tisdag, 16 juli 2024, 13:54
Startsida: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Ordlista: MONEY

cash in one's chips

prodat něco (všechno) za účelem získání peněz (větší finanční částky)

1. I think it's time to cash in our chips. It's the only way we can pay the bill. (google)

2. As opposed to a regular poker game, a player cannot cash in his chips during the tournament. (google)

3. I decided it was time to cash in my chips and smell the real money. (google)

catch short

ocitnout se bez peněz, být bez peněz
  1. That's for you when you get caught short. (BNCB)
  2. I'm caught short. Can you you lend me some money so I can pay for my lunch? (Google)

cook the books

měnit nelegálně záznamy v účetních knihách společnosti, falšovat

1. The accountant was cooking the books for over a year before he was caught. (http://www.learn4good.com)

2.We're not going to cook the books or lie about the health of our business. (http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com)

3. One of the directors had been cooking the books and the firm had been losing money for years. (http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com)

cost an arm and leg

stát balík, majlant

The Armani cost an arm and a leg.

It will probably cost an arm and a leg but should come down in price in a year or so.

Exhibitor pulls back the curtain on this expensive show service and provides six key factors that explain why this service often costs an arm and a leg.