úterý, 16. července 2024, 16.53
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: Communication

gain ground

dostať sa do popredia, presadzovať sa

This shows the extent to which the republican ideal gained ground once independence was in place, furthering the ideological divide between protestant loyalism and catholic nationalism. (BNC)

Our new product is gaining ground against that of our competitor. (Google)

Since the government announced its new policies, the opposition has been gaining ground.

get a life!

nájdi si niečo príjemnejšie na prácu

What you've got to do now is get yourself together. Get a life, as Lizzy is always saying. (BNC)

He needs to leave home and get a job – in short, he needs to get a life. (Google)

They're always telling me I shouldn't make fun of people, and I just tell them, “Grow up, you know, get a life.” (Google)

get a word in

dostat se ke slovu

You just can't get a word in and you know to never, never, never ask them a question about anything! The answer goes on and on and on! (Google)

Some people disengage because they can't get a word in, they've been shouted down, or they've become bored. (Google)

He had no intention of letting me get a word in or make any comment on his tale. (Google)

get hold of

zohnať niekoho, zmocniť sa, pochytiť

It is the first duty of any coach arriving at a competition to get hold of a current draw sheet, identify the areas on which his entries will be competing and confirm the timetable. (BNC)

I wasn't expecting the press to get hold of it, mind you; but it may be no bad thing. (BNC)

He said he planned to call Mom this week, so I thought he'd get hold of her sooner or later. (Google)

get in on the ground floor

byť pri tom hneď od začiatku

It is potentially a very lucrative market and those who get in on the ground floor might well make a fortune. (Google)

After just two days on the market, the software group has shot up from 70p to 113p -- great news for the institutions who got in on the ground floor. (BNC)

Usually, these are sold in bulk to a dealer who can handle large quantities but it is worth trying to do a deal on smaller quantities if you can get in on the ground floor, so to speak. (BNC)

get real

uvedom sa! spamätaj sa!

You think he's going to help you? Get real! (Google)

I've decided to run in this year's charity marathon. Oh, come on, get real! You haven't done any serious running for years and you're overweight. You'll never finish the course. (Google)

You expect me to ignore data like that? Get real! (Google)

get the message


Dean was too much of a cultural snob to get the message, but Balcon sought to emulate the success of these pictures in his more serious, dramatic movies. (BNC)

And let them walk all over me, or, whether I should just say: 'OK, I get the message', and do myself in. (BNC)

As they surveyed their steak and kidney pud and overcooked cabbage in the clubhouse the members began to get the message. (BNC)

get wind of

něco se doslechnout

Tell me, how did your friends get wind of the fact that the market was going to crash? (Google)

Once, I was about to lose a design contract due to a conflict between an architect and client. I didn't get wind of the problem until midafternoon... (Google)

Commanders and first sergeants are trained if they get wind of anyone who might be in an abusive situation, whether they are the victim or the partner, they've got to separate the couple for at least 72 hours to determine if they are safe of not - no matter how minor it may seem. (Google)

give a piece of mind

napomínať niekoho, kárať

I've had enough from John. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.
Sally, stop it, or I'll give you a piece of my mind. (Google)

Wanna give Bennett a piece of your mind? (Google)

Ever wanted to give the City a piece of your mind? Well, here's your chance. (Google)

give ground


Does he withdraw his front foot, indicating his preference to give ground? (BNC)

I approached the barking dog, but it wouldn't give ground. (Google)

When I argue with Mary, she never gives ground. (Google)

give one's word

dát své slovo

It would be much more comfortable for both of us if you would give me your word not to try to escape, or to go back, or to leave my camp, or cause your men to leave my camp, or anything like that. (Google)

If your words possess enough value to move mountains, if they can do everything they say, then, my lord, papers are unnecessary if you give me your word. (Googlebooks)

Give me your word here and now that you will do the next thing that I ask of you, whatever it is, if it is in your power. (Google)

give someone a straight answer

byť k niekomu úprimný

However, the company has run into financial difficulty lately that are causing some unexpected repercussions. Like what! Give it to me straight. I am afraid we have to lay you off. (Google)

What a shifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer to a straight question. (Google)

He made the point that had the position been reversed he would not expect to be pestered after giving a straight answer. (BNC)

give someone an earful

vyhrešiť niekoho, pokarhať

You can just imagine the earful he gave her when they got home. (Google)

Give your Illinois legislators an earful on ethics reform. (Google)

Customer studies give an earful to wireless carriers about bad service. (Google)

give the show away

vyzradit něco, co mělo zůstat v tajnosti

Then the leader of the troops got cold feet and gave the show away to the headquarters. (Google)

At that I very nearly gave the show away by laughing. (Google)

The minister's unconvincing answers on the numbers really gave the show away. He must be a candidate for the ultimate dunce's cap. (Google)

go back on one's word

nedostát svému slibu

Don't ever go back on your word. So, be careful what you say you will or will not do. Ask her for suggestions on what you can do to gain her trust again. (Google)

If you go back on your word in politics, you will all too often end up dead. (Google)

Don't break promises or go back on your word. The key is to remember your commitment. Write it down and do it. (Google)

go in one ear and out the other

jít jedním uchem tam a druhým ven

The things that go in one ear and out the other do not hurt as much as the things that go in one ear, get all mixed up, and then slip out of the mouth. (Googlebooks)

No matter how shocking they are, statistics will just go in one ear and out the other. (Google)

Just let the gossip go in one ear and out the other. In the event that you hear some alarming news that involves you in any way, shape or form; take it up with your boss or HR immediately. (Google)

go round in circles

chodiť dokola, neschopnosť nájsť riešenie

We're just going round in circles discussing the problem. (Google)

Fred's trying to find out what's happened but he's going round in circles. (Google)

The problem of going round in circles is caused by a surplus of information and explanation, and a deficit of ideas and reactions to those ideas. (BNC)

go the rounds

obiehať, obísť, obehnúť

Well, there's a rumor going the rounds that the board is thinking of closing down his department. (Google)

There are plenty of glossy, expensive training packs going the rounds at the moment. (BNC)

'I'm not sure,' he said in an oddly formal voice, 'but there were some fairly odd stories going the rounds about her. (BNC)



I know. She's always passing on the latest rumors about who's not talking to whom and who's bought the most expensive dresses. Terri She's such a gossipmonger isn't she. (Google)

Her village, like any other, had its share of gossipmongers who took the sketchiest rumour and added and added to it. (BNC)

The minute our engagement is announced the gossipmongers in this little hotbed of a colony will be ready to pounce on any evidence that this is -- as they have long predicted -- a marriage of convenience! (BNC)