úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.49
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)



1. I had even studied Geology as my science subject and although I was cack-handed and obtuse when it came to the practical side had enjoyed the theory well enough. BNC

2. Glynn's fax duly arrived and when it became apparent that the wiring was beyond the skills of a cack-handed caveman they promptly offered to collect the guitar, modify it and return it within a few working days. BNC

3. She doesn`t strike me as the practical sort - she`s a bit cack-handed. CIDoI

call it a day

koniec pracovnej zmeny, "padla"

1. By five o'clock, just as Merrill was about to call it a day, she was offered the lease on a small flat in a pleasant, tree-lined avenue. BNC

2. Wouldn't he call it a day, and let me go home? BNC

3. After 8 hours of work we are able to call it a day. Google

call the shots

byť vo vedúcej pozícii

1. Reluctance to use this strategy can come from a feeling that you don't have a right to control, that you can't call the shots, that you are powerless. BNC

2. It was also a job in which Selina was able to call the shots, or so she thought. BNC

3. It was the therapy that gave me the strength to leave my girlfriend because through it I established the fact that I was prone to passivity, always waiting for other people to call the shots. BNC

call the tune

udávať tón

1. Money is power, and for this reason employment continues to call the tune. BNC

2. The rich and the powerful call the tune. BNC

3. You young girls can call the tune nowadays. BNC



"...to be capable of concluding a contract..."

carry the can

"schytať to," "odniesť si to"

1. If anyone makes a mistake, it's the senior person who has to carry the can. BNC

2. As cricket chairman, I was left to carry the can for a move that made no sense and was none of my doing. BNC

3. It wasn't their fault, usually, that the firm was doing badly, but they had to carry the can. BNC

carve out a niche

carve out a niche

find a special market that you can control
najít si "díru na trhu"

To succeed in this competitive world, you have to focus on part of it. Try to carve out a niche and be number one in that are.

cash machine

- automatic machine from which clients of a bank may withdraw money; ATM

cast aspersions on

niekoho očierňovať

1. Under the censorship rules in force throughout the 1930s , they would not have been able to cast aspersions on a foreign power , tackle the relations between capital and labour , or take an irreverent view of the army. WASPS

2. This fact is not intended to hurt anyone 's feelings , and still less , dear reader , to cast any aspersions on your honesty and integrity. WASPS

3. Criticism of a verdict which casts aspersions on the integrity of jurors may , of course , attract libel actions on that score. WASPS


CEO - the top officer in a company, the chief executive officer
"How can we find a good CEO who knows how to run a business in today's business environment?"

cherry-picking of new staff

common practice in UK, when top brand companies recruit their potential employees among Oxford or Cambridge graduates

chew the fat

s niekým si "pokecať"

1. We spent the evening watching the TV and chewing the fat. CIDoI

2. And during his flying visit to Belfast, Mr Grade took time out to chew the fat about the old days. BNC

3. Sure like to chew the fat with you, but I got a busy day on. BNC

clear sth up

1. vyjasnit, objasnit co

If we could clear up the cause of this fault in the machine, we could get to work on finding a solution.

2. dokončit co

I cannot leave the office tonight until I have cleared up all this urgent correspondence.

3. splatit, uhradit, vyrovnat co

In order to clear up your debts at this bank the manager has decided that you must pay back a minimum of £200 per month for the coming year.

climb the career ladder

postupovať v práci

1. Success was measured in terms of climbing the career ladder. BNC

2. Women's chances to climb the career ladder have been hard fought for. BNC

3. To climb the career ladder, a childcare worker must meet requirements in three
areas: 1) training curriculum, 2) performance, and 3) length of experience. Google

come round to sth

dát se přesvědčit o něčem, nakonec souhlasit s čím
  • come round to agreeing - nakonec souhlasit
  • come round to the idea that - konečně se shodnout na..