úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.36
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLIMATE

fair weather

pěkné počasí

All of our fair weather and times of trouble hope pale in comparison to the hope described in the readings of Adventide. BNC

The air search crews are being helped by fair weather conditions. BNC

It was by all accounts a good match and fair weather was maintained throughout. BNC

fair-weather friend

 nebýt přítel do nepohody

I had a lot of money and I knew a lot of people, but most of them turned out to be fair-weather friends. CIDI

Watch out for a fair- weather friend or a back stabbing buddy Wednesday and don't be too disappointed or upset if someone you like and admire turns out to be a real rotter with feet of clay.  BNC

I had warned you that Tina was only a fair-weather friend. WebCorp

feel under the weather

necítit se ve své kůži

I'm feeling a little under the weather - I think I may have caught a cold. CALD

I began to feel under the weather on Thursday morning after leaving Haslemere.  BNC

You may feel under the weather this month but it will simply be from lack of energy. WebCorp

fickle weather

bláznivé počasí

The industry has marketed Britain energetically as a year-round destination, with many attractions that do not leave the visitor at the mercy of our fickle weather. BNC

Am tired of fickle weather patterns and unreliable rain clouds. WebCorp

 But fickle weather conditions can turn a clear day into a raging storm in a moment’s notice, so hikers should be prepared in terms of clothing, backcountry experience, and fitness. WebCorp

fit to drop

totálně vyčerpaný

After the run they were fit to drop. CALD

I'd just walked 10 miles and I was ready to drop. CIDI

Then, when I was feeling fit to drop, Tumbleweed said he'd show me Flakebridge Wood, which lay beneath a range of foothills under the Pennine Edge. BNC

flash back

vyvolat vzpomínku, zaletět, vrátit se

Her mind flashed back to the day of their divorce. CALD

Suddenly something she had heard her daddy read out from a newspaper flashed back to her. BNC

She lay on her back staring up at the ceiling and her thoughts immediately flashed back to Luke and last night. BNC

flash by

letět, pádit, rychle ubíhat

But the days flash by in a blur. BNC

Plan every move carefully, for the twenty minutes of half an hour available to you will flash by, and seem like seconds. BCN

Larger animals which are not subject to the whims of wind and current may flash by or come closer for a brief look. BNC

flash flood

náhlá záplava

A couple of years ago these lanes were far from peaceful when a flash flood swept through the area. BNC

A MONSOON flash flood swept away a bus in northern Vietnam, killing 41 passengers, the state-run radio said. BNC

The rescue came in the nick of time as the sewer filled with flash flood water just minutes after the pony was brought out. BNC

flash on

Wait, I just flashed on a possible solution to our scheduling problem. CIDPV

As the Labour losses and Conservative holds flashed on the screen, desperate looks were exchanged. BNC

The backs of the heads of the first and second officer and engineer flashed on the video screens. BNC

flash through sb´s mind

problesknout hlavou

When Nicky Mohan was sent off all thoughts flashed through my mind. BNC

Some snatch of verse from a Jacobean tragedy flashed through his mind. BNC

An image flashed through my mind of thousands of angry, shouting blacks carrying torches through Beverly Hills. BNC

flood plain

zátopové území

They had built up the fabric in their minds again and could even feel some weary well-being as they neared Weem and saw it sheltering between the steep hills and the flood plain of the Tay. BNC

For example, there is a wide flood plain alongside the River Severn and a great embayment of flat land covered by drainage ditches south of Apperley in Deerhurst. BNC

What happened was that farmers, seeking more land, encroached into the flood plain where the river had split into a number of channels. BNC


zahalený mlhou

There are enough woods, marshes and fog-shrouded moors to hide a bloody army in this Godforsaken land! BNC

Blake continued to walk through the fog-shrouded streets.  BNC

As the film opens, a Surprise midshipman thinks he has spotted a distant object in the fog-shrouded sea, yet when he calls this to the attention of Captain Aubrey, he can’t find the object. WebCorp

forked lightning

rozvětvený blesk

Outside the rain had continued to torrent, the urgent rattling of the shutters interspersed by drumrolls of thunder and forked lightning. BNC

The overwhelming blackness, the cracking peals of thunder and the piercing flash and hiss of forked lightning; I've never since been in an alpine storm of such ferocity. BNC

He liked the forked lightning better than the zig-zag kind and now he was gratified by a second many-branched display that seemed to spring and grow from the river itself, blossoming in the sky above the Kingsbrook meadows. BNC

freak gust

prudký náraz větru

Blown over in a freak gust outside the Metropole on 6 December 1940; car 50 was subsequently broken up. BNC

PASSENGERS waiting to board two 400-seater jumbo jets saw the planes lifted up and thrown across the tarmac by a freak gust of wind. BNC

A freak gust of wind, perhaps from a passing jet, and we lost the balloon envelope. WebCorp

freeze over


One last word of warning, if your pond does freeze over at any stage, don't smash the ice as the shock waves created will also kill the fish. BNC

If the mud flats freeze over, it is impossible for them to find sufficient food. BNC

They don't know about cold so intense that rivers freeze over so you can drive a horse and cart across them. BNC