úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.50
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

filthy doggerel

obscénní básnička

Todd Parenteau started what looked To be some extremely filthy doggerel before being Sat down in mid-sentence. (Google)

Don't stop to favor us with his name, and pass over the filthy doggerel! (Google)

One of the reasons I felt so weird about him before I met him was because he wrote this piece of filthy doggerel for a mimeographed magazine. (Google)

first-past-the-post system

většinový volební systém

Under his scheme they would be elected by something close to Britain's first-past-the-post system. (BNCI)

Although Labour accepted that a second chamber to replace the Lords could be elected by a method other than the present first-past-the-post system, that chamber did not make or break governments. (BNCI)

At a meeting in Edinburgh earlier this week of the cross-party European Movement, its Scottish Council agreed to campaign for PR in line with the system operated in Northern Ireland, even if England and Wales retained the first-past-the-post system. (BNCI)

forensic medicine

soudní lékařství

Otherwise a free choice is available in which students can select courses such as Criminology, Forensic Medicine and Housing and Employment Law or courses from other faculties. (BNCI)

In a long, frank interview with me this week at Guy's Hospital, where he is now the head of Forensic Medicine , Dr West stuck to his original view. (BNCI)

Thus four of the leading experts in this field --; Knight, Sugar, West and Mant --; with a combined experience of more than 100 years of forensic medicine, have never seen or read of a single case of an injury like the one which the jury were told knocked out Jonathan Lewis. (BNCI)

forged banknote

padělaná bankovka

1. Lo Cascio was said to have established links with Colombian and Venzuelan drug cartels, while the financial side of the operation was the work of Ulrich Bahl, a German businessman who for some months had been imprisoned in the USA on charges of passing forged banknotes.(BNCI)

2.  The measure came amidst allegations by the government that neighbouring states hostile to Iraq had flooded the country with forged banknotes to destabilize the economy.(WebCorp)

3. Three soccer fans accused of using forged banknotes, have ben set free by a judge after spending four months in a Turkish jail. (BNCI)

fossil fuels

fosilní paliva

One possibility is that the Government will advocate a `;carbon'; tax on the burning of fossil fuels --; oil, gas and coal. (BNCI)

Recently, however, it has been given added emphasis and urgency by the growing appreciation that the damage being done to the environment by the use of fossil fuels may require drastic restrictions on their use. (BNCI)

Sources of alternative supply fell into two categories: new, cleaner or more efficient methods of burning fossil fuels, and the whole range of renewable sources. (BNCI)

free trade area

zóna volného obchodu

1. Britain simultaneously wrote to West Germany, stressing its opposition to a common market of only six countries, and asking for West German support for a much broader free trade area based upon the OEEC states. (BNCI)

2. The situation will be made more dangerous if the EC cuts itself off from the new North American Free Trade Area.(BNCI)

3.  Negotiations on free trade were also initiated with Yugoslavia, even though the 1983 EFTA-Yugoslavia joint declaration had not specifically foreseen the possibility of a free trade area. (BNCI)

full-scale war

totální válka

The Defence Ministry said last night: `;They are not there to fight a full-scale war. (BNCI)

After 1931, and especially after the outbreak of full-scale war with China in 1937, social regimentation in Japan became more obtrusive. (BNCI)

Allegations of Pakistani involvement in the conflict featured prominently in the central government's response to the crisis, and concern that the conflict could lead to a full-scale war was widespread in diplomatic and media circles. (BNCI)