вторник, 16 июля 2024, 15:30
Сайт: OpenMoodle
Курс: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Глоссарий: FAMILY

enter into matrimony/marriage

vstoupit do stavu manželského

For example, if the majority of adult members of society enter into marriage and produce children, these facts can be observed and quantified. BNC

They enter into marriage and produce children in response to the demands of society. BNC

The woman must be 15 to enter into matrimony. The man must be 17 to enter into matrimony. WebC

eternal rest

věčný odpočinek (smrt)

Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,and may perpetual light shine on them. WebC

What resulted is an assurance of eternal life, a deliverance from suffering and care, and a hope in eternal rest. WebC

Let us enter into an eternal rest from that heresy and always give all the praise, honor and glory to the one who gave His all that we might receive all. WebC

expectant mother

nastávající matka

The expectant mother is treated with care and indulgence. BNC

The policy can be taken out by or on behalf of any expectant mother aged between 18 and 42. BNC

If you're a mother or expectant mother you can get free vitamins for yourself while you are pregnant or breast-feeding, and for your children aged under five. BNC

extended family

rozšířená rodina

Family life today is likely to be affected by the extended family. BNC

Care within the extended family often flows from the oldest generation to the youngest. BNC

It was the typical extended family time with grandmother and other visiting relatives. BNC

extramarital relations

mimomanželský vztah, poměr

Extramarital relations are prohibited, both morally and legally. BNC

In fact, one of the reasons God is so concerned that we do not involve ourselves in premarital and extramarital relations is so that we will never feel we are competing against the skill and ability of another lover. BNC

Would you say it would be appropriate for a company to fire a valued employee because they were involved in extramaritial relations? WebC