úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.41
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HEALTH

fall on deaf ears

být ignorován (rada, názor, prosba…)

Appeals to release the hostages fell on deaf ears.(CIDI)

Warnings that sunbathing can lead to skin cancer have largely fallen on deaf ears in Britain. (CIDI)

I asked the women in my office to smoke outside because of my cough, but my requests fell on deaf ears. (English Idioms, Oxford)

fall/ be taken/ become ill with st

onemocnět čím

She fell ill with/was taken ill with influenza last week. (English Idioms, Oxford)

However, on the pre-Broadway run in Philadelphia, Mostel fell ill and died after only one performance. (BNC)

Germaine fell ill with influenza and the sessions had to be interrupted. (BNC)

feel sick

být někomu na zvracení

Looking at those pieces of raw meat I felt sick to my stomach.(CIDI)

It makes me feel sick to my stomach when I remember my car accident.(CALD)

Stop the car! I think I'm going to be sick to my stomach.(English Idioms,Magnuson)

feel/be (a bit) under the weather

cítit se pod psa, nebýt ve své kůži (informal)

I'm feeling a little under the weather - I think I may have caught a cold.(CIDI)

I'm feeling a bit under the weather - I think I've caught a cold.(CALD)

Dan's been under the weather lately - sick with the flu. (Eng.Idioms,W.Magnuson)

feel/be off-colour

cítit se mizerně

He had flu a couple of months ago and he's been a bit off-colour ever since.(CIDI)

I'm feeling a bit off-colour today.(CALD)

The usual symptoms are a faint pink rash with a slight fever, perhaps swollen glands or aching joints and a general feeling of being off-colour. (BNC)

feel/get dizzy

točit se hlava někomu,mít závrať

Going without sleep for a long time makes me feel dizzy and light-headed.(CIDI)

I felt quite dizzy with excitement as I went up to collect the award. (CIDI)

Recent anaesthesia and certain medications can cause patients to feel dizzy and unable to maintain their balance. (BNC)

field/military hospital

polní nemocnice

Irena drove me to the station, past the monastery that is now a military hospital, along the main road north where tanks rumble across at night. (BNC)

He was hospitalized again on April 3 in a Soviet military hospital outside Berlin. (BNC)

The military hospital was a dismal insanitary edifice on the western outskirts of the city. (BNC)

fight for sb`s life

bojovat o život, zápasit se smrtí

I am the unhappiest creature in the world, but I shall fight for my life,'; he said. (BNC)

Tributes poured in from showbiz stars as Leslie fought for his life in hospital last night. (BNC)

Suddenly the ropes were cut, and the ring was invaded and Burke had to fight for his life. (BNC)

flog st to death

přetřásat, rozebírat něco až do omrzení

He basically takes one theme and flogs it to death for three hundred and fifty pages.(CIDI)

No sporting event is beaten to death more than the Sugar Bowl - it is analyzed again and again by the commentators.(CIDI)

It`s a theme that's been flogged to death.(CALD)

flog/beat a dead horse

zbytečně se sanžit, ztrácet čas (marným snažením)

I`ve been showing the new clerk how to use the computer but it`s like flogging a dead horse. He simply can`t remember which keys to press. (English Idioms, Oxford)

Oh nothing is worse Than to flog a dead horse. (BNC)

If something is carried on then it is flogging a dead horse or blind ambition. (BNC)

food poisoning

otrava jídlem

Graf never blamed her upsets on family problems, flu, food poisoning, sinus trouble and a variety of other problems. (BNC)

Later Ministry of Agriculture officials told the nuns that this was a mistake and that the food poisoning was due to Salmonella typhimurium. (BNC)

Evidence of salmonella in chickens or in the hen house did not mean that the eggs were infected to levels that could cause food poisoning, he said. (BNC)

for life

na celý život, doživotně, po zbytek života

His career, literally, hung by a thread of tissue which, if it had broken, would have forced him to wear a colostomy bag for life. (BNC)

And drama has so much to offer in terms of equipping a child for life after school. (BNC)

It was a job for life. (BNC)

for sb`s pains

za všechno své úsilí, snahu, námahu, snažení

This is what I have got for my pains. (Lingea)

All she got for her pains was a slight smile but no verbal reply as with efficient ease he filled and switched on a percolator. (BNC)

And when the silly girl found out and rejected him he raped her for her pains. (BNC)

for the life of me

ani za Boha

I cannot remember it for the life of me. (Lingea)

 I can't for the life of me understand what it is you see in it. (BNC)

I cannot for the life of me imagine a place as distant as Italy. (BNC)

frighten/scare sb to death / be frightened/scared to death

vyděsit / vystrašit k smrti, být vyděšený / vystrašený k smrti

I'm scared to death she's going to tell him.(CIDI)

She's frightened to death of dogs.(CIDI)

David suddenly appeared in the doorway and scared me to death.(CIDI)