martes, 16 de julio de 2024, 14:23
Sitio: OpenMoodle
Curso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glosario: CLOTHES


snobský, afektovaný

We liked the restaurant's food but not the fancy-pants decor. CIDI [always before noun]

I don't know what she sees in that fancy-pants college professor of hers.CIDI

Claude Rains or Sydney Greenstreet, or one of those fancy-pants villains. BNC-B

fashion consultant

módní poradce

A designer chose the only flat with a garden and a fashion consultant, Juliet Mann, who is similarly keen on horticulture, chose the only unit with a flat roof so that she could establish a roof-top conservatory above her flat. BNCB

He prefers to structure his shows as an interview session, with fashion consultant Colleen Brand, where the audience can also ask questions. BNCB

As for clothes, fashion consultant Barbara Thomas decided Norma had the poise and presence to carry off a sophisticated designer label. BNCB

fashion designer

módní návrhář

 A TOP fashion designer has won back the son she was accused of stealing. BNCB

They say they've enjoyed the transition from farmer to fashion designer. BNCB

The Venus awards are presented every season for the best fashion designer, make-up, set design, model etc. BNCB

fashion magazines

módní časopisy

Because I know Ruth likes clothes too, and reads fashion magazines, I know she appreciates what look I'm aiming for. BNCB

She wasn't a girl at all, in any sense that the fashion magazines would recognize. BNCB

Week after week it's splashed across fashion magazines, alongside tales of her jet-setting travels, stunning performances at fashion shows and star-studded lifestyle. BNCB

fashion model

model(ka), manekýn(ka)

Although she may have many other fine qualities, she is clearly not an international fashion model. BNCB

She saw him glance at her gracefully curved female body, as beautiful as any fashion model's; but there was no appraisal of her beauty in his eyes. BNCB

Maria das Gracas Meneguel, better known as Xuxa, started her career as a fashion model. BNCB

fashion plate

osoba jako z módního žurnálu, oblečená podle poslední módy

She looked like a fashion plate. BNCB

"Quite a change," said Jane, wondering what mother would have thought of this fashion plate. BNCB

Right, this is a fashion plate; a ball dress in the eighteen-forties, and I'm just showing this actually to make another point; sort of change of direction maybe, because I'm now going to almost undo everything that I've just said, and say that this was the fashion, high fashion of the eighteen forties. BNCB

fashion show

módní přehlídka

Sally and Edward sat in the very front row of the audience at the Fashion Show on canvas hospital-style chairs. BNCB

But in spite of what had happened at the fashion show she did not think Paula had any hand in it until next day at breakfast. BNCB

IVANA TRUMP and Chris Eubank were just two of the celebrities at Esquire's charity midsummer fashion show. BNCB

fashion victim

oběť módy

This design has been commissioned from award-winning designer Sheila Moxley, and you can be sure that no fashion victim will be seen without one of these on their back in the coming months. BNCB

We were very successful with his extreme, fashion victim look in the mid-1980s. BNCB

Don't let your patient become a fashion victim. BNCB


zajímající se o módu

The UK has the most fashion-conscious record buyers in the world. BNCB

LATEST colour ideas from Courtelle UK provide a tantalising glimpse into what next year's fashion-conscious shopper might be buying. BNCB

Oxfam has launched its new autumn collection of clothes with the boast that the fashion-conscious can dress themselves for just twenty five pounds! BNCB

fashionable clothes

módní oblečení

I would really like to wear some fashionable clothes on the slopes but haven't got a clue where to start looking. BNCB

She could hear Tess moving about, and then saw Tess leave the house, fully dressed in her fashionable clothes. BNCB

Despite these facts it is still incredibly difficult to find great, fashionable clothes in these sizes. BNCB

fasten one´s shoes

zavázat si boty

Well let mummy fasten your shoes first and Grant'll be in from school in a few minutes. BNCB

You should fasten your shoes otherwise you certainly fall. Wasp

My sister is not able to fasten her shoes at the age of 6, I am hopeless! Lingea

feather in sb´s cap

další úspěch, trefa

It will be another feather in his cap if his team wins. Lingua

Winning the speech contest was a feather in his cap and the greatest honor that he has ever won. IC

It's a real feather in our cap to be representing Britain in this contest. CIDI

felt hat

plstěný klobouk

She was wearing her felt hat and her tweed jacket with the jewelled brooch pinned to the lapel. BNCB

Mrs Browning had a felt hat tied on with a scarf knotted under the chin, a thick tweed suit, woollen gloves, and fleecy-lined suede boots. BNCB

She wore a moulded oval felt hat, with a deliberate dent at the high point. BNCB

fill/step into sb´s shoes

nahradit koho, zaujmout něčí místo

When his father retires, Victor will be ready to step into his shoes. CIDI

It will take a very special person to fill Barbara's shoes. CIDI

But a sprained ankle prevented her from dancing, and at the same time created an unexpected opportunity for Miss Mary Munro, of the Ballet Rambert, to step into her shoes. TIMES 1954

fine-tooth comb

dělat něco velmi pečlivě

 My accountant is going over my tax return with a fine-tooth comb. (Free Dictionary)

He examined the figures with a fine-toothed comb but found no errors. (YourDictionary)

Immediately comb the hair with a fine tooth comb. (Google)