úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.27
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

fall for sb.

zamilovat se do koho

Well, I was in a village,. I had just left my hometown and moved to it. I met this girl, and, I fell for her. She fell for me too, it was perfect. WebC

I fell for him at once and he seemed attracted to me, but that was all there was to it for a long time. BNC

He's also an extremely nice person, which is probably why your cousin fell for him. BNC

fall head over heals in love

bezhlavě se zamilovat

Believe me, I know! My Valentine’s Day wish for you, is that you fall head over heals in love with the only person who can make you whole…Yourself. WebC

It really makes you fall head over heals in love with him. WebC

He fell head over heals in love with her and decided to become a part of her life. WebC

fall in love

zamilovat se do koho

In those three weeks the couple fell in love and became engaged. BNC

He acquired a few pupils, including an ugly girl named Josepha von Auernhammer, who promptly fell in love with him. BNC

I fell in love with a woman and went out with a man. BNC

fall madly in love

šíleně se zamilovat

That's something that just clicked me when I was thinking.. what's love and what's
it like to fall madly in love? WebC

So, of course, Romeo and Juliet are going to fall madly in love when they meet because their love is a deliciously forbidden one, the best kind. BNC

We eventually fell madly in love and went away for a string of dirty weekends. BNC

fall out with sb.

pohádat se/rozejít se s kým

I fell out with my wife, found a new woman, and moved to France. WebC

He fell out with his wife, too, and they eventually went their own ways. WebC

Two years after their separation, I fell out with my mother and went to live with my father. WebC

family allowance

rodinné přídavky

And love was standing outside the local supermarket collecting signatures for the campaign to keep Family Allowance as a separate benefit. BNC

In our view the principle of making an allowance for each child of the income tax payer is a sound one, in practice the middle class parent who pays income tax receives a family allowance from the state. BNC

We receive Family Allowance merely because we have children. BNC

family background

rodinné zázemí/poměry

Does Mr Baker really believe that such dishonesty and repression provide a `strong family background'? BNC

How do you think your family background has influenced your working life? BNC

His family background was humble but he had been brought up on the writings of Beatrice and Sidney Webb and the philosophies of George Bernard Shaw. BNC

family brand

rodinná značka

OshKosh is America's family brand, embracing the best of our rich past with an eye toward the future. WebC

The family brand name already may be laden with meanings and associations. WebC

Does one focus on an individual brand name or a family brand name? WebC

family budget

rodinný rozpočet

Caroline is also well aware of the huge dent that Christmas can make in the family budget. BNC

When a family budget is already overstrained, the recurring extra load of credit commitments can break it. BNC

The cost of health care shows up not only in your family budget, but in the price of everything we buy and everything we sell. BNC

family car

rodinný vůz

Now he's told her that she should pay for the new family car. BNC

Ford does not plan to introduce a completely new replacement for its Taurus family car until the mid-1990s. BNC

Check that you have enough room for the car to pass through: a typical small family car needs about 1.8m (6ft) of clear space between obstacles. WebC 

family care

rodinná péče

It is therefore wrong to assume that there is a widespread move away from the family care of dependent older people. BNC 

This kind of family care is not merely between parents and succeeding generations of children. BNC

We should nonetheless acknowledge that in some parts of the country family care is extensive and durable. BNC

family chronicle


This film is a family chronicle, a survey of one family's history through the generations, a history tracked through its matrilineal line. WebC

It is both a family chronicle and something of a bildungsroman. WebC

Though primarily a family chronicle and not intended for publication, the simple and intimate Memoirs unfolded a rich panorama of Jewish life in cities such as Hamburg, Berlin and Amsterdam. WebC

family circle

rodinný kruh

Tears ran down her cheeks as she thought of her first-born, of how he ought to be here, a part of the family circle. BNC

The family circle was extended by inclusion of the indoor servants. BNC

Women are not only responsible for the care, education and development of their children, but also for the maintenance of the family circle. BNC

family commitments

rodinné povinnosti

Men with big company cars, big mortgages, big family commitments are prepared to risk all that in order to have control of their own destiny. BNC

Despite his heavy family commitments, he was instantly dismissed by his father when it was discovered that he had entertained a nurse in the company flat. BNC

Do I have any family commitments which restrict the sort of job I can take on? BNC

family company

rodinná společnost (kde akcie vlastní členové rodiny)

They enjoy their status as a family company and intend to retain it. BNC

His family company, which started in the 1870s, had over the years supplied bats for many of the leading cricketers. BNC

March 1982 values can be increased where a husband and wife both held shares in a family company on 31 March 1982. BNC