tirsdag, 16. juli 2024, 15:46
Portal: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

calm before the storm

klid před bouří

The family are arriving this afternoon so I'm just sitting down with a cup of coffee, enjoying the calm before the storm. CIDI

Charity should have recognised it as the calm before the storm, but she didn't. BNC

His body stilled like the calm before the storm. BNC

castles in the air

vzdušné zámky

She tells me she's planned out her whole career, but as far as I can see it's all just castles in the air. CIDI

Of course Francis had thought about it as something that was inevitable, and he had plans, but they had never seemed very real and he had looked on them as castles in the air.  BNC

I remember the days when, as a small child, I was taken around boatyards, harbours and rivers to admire boat after boat, while he built castles in the air about owning one. BNC

catch some ray

chytat bronz (opalovat se)

I thought I'd take my lunch outside and catch a few rays. (The Free Dictionary)

You might also want to catch some rays by the pool or enjoy a great meal in the restaurant. (Google)

Why not catch some rays at Guantanamo Bay?  (Google)

catch someone cold

zaskočit, překvapit

If you catch him cold, he goes out early; if not, he will find that he's exhausted by the middle rounds. WebCorp

You caught me cold with this news - I didn't know anything about it. CIDI

Unlucky she's caught you cold twice don't let her wind you up that's a pro ring trick get you angry and you make mistakes. WebCorp

chattering teeth

drkotající zuby

The Sergeant continued to complain through chattering teeth. BCN

She couldn't even control her trembling limbs and chattering teeth. BNC

I must be brave for Perdita's sake, said Daisy through chattering teeth as she pressed the door bell. BNC

chill out

vychladnout, uklidnit se

What he should do is chill out, get a job and pay off his debts, but he doesn't. BNC

Chill out, Dad. The train doesn't leave for another hour! CALD

I'm just chilling out in front of the TV. CALD

clap of thunder

úder hromu, zahřmění

The rain continued its rush and splash outside but the next clap of thunder was further off as the storm moved away. BNC

At that moment a clap of thunder exploded directly overhead as the storm burst and rain began beating noisily against the outside of the house. BNC

Before Pidge could begin there was a flash of lightning, followed by a loud clap of thunder. WebCorp

clear snow

odklidit sníh

Or, if it has a duty to maintain the highway, does this require it to clear snow and ice from every road and path in its area? BNC

Property owners must clear snow from walks within 24 hours after a snowfall. WebCorp

Plows sometimes find it necessary to make several passes, in order to clear snow all the way to the curb to allow for property drainage. WebCorp

clear the air

udělat si jasno

The meeting didn't solve anything, but at least it cleared the air. CIDI

But, with rumours already rife at Roker that Crosby is on borrowed time just months after signing a one-year contract, his chairman refused to clear the air. BNC

This can clear the air and leave everyone with the determination to cope. BNC

clear up

objasnit něco

Necessary jobs are helping to clear up the smaller branches and making a start on repointing the bridge itself. BCN

And we're going to clear up this misunderstanding, so tell me what you think you know about me. BNC

In central and eastern Europe remedial measures must be taken to clear up environmental problems developed through years of neglect. BNC

cloud over

zatáhnout se, zatemnit se

Nor did it help that the morning, which had started so bright, began to cloud over. BCN

Yesterday's high winds could have swept a poison cloud over Teesside in a matter of minutes. BCN

 It goes like this and then it'll cloud over and rain. BNC


hradba nízkých mraků

Lightning struck out of the towering cloudbank. BNC

The cloudbank spread, seeming to soak up the light. BNC

A low, scudding cloudbank was coming off the western horizon, purple with unshed rain. BNC



A sudden cloudburst set the taxi windscreen wipers to work. BNC

had poured with rain; a total cloudburst, thunder cracking and grumbling in the skies above the city.  BNC

Corrosion in pipework has been blamed for a gas escape which triggered the operation cloudburst emergency plan in February. BNC

cloudless sky


One day Tony gets up to watch and witnesses one of the few times when the sun travels across a blue, cloudless sky. BCN

The blizzard had swept on and now a full moon hung low in the dark-blue cloudless sky. BNC

 We all awoke to sunshine: a cloudless sky, pale winter sunshine, a cold day but bright. BNC

cold call

nesjednaná obchodní návštěva

In the case of private investors, only certain types of investment may be the subject of a cold call. BNC

Is it been a cold call and you've qualified it by getting an advertisement out there or is it qualified by actually getting the money in your hand. BNC

They had heard of Oyston, who had originally been contacted as a cold call, but they had never met him. BNC