mardi 16 juillet 2024, 13:45
Site: OpenMoodle
Cours: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossaire: FOOD



cakes and ale

veselost, radost; veselý život, radost ze života;veselka

So supposing you never marry, and if you go on being so fussy you probably never will -- are there to be no cakes and ale? BNC

cannot have one's cake and eat it

nemoci mít obě věci najednou

If you spend all your money on clothes, you won’t be able to go the cinema at the weekend—you can’t have your cake and eat it ! (Longman)

You really do seem to be trying to have your cake and eat it; being anti-cruise, anti-Thatcher, anti-Foot, anti-SDP/Liberal Alliance and anti-CND-all at the same time! BNC

carrot and/or (the) stick

cukr a bič

She favoured a carrot-and-stick approach to teaching. (Oxford Idioms)

cash in your chips

zabalit to, sbalit si svých pět švestek; natáhnout bačkory

The companies cashed in their chips and moved out of the valley. (Oxford Idioms)

cayenne pepper

červená paprika

certified milk

pasterizované mléko

champing/chomping at the bit (also be chafing at the bit)

hořet netrpělivostí

The players were champing at the bit as the start of the match was delayed. (Oxford Idioms)

cheese straws

sýrové tyčinky

"I'm going to make some cheese straws," she said, "and maybe fry some onion rings" BNC

Then when he was entertaining one of his friends he couldn't get his stove to burn right and he had to keep it alight with matchboxes and cheese straws. BNC

Nenna had just time to say, I must be going, before she came back, tottering at a kind of dignified slant, and holding a large tin of cheese straws. BNC


tvarohový koláč; slang. reklamní fotografie polonahých dívek

White stilton with stem ginger, at about £2.60 a pound, is ideal for dessert or cheese cake filling, while white cheddar with mango chutney, at about £2.55 a pound, makes tangy sandwiches. BNC

I've still got these cheese cake to finish off, wash your hands. BNC


drátěný kráječ sýra

Beyond him was the blank, windowless side of the house, smooth and flat, as if the row of houses had been sliced with a cheese-cutter. BNC



kůra od sýra; maličkost, nicotnost; skrblictví

Any cheese-paring of the logistic stocks reduces battle efficiency, and failure to look after barracks, married quarters, and installations in the short term piles up trouble and expensive rebuilding for the future. BNC

It was not until ten years later that we began to see that in fact these very English store-cupboard provisions, so far from being suited to the cheese-paring methods necessitated by desperate shortages, demand first-class basic ingredients and a liberal hand with butter. BNC

This is cheese-paring, I know, but it might help. BNC


nůž na braní vzorků sýra


servírovací prkénko na sýr

Heart-shaped cheeses are also produced which are very attractive on a cheese-board: Coeur de Neufchatel and Coeur de Bray are two of the best known, both from the Pays de Bray in Normandy. BNC

Creamy in texture and blue-veined, "Blues" will be a hit on your cheese-board. BNC

Then she cooked pasta and shredded chicken and chopped fruit and nuts and sliced black bread and made beetroot soup and prepared sour cream and a cheese board and polished wine glasses and put butter in lemon-coloured dishes and made salad dressings and laid the table and set a serviette decorated with a Groucho Marx face by the side of each place. BNC


procezovací pláténko na tvaroh, fáčovina, velmi jemná látka

Shoulder-length blond hair, embroidered cheese-cloth shirt, single strand of beads -- I mean, beads but tasteful -- a sensual hint of hash and patchouli, and midnight blue denims stretched taut then flaring over the longest, leanest bass-guitarist's thighs in Glasgow. BNC 

I'm wearing a denim waistcoat, cheesecloth shirt and baggy denim jeans, and I'm smiling fit to burst, as I always seem to be in photographs. BNC

It was so hot outside that she had settled for an orange cheesecloth caftan, which she'd jacked in with a belt of linked gold hippos. BNC