úterý, 16. července 2024, 18.37
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: MEDIA

daily paper

- deník

1. The book would have been sold from the row of shelves to be found in every public library for the price of a daily paper. BNC

2. No fewer than twenty-two countries were without any printed daily paper whatsoever. BNC

3. Yet starting a daily paper anywhere other than in a few large cities is scarcely an attractive investment. BNC

damage sb’s reputation

- poškodit něčí jméno, zničit dobrou pověst

1. The Woolwich feared that failure to make the payment would damage its reputation. Wasps

2. I would not wish to be associated with anything that damaged my reputation or that of the Association. Wasps

3. The Real Lives episode in 1985 severely damaged the BBC 's reputation. Wasps

deceive the public

- oklamat veřejnost

1. FDR also suffered from paralysis and tried to deceive the public that he could still walk. BNC

2. If any Government were to bring in these pledges, they would either have to dishonour them and thereby deceive the public, or income tax payers at all levels of income would need to cough up and pay more to fund them. BNC

3. Her ostensible job is something in advertising or public relations, but this is laughable: people are always rushing off to catch planes or to have showdowns with clients or engage in unmotivated conspiracies to deceive the public. BNC

describe in detail

- podrobně popsat

1. We have separate brochures which describe in detail all of the programmes, plus open information seminars, road shows, corporate presentations or individual counselling to help you make the right choice. BNC

2. We have seen no reports, however, that describe in detail the use of such a service by local clinicians. BNC

3. We describe in detail in the next chapter the consequent growing controls on local spending. BNC

deserve special attention

- zasluhovat zvláštní pozornost

1. We now consider some aspects of nationalized industry pricing that deserve special attention. BNC

2. Two characteristics of the new offence deserve special attention. BNC

3. The first factor suggests that women may deserve special attention in those information programmes which are discussed in chapter 4. BNC

despicable behaviour

- opovrženíhodné, ohavné chování

1. Minister expresses disgust at the despicable behaviour of two Taiwanese nationals. WebC

2. Her despicable behaviour in dishonestly changing the meaning of a statement by President Bush surely confirms that this closet totalitarian is not fit to cross the threshold of any respectable newspaper. WebC

3.  ASH today launched an attack on the despicable behaviour of tobacco giant Imperial in dragging out its court case with Margaret McTear. WebC

devote the whole column to st

- věnovat něčemu celý sloupec

1. . WebC

3. After getting more than a few letters like yours, we decided to devote the whole column to how to buy a puppy. WebC

differ in approach to st

- lišit se v přístupu k něčemu

1. While both Africans and Americans agree that the historic African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) has been a success in championing increased bilateral trade, both parties differ in their approach to the free market trading system. WebC

2. Bucs and Eagles differ in approach, but get same result. WebC

3. Schools differ in approach to bullying behavior. WebC

dig up facts

- odhalit/odkrýt fakta

1. He was a thorough researcher and always managed to dig up facts that no one else had been able to find. WebC

2. You go out and interview people, you dig up facts, put it together, and write reports, Young said explaining the ins and out of rpivate investigation. WebC

3. Tom Stewart is an ambitious crime reporter which means having to dig up facts that not everyone would like to see unearthed and others would kill to have. WebC

distract attention from st

- odvádět pozornost od něčeho

1. Her height served to distract attention from the power in her calves and biceps. BNC

2. Fashions cover up the imperfections, distract attention from them. BNC

3. Police said the message was a decoy to distract attention from the real danger area. BNC

distract sb from st

- odvádět pozornost od něčeho

1. The arrival of Joanna, brought from hospital by Ian, distracted her from sorrowful thoughts. Wasps

2. I think, for the first time - that beauty would never distract me from my anxieties. Wasps

3. Don't allow noise to distract you from your work or rob you of sound sleep. Wasps

do a paper round

- roznášet tisk

1. If a teenager decides to earn money doing a paper round, or a Saturday job, there is no reason why their mother should set her alarm in order to wake them at an unearthly hour. BNC

2. During the war when I was evacuated, I used to do a paper round. BNC

3. My brother does a paper round and delivers a hundred newspapers every morning. Wasps

do a retake

- opakovat záběr

1. Peck wanted to do a retake of the scene but Wyler refused. WebC

2. Sonic starts trashing the bots until Robotnik offers to do a retake of the Sally-being-fired-upon scene from "Taking The Fall" and improving his aim this time. WebC

3. Bruce Willis didn't decide to do a retake. WebC

documentary film

- dokumentární film

1. A recent documentary film, Paris is Burning, presents a population of the most marginalised, excluded, anomic individuals imaginable: black drag queens in New York. BNC

2. Acquisition of both aircraft and the invaders participation in the race will be the subject of a documentary film. BNC

3. In an experiment conducted several years ago, students were shown a short documentary film and, when the film was over, they were asked twelve questions concerning what they had seen. BNC

downright lie

- vyslovená lež

1. His blend of smears, half truths and downright lies ruined many careers in government and the professions. BNC

2. It wouldn't have been a downright lie either, she thought wretchedly. Wasps

3. The story is Gordian in its complexity, but no Alexander seems available to cut through the tangle of claims, counter-claims, and downright lies. BNC

draw large audiences

1. "My favorite problems in combinatorics" (or equivalent) have become legendary and always draw large audiences. WebC

3. Sound entered general use in Chinese cinema later than in Western film because silent films continued to draw large audiences in , and monopolies controlled by American film companies did not allow Chinese filmmakers easy access to sound equipment. WebC

draw the eye

- upoutat pozornost

1. The use of colour and the generally attractive presentation draw the eye and command attention, offering a welcome haven of interest in otherwise drab statutory documents. BNC

2. Leave large margins at the top and bottom of pages, preferably separated by some device such as a rule to draw the eye into the page. BNC

3. Little pools of lamplight draw the eye to books and magazines. BNC

drive-in cinema

- autokino

1. Mrs Stych's mind wandered as the voices droned on and the current film at the local drive-in cinema was condemned. BNC

2. Drive-in cinemas are disappearing because of attacks on families. BNC

3. Restrictions will be placed on drive-in cinemas, banks, hamburger restaurants and, presumably, LA's solitary drive-through church. BNC

drop a program(me)

- stáhnou z programu

1. The FCC is full of shit, if they want to do something good then provide Al Franken with a show to combat the shit that O'Riley spews all the damn time - but don't fine a broadcaster to the point they have to drop a program. WebC

2. In some instances, districts may drop a program because of budget probléme. WebC

3. It is fair enough to drop a program that's not rating, but it has replaced it with the Brady Bunch. WebC

drug abuse

- nelegální užívání narkotik, drog

1. One study exploring alcohol and drug abuse among elderly people, found there was evidence this could be a major problem. BNC

2. Now he has called on other schools in the town to unite in a crusade against violence and drug abuse. BNC

3. Drug abuse is spreading alarmingly fast according to recent government figures. BNC

dub a film

- dabovat film

1. It just seems ridiculous to dub a film that has so much English spoken in it. WebC

2. To dub a film you need to lay down tracks of sound. WebC

3. Foreign investors were unwilling tosubtitle dub a film of that length. WebC

due to st

-  následkem čeho


1. The California people even suggested that the four major outbreaks of infection in their monkey colonies over the past 14 years were due to AIDS. BNC


2. Some of the original facilities have had to be discontinued due to high operating costs and relatively low demand. BNC


3. All four are still suffering ill-health due to torture, poor diet and insanitary prison conditions. BNC