úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.27
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

choir screen

chrámová mříž

1. Opposite, forming part of the choir screen, is a fascinating relief portraying the devastation of the cathedral by the Calvinists in 1620, an act of desecration encouraged by Frederick of Bohemia. BNCB

2. Chapter House contains one of the finest and most realistic leaf carvings in the world and the choir screen is described as the lovliest in England. BNCB

3. Its portal sculptures and great carved choir screen are medieval masterpieces. BNCB

church social hall

společenská místnost v kostele

1. With larger needs, we often ask people to offer their help at the Caring Corner desk in the church social hall after services. WebC

2. The sign-up forms are available in the church social hall. You can also call or stop by the church office to obtain one. WebC

3. Here, in our second location, we began serving Treebeards' menu in the unique setting of the church's social hall and adjoining courtyard. WebC