úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.54
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HOME

charity begins at home - bližší košile nežli kabát

1. Economy Bureau Posted: 'Charity begins at home', the right mantra for companies. (Google)

2. Charity begins at home, not through government funding. (Google)

3. And because HR Council head Ms. Cedie Lopez Vargas firmly believes that “charity begins at home”, she sent out letters to the HR heads, requesting for assistance from fellow Lopez group employees. (Google)

chest of drawers - prádelník

1. Building a chest of drawers is a surprisingly easy project and is well worth the effort as it means that you can build a chest that is large enough to fit all of your particulars in it. (Google)

2. Chest of drawers have these three main principles. First, we need our chest of drawers to be practical and provide quality bedroom storage. (Google)

3. A chest of drawers, large or small, can serve many purposes in almost any room in the house. (Google)