martedì, 16 luglio 2024, 13:45
Sito: OpenMoodle
Corso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

family roots

rodinné kořeny

1. I was keen to see it and learn more about my family roots. Times

2. I feel as British as anyone else in the school but I am very aware of wanting to keep in touch with my family roots and with Muslim society. BNCB

3. Gauguin's childhood was spent in Lima, where his mother had taken him in search of family roots and family money. BNCB

fan vaulting

vějířová klenba

1. Ried created this work of architectural bravado between 1493 and 1502. English fan vaulting is the only comparable style and that is dreary copy book by comparison. BNCB

2. The splendour of the fourteenth century fan vaulting soaring elegantly, anciently, above him had made no comment. BNCB

3. The Campbell fired into the air, taking a chip out of the magnificent fan vaulting. BNCB 

fancy house

výstavní, velký dům

1. Aside from the fact that he could easily buy a ticket, he has a fancy car waiting in front of his fancy house. WebC

2. It was not a fancy house, but it had plenty room for me to ponder and sooth myself. WebC

3. We settled on a 30 year old, smaller, less fancy house in a great little quiet neighborhood filled with a bunch of retired old people. WebC

fatal accident

smrtelná dopravní nehoda

1. The fatal accident happened around 12:45 PM at the intersection of Central Road and Fleck just west of Eugene. WebC

2. A fatal accident in Terrebone parish claimed the lives of three people. WebC

3. This will be the second fatal accident in less than two months involving drivers that I know personally. WebC

field guide (to plants or animals)

atlas rostlin nebo zvířat

1. If you buy a field guide to the birds or butterflies or mammals of an area, you will almost always find that the animals you see do clearly belong to one of the species described. BNCB

2. This whole area is well covered in the field guide. BNCB

3. There was no need for anyone to consult his pocket field guide. BNCB

fiercely proud of sth, sb

být velmi hrdý na něco, na někoho

1. Kylie's grandparents Dennis and Millie Jones were fiercely proud of their roots in the valleys and instilled in their family a respect for Welsh tradition and culture. BNCB

2. Connery is a nationalist and fiercely proud of his native land. BNCB

3. I was fiercely proud of Scotland, having been indoctrinated by glowing tales from my Mother, and felt that the land was mine by birthright. BNCB

fine residence

krásná, luxusní budova

1. Michael Heseltine has a very fine residence and estate in Oxfordshire. BNCB

2. A house which has been associated with such dramatic deeds might be expected to be broodingly sinister, but in fact Huntingtower is a delightful example of a castle which was progressively adopted to become a fine residence. BNCB

3. There are also all the comforts you would expect to find in a fine residence;
TV, refrigerator, hairdryer, air conditioning and autonomous heat. WebC

fire station

hasičská stanice

1. Call at your local fire station for free advice. WebC

2. The Branch meeting at Salford fire station took the fire fighters of the station to the brink of industrial action. WebC

3. Our firefighters always invite any group to come to their fire station home and see how they live while on duty. WebC

flashing light

blikající světlo

1. It is taken close to the main road in Hessdalen, towards a flashing light above the mountain Finnsåhøgda. WebC

2. Turn left onto Keister Road and proceed to the flashing light. WebC

3. This type of flashing light is used at intersections controlling two or more directions of travel. WebC

flat rate

jednotná sazba (např. jízdného)

1. Do you think flat-rate pricing deceives consumers? WebC

2. Within a few years, a quarter of the world's people may live under the more efficient, productive and fairer system of a flat-rate income tax. WebC

3. Make your life simpler with a company that offers flat rate long distance. WebC

flint tools

pazourkové nástroje

1. Analysis of the animal remains will show what the people who lived here ate; their flint tools may contain scratches that will show they were being used to butcher meat. Times

2. The place was used by ancient man to butcher wild horses, deer and other meat, using flint tools made from material in the old cliffs. Times

3. Some of the flint tools found in the area are displayed here. BNCB

flying buttress

opěrný oblouk s opěrným pilířem, obloukový pilíř

1. The final stage was the flying buttress, developed especially by the French, and to be seen in all its decorative glory on the chevet of many a French cathedral; Le Mans and Reims are two outstanding examples. BNCB

2. A flying buttress transmits thrust rather then resisting it. BNCB

3. All are lofty with high vaults supported by flying buttress schemes. BNCB

foreign currency

cizí měna

1. One method is to switch the foreign currency loan back into sterling if you think that sterling will weaken significantly. BNCB

2. Governments argue that they need these exports to obtain the foreign currency wanted to finance the region's debts. BNCB

3. He is accused by East Berlin, which has asked for his extradiction, of embezzlement, corruption, and illegal dealings in arms and foreign curreny. BNCB

formal gardens

okrasné zahrady

1. In the centre of the formal gardens laid out in the 1930s is the Singing Fountain by F. Terzio, cast in 1564 - 8.

2. To the West of the formal gardens is a paddlock planted with a variety of trees and shrubs. BNCB

3. Visit the Royal Palace and formal gardens of Castera, designed to rival Versailles, or wonder at the crater of Mount Vesuvius and Solfatara. BNCB

foundation stone

základní kámen

1. The foundation stone was laid on 27 July 1848 by the Duke of Cambridge. BNCB

2. He laid the foundation stone of the new greenhouse and later gave 150 guineas for its repair. BNCB

3. Queen Victoria laid the foundation stone for the Royal Albert Hall, 1867.