úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.53
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY


tiplice, sekáč (pavouk)

She would play in the dark shed, where there were millions of daddy-long-legs, or stand about watching him while he dug. BNC

A parent bird was feeding them on daddy-long-legs. BNC

All flies possess these little structures but they are particularly noticeable in the crane flies, the daddy-long-legs, in which the knobs are placed on the ends of stalks so that they look like the heads of drumsticks. BNC

dearly loved

vřele milovaný

I know what it is to lose one dearly loved. BNC

I shed a tear or two as Movietone news told of the death of our dearly loved Chief, Lord Robert Baden-Powell. BNC

Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children, and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. BNC

death duty

dědická daň

After this date, and until 18 March 1986, a form of death duty called capital transfer tax applied. BNC

The current form of death duty is called inheritance tax. BNC

The French State meanwhile acquired forty-seven important twentieth-century works from the estate of Pierre Matisse thanks to its dation system allowing the payment of death duty by kind (see The Art Newspaper No. 16, March 1992, p. 1). BNC

declaration of love

vyznání lásky

I would like to use this post to make a declaration of love. WebC

As a romantic person, he made a declaration of love. WebC

A declaration of love, or the cold shoulder. BNC

dependable husband

spolehlivý manžel

Can she make the right choice between her dependable husband and disturbed lover? WebC

However, with a little help from my parents and an irresponsible boyfriend who quickly became a dependable husband, I shirked the status quo and became a "responsible" teenaged bride and mother. WebC

I had a dependable husband and two children, a part-time job, a new house, and very little gray hair. WebC

diamond wedding(anniversary)

diamantová svatba (výročí)

They were married at Chiseldon, Wiltshire, and recently celebrated their diamond wedding. BNC

In July 1908 Mary Sumner and her husband celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary and one of the gifts they received was a screen bearing the signatures of Queen Alexandra, the princess of Wales, and other royal patrons. BNC

Congratulations to Stanley and Gertie Briggs who celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on August 8th. BNC

dirty old man

starý chlípník

On the top shelf they've got all those horrible magazines for dirty old men. CIDI

Or was he distressed by the public persona of a cheeky and dirty old man, utterly at odds with his self-image as a dandy? WebC

 There's a dirty old man described in this book that is a little like me. WebC

dissolution of marriage

zrušení manželství

No law shall be enacted providing for the grant of a dissolution of marriage. BNC

After the Reformation it looks for a moment as if the Ecclesiastical Courts would allow even a divorce in the modern sense; but the attempt fails, and the only way of getting a complete dissolution of marriage is by special Act of Parliament. BNC

You need only to reside in Washington on the date that your petition for dissolution of marriage is filed. WebC