úterý, 16. července 2024, 17.38
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

buy a lemon

koupit bezcennou, nepoužitelnou věc (obvykle o autě)  sad

If you think you've bought a lemon, first try to resolve the problem with your dealer. WebC

You don't know if you've bought a lemon until it's too late. WebC

Initially we loved the car but began having lots of problems, I think we were just unlucky and had bought a lemon. WebC

buy a pig in a poke

kupovat zajíce v pytli   clown

There's a definite limit on what you can successfully sell through a classified ad because people simply won't buy "a pig in a poke". WebC

While English speakers must be careful not to buy a pig in a poke, Czechs have to watch out for hares in sacks. WebC

"They're asking people to buy a pig in a poke, and not really telling us what the pig looks like," he said. WebC

buy a pup

koupit něco bezcenného   shy

The car didn't even have a cam cover over the timing belt so I guess I bought a pup. WebC

The fact is that the Government bought a pup. WebC

At Wimbledon the size and nature of the crowds led Sam to sell to those who ultimately felt that they had bought a pup. WebC

buy a round for the house

koupit rundu každému v hospodě   wide eyes

After the trophy was presented, Jimmy bought a round for the house. WebC

The owner of the Little Lambs Eat Ivy, bought a round for the house. WebC

When Ilo and Alfred made their Round Top deliveries they usually bought a round for the house. WebC

buy at a discount

zakoupit ve slevě    big grin

He had been almost tempted to buy some from her at a discount until he remembered her prices. WebC

Many  families are buying their gifts at a discount! WebC

Well you you buy it all at thirty three or twenty five percent discount so you can then  sell it  at a bit more. WebC

buy at retail

kupovat v malém množství   blush

Please set a reasonable price because our dealers can't buy at retail.

Florida's utilities say that they don't buy at retail; they buy at wholesale.  WebC

Collectors generally buy at retail and have to sell at wholesale. WebC

buy cheap

koupit lacino    big grin

Do you want to buy cheap Viagra online? WebC

Where to buy cheap Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Panasonic, Sony Ericssson and Siemens mobile phones that support polyphonic ringtones.  WebC

Find the best places to buy cheap washing machines online in the UK... WebC

buy in bulk

nakupovat ve velkém množství    kiss

When you buy in bulk it's a good idea to get your cupboards in order.  WebC

With more expensive products, such as office furniture and equipment, the cost may be the same whether you buy in bulk or individually.  WebC

I buy in bulk, break it up into smaller portions and freeze or store it.  WebC

buy odds and ends

nakupovat drobnosti   wink

In the industrial age, many of us went to the super market to buy groceries and other essentials, sometimes to the flea market to buy odds and ends. WebC

I'm on a fixed income and it is just enough to pay my bills and buy odds and ends for the children. WebC

They are able to buy odds and ends such as school supplies, laundry supplies, pet food, assorted nuts and bolts, and packaged ice cream.  WebC

buy quality goods

kupovat kvalitní zboží    wink

You can buy quality goods from all the top designers securely online. WebC

There is an astonishing variety of places to buy quality goods of all sorts, including clothes, china, furnishings, works of art, books, kitchenware and food ...  WebC

If you want to buy quality goods and fresh vegetables and fruit, you should go to the Wochenmarkt.  WebC

buy sight unseen

kupovat zajíce v pytli   evil

Just like anything you buy sight unseen, you've got to evaluate the situation and ultimately decide if you're up to the risk. WebC

There are no used cars I would buy sight unseen, but there are people (very few) whose used cars I would buy sight unseen. WebC

Anyone will buy the first time, but only a very satisfied customer will buy sight unseen the second time. WebC

buy someone's silence

zaplatit někomu za to, že bude mlčet   thoughtful

What's the world coming to when you can't buy someone's silence without being cheated out of your shareholders' hard-earned cash? WebC

"Rome is more than aware that to buy someone's silence can easily backfire and create more harm than good," Quevedo said. WebC

Sheila told Mike what happened and bought his silence with a kiss. WebC

buy sth as it stands

koupit něco jak to stojí a leží    approve

After the cure's death the house had been for sale; and Benassis, who had only just come into the country, had bought it as it stood... WebC

Even if the US multinational monopoly oil companies extract the oil, nobody is going to buy it as it stands today and for a very long time. WebC

I found the trees in the near by national forest and bought them as they stood. WebC

buy sth at a high rate

kupovat draze   evil

Even third grade quality tea was also bought at a high rate by Russia. WebC

Much of the fuel is smuggled out of the country at a profit, causing fuel shortages and leaving most ordinary people to buy at a high rate on the black market ... WebC

The Ehtesab Bureau has alleged that the Zardaris were given $400 million in kickbacks for agreeing to buy at a high rate the power produced by these two major projects as well as from numerous other private power producers.

buy sth for a song

koupit něco za babku    approve

We have heard that the place was going downhill a few years ago and, as a result, they'd bought it for a song. WebC

bought it for a song, and after almost ten years of joy, sold it (like an idiot) for a little more than three times what I paid for it. WebC

He bought a princely palace and he bought it for a song. WebC