martedì, 16 luglio 2024, 16:34
Sito: OpenMoodle
Corso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossario: FAMILY

child seat

dětská sedačka

Volvo has won a safety award for its innovative integrated child seat fitted to all new 900-series saloons. BNC

For children between 1 and 4 years old, an appropriate child seat, or a booster cushion with the adult seat belt, must be used. BNC

Safety features include ABS, Volvo unique side impact protection system, three point seat belts for all occupants and an integral child seat. BNC

child welfare

péče o děti

Child welfare legislation therefore potentially addresses all aspects of a child's development not covered by school legislation. BNC

There were no classes in child welfare for the very young mothers, and many had been fed on milk from dirty Nestles milk tins. BNC

The State of California shall provide a child welfare building to serve as day care centres for single parents. WebC

child's guardian

opatrovník, opatrovnice, správce (soud.)

It explains how to become a child's guardian in California if that child no longer has a parent. WebC

If the parent specified you to be the child's guardian in a will, you must complete guardianship proceedings in either the Family Court or Surrogate's Court. WebC

Does the father of my new baby have to be the child's guardian? WebC

child's part

dědický podíl dítěte

All records of your child's part will be confidential. WebC

I give a child's part of it to my wife, to be paid to her annually. WebC

Mrs. Benjamin Darby shall have a child's part of my property. WebC 

child's play

hračka, snadná věc

Using this new computer is child's play. CIDI

Logos are child's play at Arnbrook School. WebC

Don't worry, it's a child's play! BNC

childhood friend

přítel z dětství

But after that he met up again with Olwen, a childhood friend. BNC

I had had one very close childhood friend, Maeve, but her family had moved to a different part of the country and I never saw her again. BNC

He killed 19-year-old Walter Smith because he believed he had been mistreating his childhood friend Sharon. BNC 

chip off the old block

jablko, které nepadlo daleko od stromu

Look at her bossing everyone around - she's a real chip off the old block! CIDI

I remember that my chest swelled with pride the day Mrs Smelley told me that I was a chip off the old block and that in her opinion one day I might even be as good as my Granpa. BNC

His grandfather, who taught him songs and ballads and regaled him with tales of his own `;merry'; youth when he fought with gamekeepers, clearly saw the young poacher as a chip off the old block. BNC