вторник, 16 июля 2024, 13:48
Сайт: OpenMoodle
Курс: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

dancing competition

soutěž v tanci

1. She consistently won swimming cups and also the school dancing competition one year. BNCB

2. This extra effort paid devidends when she won the school dancing competition at the end of the spring term in 1976. BNCB

3. A further indication of this leaning is the inclusion in the programme of the Mayfest Discorama, a disco dancing competition. Times

date of foundation

datum založení

1. There is no clear date of foundation, but teaching existed at Oxford in some form in 1096 and developed rapidly from 1167, when Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris. WebC

2. There is no known date of foundation of Berlin. WebC

3. Trabzon, historically and socio-culturally being the most important centre of Eastern Black Sea Region, has a history of approximately 5000 years, though its exact date of foundation is unknown. WebC

dead-end street

slepá ulice

1. I live in a dead end street. At the end of the street is a church. WebC

2. The van blocked the defendant's vehicle in a dead end street, and a few moments later, someone attempted to open his car door and reach in for him. WebC

3. It must be said, that no detailed map of this area exists, so everyone must explore on his own and it may happen that one ends in a dead-end street now and then. WebC

department store

obchodní dům

1. Like a department store, it is an ideal place to do all or most of one's shopping in the same place. WebC

2. Daejeon store is a deluxe retailer comprise of a department store and a discount store. WebC

3. A large shop is called a superstore or megastore. A shop with many different kinds of articles is called a department store. WebC

discount fare

sleva jízdného

1. Most fares are quoted on a round-trip basis. This means that you will qualify for the discount fare if the same airline is chosen on all sectors of the trip. WebC

2. According to the Senior Citizen Welfare Law, senior citizens 65 years of age and older are offered discount fare on domestic flight. WebC

3. There is a discount fare offered if you buy return ticket for traveling more than 600 km and return through the same route. WebC

driving up prices

zvyšování cen

1. Difficult market conditions were exacerbated when Korean tanners entered the UK and New Zealand raw material markets, driving up prices. BNCB

2. It destroys the point of the exercise by driving up prices and disrupting the metals market. BNCB

3. Milk Marque, the successor to the MMB buys up more than half of all the farmers milk and has succeeded in driving up prices. Times

drop in at

zastavit se někde

1.  If you're fascinated by the search for the beast, drop in at the Loch Ness Centre at Drumnadrochit. Times

2. I could drop in at your place about five or six. BNCB

3. My old sparring partner Daniel O'Donnel has promised to drop in at Christmas. BNCB

drop in on sb

zastavit se u někoho

1. You can drop in on Keith while I go round and see people. BNCB

2. He asked her to drop in on his Mum and Dad and say hello, and to make sure that his father wasn't drinking too much. BNCB

3. They were accustomed to drop in on him between ten and eleven in the evening, when he could be an agreeable companion. BNCB

drunken driving

řízení v opilosti

1. The limits for aggravated drunken driving are, respectively, 120 mg (blood) and 0.53 mg (exhaled air). WebC

2. He was charged with drunken driving, failure to maintain control of a vehicle, and not wearing a safety belt. WebC

3. Photos of people killed in drunken driving crashes still line high school walls. WebC

dry spell

období sucha

1. Recent reports from Namwala District indicated that this area has also experienced a worrisome dry spell that is causing water stress on the crops. WebC

2. The country has been experiencing a dry spell since Monday resulting in soaring temperatures all over the Kingdom. WebC

3. Once the dry spell is broken with rain, there is often rapid plant growth and rapid absorption of nitrate. WebC

during services

během bohoslužeb

1. In Elizabethan England, it is recorded that the vicar of Brenchley in Kent who kept losing his voice during services blamed this on the malicious witchcraft of one of his parishioners. BNCB

2. Last month we reported that Venice's churches might have to be closed except during services because of a shortage of funds to pay for custodians. BNCB

3. They also had to keep windows shut during services and soundproof the room. BNCB