinational monopoly oil companies extract the oil, nobody is going to buy it as it stands today and for a very long time. WebC

I found the trees in the near by national forest and bought them as they stood. WebC

buy sth at a high rate

kupovat draze   evil

Even third grade quality tea was also bought at a high rate by Russia. WebC

Much of the fuel is smuggled out of the country at a profit, causing fuel shortages and leaving most ordinary people to buy at a high rate on the black market ... WebC

The Ehtesab Bureau has alleged that the Zardaris were given $400 million in kickbacks for agreeing to buy at a high rate the power produced by these two major projects as well as from numerous other private power producers.

buy sth for a song

koupit něco za babku    approve

We have heard that the place was going downhill a few years ago and, as a result, they'd bought it for a song. WebC

bought it for a song, and after almost ten years of joy, sold it (like an idiot) for a little more than three times what I paid for it. WebC

He bought a princely palace and he bought it for a song. WebC

buy sth on credit

koupit něco na úvěr    ;-)

This extra cost means that an item bought on credit will cost more than the same item purchased at the same time for cash. WebC

The credit industry says the majority of consumer items are bought on credit. WebC

The main advantage of the action is same cost of washing machines bought on credit and in cash. WebC

buy sth on easy terms

koupit něco na mírné splátky   smile

The lantern can be bought on easy terms and comes with a number of convenient extras thrown in. WebC

There is a great deal of property for sale that can be bought on easy terms... WebC

A little bit of land near the town or the city can be rented or bought on easy terms ... WebC

buy sth second hand

koupit něco z druhé ruky    wink

Seven years ago Viktor bought the car second-hand in Germany. WebC

Jack bought the car second-hand from a dealer called the Smiling Pilgrim. BNC

We bought the car second hand, so there were no instructions.  WebC

buy the farm

zemřít   dead

Strom Thurmond bought the Farm! At the ripe old age of 100, Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina has passed away. WebC

"Where's Henry?" "Oh, he bought the farm years ago - died of cancer..." WebC

For instance, if someone has bought the farm, it means that the person is dead. WebC

buy up

skoupit, vykoupit produkt nebo akcie podniku    big grin

We buy up to whole warehouses of consumer products. WebC

At closing time, Abe comes in and buys up the last shares. WMDI

US multinationals buy up Australian plantations at the expense of native forests. WebC

buy wholesale

skoupit, nakupovat ve velkém   kiss

You must be a store, salon or natural/holistic business in order to buy wholesale from us. WebC

For little money you could buy wholesale hair accessories. BNC

Do you need to buy wholesale fireworks, but are hesitant to pay high retail prices? WebC

buying binge

nákupní horečka    wink

It's time for the annual back to school buying binge.  WebC

If your shopping has become out of control, experts say you must learn to simply walk away when you feel a buying binge coming on. WebC

This year's online holiday buying binge so far has shattered existing records. WebC