Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 1:49 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: TRAVEL

fasten the seat belts

připoutat se

Passengers were ordered to fasten seat belts and some received oxygen as the pilot began a race against time to land the plane before the screen blew out. BNC

 The sign to fasten seat-belts lit up in front of him. BNC

feel one´s way

postupovat opatrně

I come to the two-metre-high brick wall which surrounds the estate and feel my way along it, stumbling over piles of earth and building debris until I get to the corner. BNC

It's my first month in the job so I'm still feeling my way. CALD

The room was so dark, I had to feel my way along the wall to the door. CALD

first-aid kid

příruční lékarnička

Colt was given a rucksack filled with a sleeping bag, field rations, water, and a first-aid kit. BNC

Power steering, driver's seat-height adjustment, central locking, internally adjustable mirrors and a first-aid kit are all now standard on these cars. BNC

first-class compartment

kupé 1.třídy

He found an empty first-class compartment, and she reached it by way of the corridor after the train had pulled out. BNC

He always sat at the end of the second coach, in the small, first-class compartment with red plush seats. BNC

As a Cabinet minister, taking an impish pleasure in his red boxes, he was entitled to a specially reserved first-class compartment on the London train.

fishing boat

rybářská loď

We sighted a fishing boat in the distance, a sure sign of more sheltered water. BNC

They were taken aboard the fishing boat, and they found the only word they had in common with the fishermen was Koepang. BNC

Some reports also claimed that a number of ministers had escaped to Thailand in a fishing boat. BNC

flight attendant

letuška, steward

Every flight we make is international, with flight attendants from 10 Asian lands. BNC

Domestic passenger air traffic was considerably disrupted on March 4, 1989, when pilots and flight attendants working for Eastern Airlines went on strike. BNC

That is, if she wants to fulfill her dream of becoming a flight attendant. WebC 

flight crew

posádka letadla

This enables all personnel, from flight crew to the man who sweeps the hangar, to appreciate that they all have their contribution to make to the safety of the company's aircraft. BNC

The result of the CAFU experiment was that the cockpit conversation between the flight crew when they were not using the intercom was crystal clear. BNC

The CVR allows the investigator to know what the members of the flight crew were saying to each other, and to some extent what they were thinking, at relevant times during the flight. BNC

follow your nose

jít (rovně) za nosem; řídit se vlastním instinktem

Turn left, then just follow your nose and you'll see the shop on your left. CALD

Take a chance and follow your nose - you may be right! CALD

So follow your nose to a more spiritual, natural way of healing. WebC

force one´s way

klestit si cestu, prodírat se, proniknout

In a few minutes the same policeman forced his way through the mob to the gallery. BNC

He turned round and forced his way back into the cabin, past the protesting passengers. BNC

The homeowner, Janetia Owens, said she was away from her home, but that her daughter, Delicia Fuqua, and her daughter's two small children were at the house when the man forced his way in through a locked screen door. WebC

freight/goods train

nákladní vlak

The wagon broke free from the freight train as it passed through the German town of Northeim. BNC

More than 300 people were killed and another 430 injured on Jan. 4 when the crowded Zakaria-Bahauddin passenger express hurtled into the rear of a stationary freight train in southern Pakistan. BNC

The crash happened yesterday morning when the goods train left the rails as it entered Maidstone East station. BNC

from way back

od pradávna, z dávných/dřívějších dob

Not because I fancy him or anything like that, but because he's a friend from way back. BNC

The economy and marketing had been based on barter from way back in the fourth century, so this was not new. BNC

In fact, nearly all our best friends from way back now live in the States, so in that sense it's like home from home. BNC

fuel/petrol consumption

spotřeba paliva, benzínu

Many newer cars have a much lower fuel consumption. MED

We need to cut down on our fuel consumption by having fewer cars on the road. CALD

The Saab car company of Sweden is developing a heat accumulator which it claims will reduce exhaust pollution by up to 40 per cent and petrol consumption by 8 per cent. BNC

full board

plná penze

The price of the holiday includes flights, full board, and all extras.CALD

 A new route on the Czech airline offers 13 nights in Cuba with an evening and full board in Prague on the return flight. BNC

Today we're off to the charming isle of St Lucia where our winner and a friend will enjoy seven nights at the Le Sport Hotel, full board in a private air-conditioned room. BNC