úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.40
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

ball park figure

přibližný odhad

Ball park figure, will this thing be out next year?

Feel free to ask him or her to give you a ballpark figure about the percentage of couples he or she works with who leave with their marriages intact and are ...

A ballpark figure is much higher


bar code

čárový kód    cool

Every product at the supermarket has a UPC bar code. WebC

The bar code must, at a minimum, contain the drug's National Drug Code (NDC) number, which uniquely identifies the drug. WebC

The first patent for bar code was issued to inventors Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver on October 7 1952.

bar code scanner

snímač čárového kódu      wide eyes

Metrologic’s MS6720 is the first laser bar code scanner to truly bridge the gap between omni-directional fixed projection and hand-held scanners. WebC

The LS 3200ER provides the greatest range of any bar code scanner with extended range reading capabilities from 4 inches to 35 feet. WebC

The company installed the world's first bar code scanner in a supermarket in 1974.  WebC

be all over the shop

všude (hovor.), halabala, páté přes deváté, bez ladu a skladu   thoughtful

The presents were fantastic, but she shipped the stuff with about 7,000 evil packing peanuts, which naturally dispersed themselves all over the shop. WebC

The movie's dilemma is that its luxurious pace ambles all over the shop, never really getting anywhere or bringing any of the characters to a satisfying conclusion. BNC

We put the same bright yellow flier-invitations on our door and all over the shop so people would see and be reminded everywhere they looked. WebC

be badly off

být na tom finančně špatně    sad

He is badly off for money. WebC

He is badly off because of his waste. WebC

You see at home we are badly off economically, my mom has eight children besides me, and she has to work for all of them because her husband is very old and now almost no one hires him. WebC

be behind the times

být staromódní   mixed

That woman in the old-fashioned clothes is behind the times.  WebC

The office I’m placed in is behind the times, technologically speaking, and I repeatedly compare it to a medieval society... WebC

Avant-garde art is behind the times, and the times are about mass communication by means of technology built on the back of science. WebC

be better off

zámožnější  clown

We occasionally encounter the claim that a plaintiff is better off  financially than before the accident, or at least will be better off in the future. WebC

Customers are better off today than they were a year ago. WebC

Survey argues that UK employees are better off than their European neighbours. WebC

be broke

být na mizině   sad

I am broke and have no income whatsoever. WebC

I am broke, I do not have a lot of knowledge and my credit is bad; however, I am willing to work hard.  WebC

I am broke and drinking water out of the tap. WebC

be caught short

mít nedostatek (obv.peněz)   sad

We went to lunch and I was caught short and had to ask Tom to pay the bill. WebC

The City Council is caught short of money that should be refunded to senior citizen and disabled bus riders... WebC

If a bank is caught short of cash to meet fund outflows, it will be forced to sell its (non-liquid) asset quickly and suffer capital losses... WebC

be cheesy

být nevkusný, laciný, nemožný    thoughtful

Valentine's Day is cheesy and interferes with my birthday.  WebC

Yes, the story is cheesy, but it moves along at a good pace and most of the acting is good. WebC

The first season was good, but this one is cheesy. WebC

be dirty with money

mít peněz jako šlupek   big grin

Europeans, he knew, were dirty with money but had no scruples. WebC

This was a place to make money; also where else could you go party, have fun and go home all dirty with money... WebC.

He was dirty with money and therefore could buy anything he wanted.  PDEI

be flush with (of) money

být při penězích    wink

According to the farmers, the board is said to be flush with money collected through levies and penalties. WebC

Unlike most Third World countries seeking influence in Washington, Saudi Arabia is
flush with money and hence has no need for foreign aid... WebC

Although China is flush with money to spend, its leaders know spending too much
at home could overheat the economy... WebC

be fooled out of one's money

být ošizen o peníze    mixed

I would have went home but I was ashamed to go after being fooled out of my money... WebC 

I was never so fooled out of my money before, since the house of my birth. WebC

I was, however, a little suspicious about being fooled out of my money, and I asked
him if I did advance the money what security I could have... WebC

be in a tight squeeze

být ve složité finanční situaci    mixed

Faced with an increase in government fees, rising benefit costs, declining enrolments, and rising supply costs, the Board is in a tight squeeze. WebC

The company is in a tight squeeze now that sales are down from last year.  WebC

Schools across the country are in a tight squeeze because local support is declining while the need for technologically advanced programs is rising. WebC

be in clover

žít v nadbytku, mít na růžích ustláno    kiss

Eugene Kelly is in clover. Thanks to Kurt Cobain, he doesn't have to work again.  WebC

American foreign policy kept him in power and in clover. BNC

If the reader is motivated and interested and has the money to spend, the bookseller is in clover. WebC