úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.35
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

game reserve

obora, rezervace pro zvěř

1. I know now that every park, meadow, lake, river, moor and garden in Britain is in need of conservation, as much as any game reserve in Africa or rain forest in South America. BNCB

2. The Kamuku Game Reserve is a typical example of a forest area that is experiencing  the kind of problems described above. BNCB

3.  Buck de Vries, owner of a private game reserve, who specialises in transporting elephants, says he has many clients from private game parks and ranches, particularly in America. Times

general store

obchod se smíšeným zbožím

1. As more people settled in an area, someone opened up a general store in the community. WebC

2. The old Hudson Bay Company post is now a general store, souvenir shop, and cafe. WebC

3. The building was built in 1887 but wasn't always a general store. WebC

gift shop

obchod se suvenýry

1. Browse in the gift shop or enjoy refreshment in the restaurant, and you can reflect for a few moments on how different things might have been without the events of 1066. BNCB

2. Our large gift shop is considered one of the best in the South East and offers a vast range of quality nostalgic gifts, such as Victorian style dolls, enamel advertising signs, tins and teddy bears. BNCB

3. Perhaps a visit to the glass-animal maker in the Bat House would be of interest, and no visit to the park would be complete without a browse around the spacious gift shop where you can purchase a memento of your visit. BNCB

give directions

říci, popsat, ukázat cestu

1. You should be able to give directions to any room or facility within your property, including restaurants, meeting rooms, game rooms, and pools. WebC

2. Police officers guard the street as two different signs give directions to the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. WebC

3. Teachers generally give directions by telling, writing, or showing students what they are supposed to do. WebC

give sb, sth the once-over

v rychlosti si prohlédnout

1. I wait patiently whilst he gives me the once-over. BNCB

2. Barry gave the map the once-over and went. BNCB

3. She turned to the stranger who had just finished talking to a mechanic who was now giving her car the once-over. BNCB 

go clubbing

vyrazit do klubu

1. "More like 16," she said, with energy in reseve to go clubbing occasionally with her best friend and godmother to Kane, Diane Modhal. Times

2. I guess Damien Hirst didn't go clubbing in the mid-eighties in NY. BNCB

3. An important thing for visitors planning to go clubbing to note is that usually every
night of the week in a night club has a different event and style of music. WebC  

Gothic style

gotický styl

1. The middle class also had a great influence on the Gothic style as they desired churches that could reflect their economic power and social status. WebC

2. Gothic style was the dominant structural and aesthetic mode in Europe for a period of up to 400 years. WebC

3. The Gothic style did not reach this area until well into the 14th century, taking over from the Romanesque. WebC

Grave of the Unknown Soldier

hrob neznámého vojína

1. The Tomb sarcophagus was placed above the Grave of the Unknown Soldier of World War I. WebC

2. Inspired by the Flame of Remembrance that burns at the Grave of the Unknown Soldier in Paris, Jackie Kennedy decided she wanted a similar memorial for her husband. WebC

3. Destroyed in the war, all that remains is a portion of the central archway.
In it lies the Grave of the Unknown Soldier with its eternal flame. WebC

green spaces

městská zeleň

1. Christchurch is famous for its green spaces, both public and private, and they make an important contribution to our environment. WebC

2. One interesting result of the studies was that people with own yards use public green spaces significantly more often than the others. WebC

3. Plants and green spaces provide the human mind with a rest allowing the expression of creativity and an increase in productivity. WebC

grow tired

unavit se

1. There are times when the stress and pressures of life exhausts my strength and I grow tired in both body and spirit. WebC

2. This is a beautifully scenic ride that members never grow tired of repeating. WebC

3. But I never grow tired of palm-trees and humid heat. WebC

guide book


1. But, according to the guide book, Notre Dame was regarded by contemporary opinion as a masterpiece of 19th-century gothic architecture. BNCB

2. Every castle and site of consequence has its guide book, and many of these are well written if not actually comprehensive. BNCB

3. There is so much to see that is is worth buying a good guide book. BNCB 

guided tour

prohlídka s výkladem průvodce

1. You will be given a guided tour and then return via the Lech valley. BNCB

2. There is a boat trip round the island and a guided tour of King Ludwig's magnificent castle, a copy of Versailles. BNCB

3. You will be taken on a guided tour of the theatre including the stage, auditorium, backstage, paintshop and dressing rooms. BNCB