Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024, 17:03
Website: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

castle chapel

zámecká kaple, hradní kaple

1. The Castle Chapel and grounds are available for a limited number of  weddings,  charitable events, and as a motion picture and special project film site. WebC

2. This group of buildings was occupied continuously until 1428 when it was destroyed except for the castle chapel located in the north west. WebC

3. A fortification at Stirling is first recorded in the early 12th century when Alexander I arranged for the dedication of the castle chapel. WebC

cathedral basilica

katedrální bazilika

1. In 2003, the San Jose Cathedral Foundation will commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph. WebC

2. The Ad Hoc Committe to Save the Cathedral Basilica is a group of concerned Catholics from the Covington diocese who are attempting to publicize the proposed plans to destroy the sacred and beautiful sanctuary of the Assumption Cathedral. WebC

3. The Cathedral-Basilica St. Augustine was built in 1787. This is the home of America's
oldest Catholic parish. WebC

Catholic Church

katolická církev

1. His principles were very strong, that the Church of England is a Catholic Church and must never compromise its Catholic principles. BNCB

2. It is even claimed that the Catholic Church has always supported women's civil equality. BNCB

3. When the opportunity came, with the Roman Catholic Church's Second Vatican Council, to get rid of what felt increasingly antiquated, I was keen to give the lead. BNCB

cause more harm than good

způsobit víc škody než užitku

1. Emotive responses in the past have caused more harm than good. WebC

2. Indeed, inflows of large amounts of money into some African countries from
oil and mineral extraction industries has caused more harm than good for the
poor of these nations. WebC

3. Push the most jingoistic American into a corner and he'll be forced to admit that the end of the Cold War has caused more harm than good for the United States, in term of both foreign and domestic affairs. WebC

cell in a jail

vězeňská cela

1. And I`m sure non of us would wish to end in a cell in a jail. WebC

2. I write this letter in a narrow and miserable cell in a jail in Surabaya. WebC

3. The setting for the last act is just about as bleak and confined as it could be - a cell in a jail at night. WebC

centre aisle

střední ulička

1. Whimsically deciding who would live or die, Bor at one stage late in the drama walked down the coach's centre aisle and asked bound and blindfolded hostages where they were from. Times

2. He advanced up the centre aisle, as the music thundered. BNCB

3. There were cries of shock and protest at Carmella's outburst but Sean grabbed his young sister's arm and, roughly pushing people aside, he dragged her up the centre aisle. BNCB

choir screen

chrámová mříž

1. Opposite, forming part of the choir screen, is a fascinating relief portraying the devastation of the cathedral by the Calvinists in 1620, an act of desecration encouraged by Frederick of Bohemia. BNCB

2. Chapter House contains one of the finest and most realistic leaf carvings in the world and the choir screen is described as the lovliest in England. BNCB

3. Its portal sculptures and great carved choir screen are medieval masterpieces. BNCB

church social hall

společenská místnost v kostele

1. With larger needs, we often ask people to offer their help at the Caring Corner desk in the church social hall after services. WebC

2. The sign-up forms are available in the church social hall. You can also call or stop by the church office to obtain one. WebC

3. Here, in our second location, we began serving Treebeards' menu in the unique setting of the church's social hall and adjoining courtyard. WebC

city charter

městská privilegia (listina)

1. After Oklahoma became the 46th state in 1907, the City of Tulsa adopted its first city charter on July 3, 1908, which was approved by Oklahoma Governor Charles Haskell on January 5, 1909. WebC

2. No councilor shall be eligible, while a member of the council, for any office or emolument or profit under the city charter or ordinances. WebC

3. A city charter is the basic legal document for the city government. The charter provides the basic framework for the conduct of city government. WebC

city folks

lidi z města, měšťáci

1. City folks boast about how much theatre, film, sports and fine dining their metropolis offers - but are too tired to ever go out after their long work week. WebC

2. City folks expect city standards, they don’t understand or care about country owners’ problems. WebC

3. Most folks from the country don't value good clothes and diamonds in the way city folks do and I, for one, didn't think much of his finery. WebC

city gate

městská brána

1. Here the notion of the railway station as city gate was given direct architectural form as at London's Euston half a century earlier. BNCB

2. At Cleveland , an immense skyscraper station, with a central tower and clock fifty-two storeys high, consciously designed as a city gate and as the centre of a great transportation network, was built between 1923 and 1930.

3. We had reached the city gate now. I saw the difference the flood had made. BNCB

classical art

klasické umění

1. There are many collectors of modern and classical art in the island. BNCB

2. This book on the history of Classical Art is seen as a milestone in the history of art history. BNCB

3. More than that, it was one of the most important classical art forgeries ever discoverd. BNCB

cling to the practices

lpět na zvycích, obřadech

1. Those who wanted to cling to the practices of the early church kept the old ways,
including the dress, and became known as the Old German Baptist Brethren. WebC

2. There are many cultural and historic reasons for why most Jews continue to cling to the practices of the Law after coming to faith in Jesus. WebC

3. As a result, companies who cling to the practices of mass production, long lead
times and inspecting quality into their products are quickly slipping away. WebC

coastal town

přímořské, pobřežní město

1. Welcome to a delightful Victorian town house in the historic coastal town of Portsmouth. WebC

2. Damon Wilder has found a last refuge in the small coastal town filled with wacky residents. WebC

3. Maurice House is situated outside the coastal town of Broadstairs, Kent, enjoying picturesque views of the North Foreland lighthouse and the sea. WebC

coat of arms


1. Note the coat of arms over the door and the fine plasterwork - with the date 1659 - over the fireplace. BNCB

2. A couple of swords and a coat of arms adorned the wall, whilst the wardrobe contained uniforms of differing design. BNCB

3. The family coat of arms can be seen carved at the main doorway ot the house and in the church. BNCB

cobbled street

dlážděná ulice

1. He walked down the quay and turned into a narrow cobbled street, his head bent, and his hands buried in the pockets of his overcoat. BNCB

2. It was lying on the edge of the pavement, with one end trailing onto the cobbled street. BNCB

3. Ruth nearly fell down the steps of the restaurant on to the cobbled street. BNCB

come in search

přijít hledat

1. What they come in search of now is an upmarket version of Coronation Street cmaraderie situated in exquisite Georgian architecture. BNCB

2. We had come in search of the works of Palladio and remained only a couple of nights. BNCB

3. Nanny and Granny come in search of Agnes, but stay to help solve the mystery of the phantom of the opera. BNCB

commercial centre

obchodní centrum

1. The commercial centre surrounding the university includes a diverse collection of businesses and properties. WebC

2. This project includes the construction of one 3-storey commercial centre, one 2-storey clinic block, two primary schools and two secondary schools. WebC

3. The birthplace of Australian eco-tourism, Lismore is also the commercial centre
of the north east of NSW and the home of Southern Cross University. WebC

community centre

společenské centrum

1. The Joseph E. and Minnie Wagman Centre is a multilingual community centre for older adults operated by Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care. WebC

2. The Community Centre’s conception was a very modest affair. WebC

3. Come along, make some new friends and above all enjoy and support your local community centre. WebC

concert hall

koncertní síň

1. Those in the audience who have had to suffer such behaviour in a concert hall, whilst trying to listen to a brilliant musician, know that his remarks about certain characters are only too true. BNCB

2.  The concert hall itself reminds one playfully of reproduction art deco and is also acoustically first-class and adaptable. BNCB

3. Frederick Kempf beat three other finalists at the Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, at the weekend, performing Rachmaninov's Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini. BNCB

conducted tour

prohlídka pamětihodností s průvodcem

1. In some schools the children's toilets are included in the conducted tour for potential new parents. BNCB

2. This is an hour-long conducted tour in an old tram car, nostalgia every inch of the way. BNCB

3. His voice droned on like that of a guide doing a conducted tour. BNCB

conservation area

chráněná oblast

1. Although All Saints is not a listed building, it lies within a conservation area so that any proposal to demolish it would have been subject to same scrutiny as plans for the demolition of a listed building. BNCB

2. The Medway estuary is recognised internationlly as a conservation area, particularly for birdlife, and that is why we have taken this step of seeking judicial review. BNCB

3. Fortunatelly the village is in a conservation area and hopefully little more development will be permitted. BNCB

conservation policy

postup, plán péče o památky

1. Thus a conservation policy involves a wide ranging set of economic, political and social issues. BNCB

2. There needs above all to be a consistency in the whole chain linking nature conservation policy with action on the ground. BNCB

3. First and more obviously, direct curative measures clearly are within the domain of a soil conservation policy. BNCB

Corpus Christi Day

svátek Božího těla

1. My father used to play Judas in the Cordwainer's Mystery every Corpus Christi Day. BNCB

2. The date the church chose for Corpus Christi Day was the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, or about seven weeks after Easter. WebC

3. Tradition holds that the bay was named by the Spanish explorer Alonzo Alvarez de Pineda, who found it on Corpus Christi Day in 1519, but there is evidence that it was named instead by the first settlers, who arrived from the lower Rio Grande valley in the 1760s. WebC

country boy

kluk z venkva, venkovský balík

1. I would say that Ronnie’s definately a country boy, though. WebC

2. And what a wonderful story of a country boy who despite hardships unimaginable attained success and stardom. WebC

3. I left the country in April 1941, and many people may wonder why I call myself still a country boy. WebC

country girl

venkovské děvče

1. He had believed that a country girl like her would find him wonderful, a college man with great ambitions. BNCB

2. There are few better things in nature than a pure country girl. BNCB

3. If Angel had studied at Cambridge he would never have become a farmer and married a country girl. BNCB

country residence

venkovské sídlo

1. I knew the Swiss Ambassador, who had a country residence where it was possible to ride and relax. BNCB

2. Charles adored his country residence, Highgrove in Gloucestershire, while Diana preferred the much smaller apartment she had in Kensington Palace, more than 90 miles away in London. BNCB

3. Two miles away, you can visit Falkland Palace, the country residence of the Stuart kings and queens, with gardens containing the oldest tennis court in Great Britain. BNCB 

country road

venkovská silnice

1. This is our family's way of enjoying a dusty country road after spending the day driving on them. WebC

2. The road ahead was the well-known country road, zipping over hills and around corners, a bright yellow line down the middle, and few other cars. WebC

3. But western Maryland is one of the prettiest and most historic places in the mid-Atlantic area. It's perfect for a few days of country road exploration. WebC

craft shop

obchod prodávající výrobky uměleckých řemesel

1. Urging her into a fast walk, he hurried her across a courtyard and into the craft shop. BNCB

2. Rufford Craft Centre houses a gallery with major art and craft exhibitions, a craft shop selling a fine selection of British crafts plus a souvenir shop. BNCB

3. Background Liz, a 25-year-old single woman, had been living on her own for the previous year in a flat above a small craft shop that she ran together with her mother. BNCB

craft workshop

řemeslnická dílna

1. In this art and craft workshop you can invent and draw your own tiny world that will fold into a matchbox. WebC

2. In a new craft workshop you can now see a range of craft products being prefabricated and assembled. WebC

3. The school has also sport facilities including tennis court and a new art and craft workshop as well as residential accommodation, cafeteria and gardens. WebC

cramped apartments

stísněné, přeplněné byty

1. People had just moved in from cramped apartments and/or tin caravan "trailer homes"; everything was new and open for opportunity. WebC

2. The cramped apartments are fully restored and allow you to learn about the lives of former residents. WebC

3. It is not exactly a glamorous and luxurious home style. Still, to Americans in the 1800s, after living in cramped apartments, a bungalow seemed like a mansion. WebC

cross the bridge

přejít most

1. There are not more than 1000 people and nobody takes more than 100 seconds to cross the bridge. WebC

2. Pedestrians and cyclists are invited to cross the bridge. WebC

3. To visit Granville Island watch for signs that tell you where to turn as you cross the bridge. WebC

cross the street

přejít ulici

1. Look both ways when you cross the street. WebC

2. School buses wait for children getting off the bus to cross the street in front of them before leaving the bus stop. WebC

3. A car is stopping so they can cross the street. WebC

crumbling walls

drolící se zdi

1. They needed to repair the crumbling walls of their draughty homes, too. BNCB

2. He looks down into the gardens hidden everywhere behind the patched and crumbling walls . BNCB

3. They were threaded with narrow winding lanes and the lanes were bounded with crumbling walls and lattices of dry palm fronds. BNCB

cultural event

kulturní akce

1. The Prague Heritage Fund will be launched in the summer with a major cultural event. BNCB

2.   There will be a major civic and cultural event...to celebrate the presentation of a scheme which we believe will combine political realism with a new sense of hope, purpose and confidence. BNCB

3.  The trial is a cultural event. Yet even as a cultural event, the motive forces of the popular trial are still sex, death and violence. Times

cultural heritage

kulturní dědictví

1. Japanese collectors find it easy to appreciate prints, because works on paper are very much part of their own cultural heritage. BNCB

2. Despite this interesting parallel with our own cultural heritage, the emphasis and indeed the trust which the Zande appear to place in witchcraft as a prime mover seems bizzare and even absurd. BNCB

3. Over the past few decades, however, the approach to conservation and protection of our cultural heritage has changed. BNCB

curative waters

léčebné prameny

1. In the eleventh century a particularly entrepreneurial abbot began the exploitation of the curative waters of Cauterets to the south, and the monks built roads and bridges and cleared the woods in their expanding domain. BNCB

2. Visitors paid two shillings per week each to walk several circuits of these paths after taking their curative waters. BNCB

3. In the United States, the most famous curative waters are those at Hot Springs, Arkansas.  WebC