úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.55
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

fall behind ON sth

opožďovat se s čím (nedodržovat termíny plateb, výroby atd.)
  • Many countries have fallen behind ON their repayments to the World bank because they simply have too many internal problems. - Mnoho zemí se opožďuje se splátkami Světové bance...
  • fall behind ON the rent payments by more than three months. - opozdit se s platbou nájmu o více než tři měsíce

fall behind sb/sth

zůstat pozadu za kým/čím
to fail to develop at the same rate as something else, or to fail to achieve a standard reached by other people
  • In the early 1990's, the company was falling dangerously behind its rivals. - zůstávala nebezpečně pozadu
  • Due to his illness, Mr. Davis will fall behind his colleagues this year. - kvůli nemoci zůstane pan Davis letos pozadu za svými kolegy.

fall down on the job


1. Mr Patten promises that the Government will allow  the public to take local authorities to court if they fall down on the job of keeping the streets clean. BNC

2. As every woman knows, her hair is her crowning glory, or rather she knows that it should be, but there are those of us who are unhappily aware that, too often, our looks fall down on the job. BNC

3. The armed forces will take over if the local authorities fall down on the job. CIDoI

fall in line

prispôsobiť sa (pravidlám)

1. The first promise of money would be hardest to get, but once it was in the bag the others, not wanting to be left out, would fall in line. BNC

2. Although we were in fact exempt from this, our management wisely decided that we should fall in line with the principle of the new regulations. BNC

3. Macedonia had amended its constitution on Jan. 6, to fall in line with EC criteria for recognition. BNC

fall-off in orders

decline in orders


upevňovací součástky (nuts and bolts: šrouby a matice)

faux pas

To commit a faux pas (a slip or blunder (hrubý omyl) in etiquette, manners or conduct) while traveling


počty, výpočty, údaje
According to the last figures, the building industry is booming.

fill somebody`s shoes

nastúpiť po niekom na jeho miesto

1. In the three years after his retirement, Britain chalked up no fewer than four prime ministers until Earl Grey managed to fill his shoes. BNC

2. In any case, young Gavin can always fill his shoes if he doesn't appear; he's been acting as understudy. BNC

3. It will take a very special person to fill Barbara`s shoes. CIDoI

fill the bill

byť kvalifikovaný, hodiť sa na určitú pozíciu

1. I´m looking for someone with several years of publishing experienceand you seem to fit the bill. CIDoI

2. The city needs a strong leader, and the new mayor just doesn`t fill the bill. CIDoI

3. Another repulsive force, the so-called C- field that Fred Hoyle and I used in the context of the steady-state cosmology, does however fill the bill admirably. BNC

first quarter

In May, DaimlerChrysler sold the Chrysler group, which reported a $2 billion first-quarter loss this year.

první čtvrtletí, "první kvartál" (slang)

flexible hours

flexibilná pracovná doba

1. These social-work teachers may have a school base; certainly they would have flexible hours in order that they could meet the needs of young people during times when schools were closed (early evenings, long holidays). BNC

2. Most people who arrange to work flexible hours do so because they want to spend time with their families, as well as pursue a career. BNC

3. The practice of nurses working flexible hours, which is largely controlled by the needs of the nursing team, has to date been given little attention. BNC

for kicks

pre vzrušenie z nebezpečenstva

1. The great spread of drug-taking among the young during this time can also be seen either as doing it for kicks, or looking for a road out of materialistic culture. BNC

2. Court told of hacker who caused chaos for kicks. BNC

3. I believe the professional thieves are more ethical at least they're stealing for a practical reason, not just for kicks. BNC


foreclosure - vyvlastnění, převzetí zadlužené firmy, propadnutí zástavy


franchise - koncese (licence k podnikání)

They sold their franchise for millions of dollars to the Chinese company.