tisdag, 16 juli 2024, 17:29
Startsida: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Ordlista: SHOPPING

be in funds

být při penězích    kiss

Perry will be planning to leave for the Continent as soon as he is in funds. WebC

It will be used to finance an expensive lifestyle or habit, and many serious and organised criminals appear to be short of money as often as they are in funds. WebC

As soon as they are in funds they ride into town, drink, gamble and fight. WebC

be in hock

mít věci v zatsavárně, být zadlužený   shy

The little guy is the typical American, and he's deeply in debt. The little guy is in hock up to his ears. WebC

The average household and business today is in hock up to their necks.  WebC

In 1992, the average household owed only $56 for every $100 it earned. Now, it is in hock, owing $125 for every $100 earned. WebC

be in hock to sb

být zadlužený u koho   black eye

Bernie is in hock to the club and to Shelly for a large gambling debt and has been paying it off by chilling shooters on a hot streak. WebC

Today, the United States of America is in hock to about 12 nations around the world, including those very same oil kingdoms, but also nations like China. WebC

He is in hock to the mob and desperately needs to raise some cash.  WebC

be in low water

být finančně na mizině   sad

It is general knowledge that the economy of Brazil is in low water and much more precarious than that of this country. WebC

If the country is in low water today, the blame attaches not to the government’s performance, but overwhelmingly to the destructive venom of the opposition ...  WebC

When you cannot afford to pay taxes, you are in low water. WebC

be in the hole

být v dluzích, v nouzi  mixed

The band is now 1/4 of the way through its contract, has made the music industry more than 3 million dollars richer, but is in the hole $14,000 on royalties. Webc

The state of California is in the hole by $8 billion for the coming year. WebC

In the 3rd District, incumbent Cannon has a relatively meager $26,791 in cash on hand — but has outstanding debts of $33,478, meaning he is in the hole. WebC

be in the money

být při penězích   tongueout

If the potential gains are better than 3 times my potential losses, I am in the money. WebC

Forget the bank, kids are in the money and they're ready to spend. WebC

You will be able to see if you are in the money or out of the money. WebC

be no bargain

za moc nestát, nebýt žádná výhra   thoughtful

A plant on sale at the end of the season is no bargain if it's diseased. WebC

An inside cabin is no bargain if you suffer from claustrophobia. WebC

Buying a used Fujica camera even with the lenses listed, is no bargain, as there are few parts for it and fewer repair shops willing to fix it. WebC

be out of bread

být bez peněz, bez výdělku   sad

If a man is out of bread he can hardly find a house ... WebC

Greg now wants to see Black Sabbath at Cobo H. next Sunday but he is out of "bread". WebC

He was out of bread and out of hope. WebC

be out of stock

nemít na skladě   mixed

We will notify you if the item you ordered is out-of-stock.  WebC

If your top choice is out of stock, we'll wait a few hours to see whether we can get it for you. BNC

What happens if one of the products I ordered is out of stock? WebC

be penniless

nemít ani halíř   sad

At the beginning of the novel, she is penniless, but she quickly inherits and learns to run a farm in Weatherbury... WebC

He is an American writer who is penniless and calls himself a "loser."  WebC

She is penniless and receives no pension whatsoever.  WebC

be penny wise and pound foolish

 šetřit na všcech které stojí málo, ale utrácet za drahé zbytečnosti   shy

Trying to save a few dollars but losing a customer is penny wise and pound foolish. WebC

It is penny-wise and pound-foolish to try to save a few bucks by going to the office supply store and buying a generic sales contract that might not be valid. WebC

States have difficult budget choices to make, but it is penny wise and pound foolish for them to cut tobacco prevention. WebC

be rolling in money

bohatý, zavalený penězmi   approve

They're rolling in money at the new county government center. WebC

Unless you are rolling in money, you won’t be able to pay cash to buy your first home. WebC

They are oppressed and exploited by the ruling Dutch, who are rolling in money while the people are nearly starving to death. WebC

be stone-broke

být bez peněz   sad

Since I am stone broke - would you buy us some coffee so we can spend some time together? WebC

His brother is stone broke and won't be able to come to the movie with us.  WebC

How does the president Bush, still manage to carry on with smirk and sqagger....when he is stone broke and living on borrowed money? WebC

be strapped for cash

nemít k dispozici žádné peníze    mixed

The city is strapped for cash and is expected to make some significant cuts to its budget for next year. WebC

In this nation of 37 million people, almost everyone is strapped for cash. WebC

The National Health Service there provides care for free to citizens, so it is strapped for cash. WebC

be the fashion

být v módě    cool

The 'in thing' changes so fast that change is the fashion of the day... WebC

Her skirts were much fuller and began lower down than is the fashion in France.  WebC

Technology is the fashion of the '90s. WebC