úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.40
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

capitalist economy

kapitalistická ekonomika, založená na soukromém vlastnictví kapitálu

1. If East Germans have the freedom to choose , can we really be confident that they would prefer to face the difficulties of establishing a capitalist economy and democratic system on their own ?(WASPS)

2. A single-minded commitment to economic recovery and growth has produced a dramatic rise in material standards of living and the world 's second largest capitalist economy.(WASPS)

3. It asserts that the development of any advanced capitalist economy leads to a fusion of monopoly corporations and the state into a single instrument of economic exploitation and political domination. (BNCI)

cash flow

peněžní tok, pohyb (tok) hotovosti, celkové podnikem vydělané prostředky

1. In terms of cash flow, it takes a business man eight or nine years to get his money back on any machinery, for example, that he buys.(BNCI)

2. In an effort to promote and increase sales, many businesses offer more generous payment terms. Payment terms have a significant impact on cash flow, since they can impact the return on your accounts receivable.(WebCorp)

3. If a company has positive cash flow, the company has money available to spend on research and development, to expand operations, and to pay dividends to investors.(WebCorp)

cash on delivery

objednávka na dobírku

1. Cash with order or cash on delivery is always better than cash some time in the future. (BNCI)

2. I pay cash on delivery for fish, which the fishermen like, so they always call on me first and we get super turbot, mussels, scallops, sole and plaice here.'; (BNCI)

3. Most people have, perhaps unwittingly, made forward contracts --; for example when ordering some good for future delivery, with an immediate down payment of a non-refundable deposit and payment of the balance by cash on delivery. (BNCI)

cash with order

placení hotově současně s objednávkou

1. If you have n't heard from the firm within 28 days , write to find out why . Never send any cash with your order . All catalogues mentioned on this page are free to best readers unless otherwise stated. (WASPS)

2. Be wary of cash with order unless you know the supplier is viable, reliable, honest and solvent. (BNCI)

3. Cash With Order (C.W.O) - Payment for goods in which the buyer pays when ordering and in which the transaction is binding on both parties.(Google)

casting vote

rozhodující hlas

Just prior to the 1985 Helsinki conference, the DoE was once again making some progress and, at the final meeting, it was the Foreign Office which enjoyed the casting vote. (BNCI)

In 1934 it was still a struggle --; a fridge was bought on hire purchase over two years --; and the Professional missed being `;laid off'; only by the Chairman's casting vote, on the proposal `;that the present position of the Club was such he should move on';. (BNCI)

There was heated debate, but by the casting vote of the chairman we got our grant. (BNCI)

Certificate of Origin

osvědčení o původu (zboží apod.)

1. The following information is provided for individuals seeking information on Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (MCO), also known as a Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin (MSO).(Google) 

2. In order to obtain the preferential tariff treatment established in the FTA, the certificate of origin should be completed legibly and in full by the importer, exporter or producer of the merchandise, according to the following process.(Google)

3. Certificates of origin may also be needed to prove that goods do not come from a country against which the importing country has trade restrictions.(Google)

Chamber of Commerce

obchodní komora

1. The International Chamber of Commerce provides an independent definition of what an environmental audit is.(BNCI)

2. This was done through a programme of special events, the `;Edinburgh and Lothians European Programme';, which was jointly managed by the Council, Edinburgh District Council, Lothian and Edinburgh Enterprise Limited and the Chamber of Commerce. (BNCI)

3. To compete for the award a partnership was formed representing all sectors in the town: Private sector: Teesside and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Teesside Tomorrow. (BNCI)

Chamber of Deputies

poslanecká sněmovna

For the first time, the Christian Democrat vote was less than 30 per cent for both Houses of Parliament --; though by the vagaries of the complex system of distributing seats it looked as if the alliance might get a majority in the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies. (BNCI)

The French Chamber of Deputies killed the chance of Anglo-French cooperation by refusing to vote money for a joint expedition. (BNCI)

No wonder Italians have just voted massively to adopt the British system for three-quarters of their Senate seats; the Chamber of Deputies will probably go much the same way. (BNCI)

charge account

otevřený úvěr, úvěrové konto

1. It is usually possible to open a charge account, a useful arrangement especially in the current economic climate where cash flow rules the day. (BNCI)

2. Frequent customers also have the option of opening a charge account, which enables them to be billed on a monthly basis. We also now accept VISA or MasterCard credit card payments.(WebCorp)

3. Once your request is approved, you will receive a confirmation letter with your charge account code to be used for your transactions. (WebCorp)

cheap labour

levná pracovní síla

No longer dependent on cheap labour for competitiveness, many are pushing abroad in even high-technology fields and are doing so, perhaps ironically, to exploit other countries' cheap labour.(BNCI)

 Yet while we readily blame employers for their extra exploitation of women as cheap labour, and the state for regulating women's economic dependence on men, we protect men from the shame of their participation in women's poverty by keeping the secret. (BNCI)

If you know that employers are using immigrants as cheap labour, and that they're being used to undercut your rates of pay, you're going to be against that. (BNCI)

chief accountant

hlavní účetní

1. Another example was Charles Robertson, chief accountant in charge of taxation at the Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance Company, who had reported some unusual transactions to the Inland Revenue for which the company had to pay £1.6 million in back taxes. (BNCI)

2. I have another important foreign call coming through in a few minutes, so, if you'll excuse me, I'll hand you over to the Chief Accountant now."(BNCI)

3.  John Tame, chief accountant for the Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund, which was awarded first prize in Category 1 (best report and accounts from a charity with income over £1m), explains: `;We've entered for many years. (BNCI)

coalition government

koaliční vláda

But in coalition government, is it always the largest party in the legislature which comes forward to form the Cabinet?(WebCorp)

In such circumstances, the question of which two parties will team up may have a more critical influence on the composition of a coalition government than the president's power to appoint the premier.(WebCorp)

 A coalition government is not a rare thing in Western democratic nations.(WebCorp)

collapse of cease-fire

konec příměří

He said that no new violations or collapse of cease-fire are expected in the coming period, adding that all parties have a desire that the cease- fire will continue. (Google)

Tigers may use armed escorts, risking collapse of cease-fire. (Google)

With the collapse of cease-fire efforts, political analysts said whatever slender peace hopes remained had been undermined by the US decision... (Google)

command economy

centrálně plánované hospodářství

1.Those countries therefore have to make the leap from the command economy to the market economy, from the single party state to pluralism. (BNCI)

2. For more than a year, the Poles have been engaged in a brave, almost quixotic attempt to transform a moribund command economy into a lively free market, and they are now suffering the growing pains of a capitalism devoid of capital. (BNCI)

3.There was wide disagreement about where and how to start dismantling the command economy, but none about the direction for progress. (BNCI)

computer hacker

člověk,který neoprávněně proniká do informyčních systémů

A computer hacker is a person who gains access to a computer system without permission. (BNCI)

A COMPUTER hacker is to be charged with spying after allegedly testing American Defence Department security. (BNCI)

A TEENAGE computer hacker knocked out a vital cancer treatment database when he keyed into a computer at a world famous centre for medical research, a court heard yesterday. (BNCI)