Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 1:44 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: MEDIA

fabricate a story

- vymyslet si historku

1. John Onanuga and David Newton have again admitted today that they fabricated the story of Mr Lamont visiting our Praed Street branch on Monday, November 16, 1992. BNC

2. If the drugs do not appear in the stool as planned, or if symptoms of intoxication develop, the smuggler may present to a casualty department, fearing a package has burst, fabricating a story to try to avoid criminal proceedings. BNC

3. I studied fellow patients fabricating their life stories. BNC

fade out

- zeslabit zvuk; zatmívat obraz

1. Just in time, for the bed where I placed the case is flashing its warning negative/ positive, and I snatch the stitched handle, just in time, as it fades out. BNC

2. We interrupt this broadcast, said an announcer, fading out José Iturbi, to bring you an important newsflash. BNC

3. It appears as the instrumental introduction (and two instrumental interludes), it comes four times in each of the two choruses, and it is still going when the song fades out. BNC

false statement

- nepravdivé tvrzení

1.  Hence the company will not be estopped in the example given above; it has not made any false statement. BNC

2. This was an entirely false statement, obviously damaging to a thriving professional musician. BNC

3. In November 1989 Secord had pleaded guilty to a felony charge of making a false statement to congressional investigators by denying that he knew that funds from the Iran-contra operation had been used to instal a security system at the house of Oliver North.  BNC

feature film

- hlavní, celovečerní film

1. The London Film Festival included a feature film from Ecuador, only the second the country has ever produced. BNC

2. A similar position was put by Anthony Asquith in his first feature film, Shooting Stars (1928).

3.  Just turned 21, she has sold more than 30 million records worldwide, has made a major feature film and has silenced the carping critics with a massively successful debut tour as a live performer. BNC

fish for information

- lovit/shánět informace

1. In a sort of roundabout way, he was fishing for information about her habits, and attitude to boys. BNC

2. Those who give the impression that they are fishing for information; they may be looking for a recommendation for somebody else who may be suitable to approach. BNC

3. The natural place for a person to fish for information about an unknown word is in a dictionary. BNC

flavour of the month

- hit měsíce, šlágr měsíce

1. But Portillo is fast becoming flavour of the month and will increasingly find himself in the public eye. BNC

2. Waikato are the flavour of the month in New Zealand. BNC

3. Hollywood bratpack style is flavour of the month at the moment, with 1970 the pivotal bratpack year in the new Burro autumn/winter range. BNC

floppy disc

- disketa

1. Users should also start their machines from a virus-free floppy disc and do a file copy to back up all their files onto clean discs. BNC

2. The results of a search can be stored on a floppy disc or printed out. BNC

3. Colin gave the wrong advice about getting floppy disc out when jammed and then I deleted the stuff off the hard disc. BNC

forced to do st

- přinucen něco udělat

1. They've been transferred from Princess Margaret Hospital in Swindon, where hospital managers have been forced to close three operating theatres. BNC

2. But they're frustrated that most of the time, they're forced to rely on a helping hand. BNC

3. Two ministers were forced to resign but Pindling denied personal involvement in corruption, despite the disparity between his lavish personal life-style and his modest Prime Ministerial salary. BNC

foreign news

- zprávy ze zahraničí

1. It was preceded by the involvement of hundreds of people in discussion groups devoted to different sections; home news, features, music, the arts, international and foreign news and sport. BNC

2. Both papers carried at least two pages of local news, not including sport, and generally had one or two pages of foreign news. BNC

3. The breadth of its coverage of foreign news is unrivalled, but most of its readers are in greater New York. BNC


- reklamní noviny, které jsou distribuovány zdarma

1. Livingstone himself had made a tentative start with the publication of the Londoner, a heavily subsidized but snappy tabloid free-sheet widely distributed throughout the GLC area. BNC

2. Coated free-sheet papers contain less than 10% mechanical (groundwood) pulp.WebC

3. Call up the owner, general manager or advertising director of your. local free-sheet. WebC

funded from sb,st

- financován někým, z něčeho

1. While welcoming the prospect of more officers on the front line against crime, the police are concerned the proposals will have to be funded from existing budgets. BNC

2. Union officials at the plant have been called to a conference in Nottingham, but management say most work at the plant is already funded from abroad. WebC

3. Repair of storm damage, foreign debt repayments and aid to small businesses were to be funded from the 1988 tax surplus. BNC