mardi 16 juillet 2024, 16:00
Site: OpenMoodle
Cours: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossaire: WORK & LEISURE

come to blows

pohádať sa

1. If, as frequently happened, two of us would fall out and come to blows, then passers-by would stop, form a circle and watch without intervening, confirming their view that justice would be achieved this way. BNC

2. Two men had come to blows, an arm had been broken. BNC

3. We were both rigid as enemies, longing to come to blows. BNC

come to grips with

vysporiadať sa s

1. Right, don't spend most of your time trying to come to grips with something that you just don't understand. BNC

2. The environmentalists in their attempt to come to grips with ecological problems have focused on the latter contradiction points to the detriment of those between the social relations of production and the productive forces. BNC

3. This word processor will help your children come to grips with computers and word processing. BNC

come up with a solution

přijít s řešením
He added members wanted the Government to find a new way of paying for NHS work , and hoped a joint inquiry by the Department of Health and British Dental Association would come up with a solution .


commission - a percentage of each sale that goes directly to the salesperson, PROVIZE ( také pověření, objednávka: This product was comissioned by a ... company.)
"Our salespeople get 10% for each item sold, but that increases as he or she sells more."

commission-based job

provize za práci

job involving no fixed hourly rate



We face tough competition.


My aim today is to tell you something about our new competitor.


spotřebitel, zákazník

Nokia is commited to providing consumers with the information they need.


consumption - the total amount of product bought in a market, SPOTŘEBA, ODBYT 
"Although prices have fallen, overall consumption is higher, so we can still make money."

create market

vytvořit trh

Banning importation, for example, often creates a market and demand for something else.

They have created a CD market in which there is `no serious price competition'.

crowded market

a market with a lot of competition, stuggles of retailers and brand names.

Crowded market is usuallz beneficial for customers.

cultural clash

střet kultur

Cultural clashes are not limited to individuals or groups of people discussing or negotiating a business deal.

current account

běžný účet

cut a deal

uzavrieť dohodu

1. As Oliver Wright has remarked, "to be the president of a trade union is to gain an apprenticeship in negotiating, to develop an instinct for when to hang tough and when to cut a deal." BNC

2. Richard Armstrong has left to become Curator of Contemporary Art at the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, and Richard Marshall has cut a deal that allows him to remain only until he finds another job. BNC

3. Unix distributor, Irvine, California-based UniDirect Inc, has reportedly cut a deal that will have Dell Computer Corp passing on all calls for application software certified on its machines to UniDirect as leads or orders. BNC

cut a rug


1. Twenty disco classics on one CD. Now there`s music to cut a rug to. CIDoI

2. Though it has been more than 30 years since Jim Chilchutt last cut a rug at a high-school dance, he recaptures his lost youth every weekend, cruising the streets of Ventura behind the wheel of a 1948 Studebaker. BNC

3. Still criminally ignored here in the Blighty, The Mekons prove that early 30s with a penchant for late nights and beer can still cut a rug with contemporary sounds. BNC