úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.18
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: TRAVEL

gather speed

nabírat/získávat rychlost, zrychlovat

The train pulled away slowly, then gathered speed. MED

They had only about one hundred and fifty yards to gather speed and could not achieve a full gallop in the time. BNC

The bicycle gathered speed as it went down the hill. CALD

get into a car

nastoupit do auta

She got into her car and drove away. MED

She watched her mother get into the car, but she remained standing by the open door until Lizzie had turned the car and then disappeared down the drive. BNC

From the doorstep, she watched him get into his car and drive off. BNC

get lost

ztratit se

I wanted to go with her to the train, but she told me to stay at home otherwise I'd get lost on the way back. BNC

Even if you are familiar with the terrain, it is very easy to get lost, particularly if a sudden mist descends. BNC

On bad days it rains and the mist covers everything in silence; you can see only a few yards in front of you and, if you wander from the road, can easily get lost. BNC

get off a bus/train

vystoupit z autobusu

I tripped as I got off the bus.CALD

When it was time to get off the bus, he gave me what I thought was a friendly smile, and said, `;It's all right, dear, I agree with you.'; BNC

 I go to my nephew's for tea on Saturday afternoons and if the weather's not too bad I get off the bus in Glenfair Road and walk down the Drive. BNC

get on a bus/train

nastoupit do autobusu/vlaku

I think we got on the wrong bus.CALD

They get on a bus and they don't know where they're going to.BNC

When you get on the bus, please take a numbered ticket from a machine located either at the front or back of the bus. WebC

get under way

dostat se do pohybu, rozběhnout se, rozjet se

One WCY project that should get under way concerns appropriate technology for rural radio broadcasting. BNC

A series of Friday night swim discos get under way at Bishop Auckland's Woodhouse Close leisure complex next week. BNC

Rebuilding work is due to get under way in the next few weeks when councillors decide which bid to accept for the contract. BNC

give sb. a lift

svézt někoho autem

 I can give you a lift into town.MED

I'll give you a lift to the station if you like.CALD

And he volunteered to give a lift to anyone who couldn't get to the annual general meeting in March. BNC

go camping

jet tábořit, kempovat

We used to go camping in Spain when I was a child.CALD

For example, a girl of fourteen may reckon that she is old enough to go camping abroad or inter-state with an assorted group of friends of her own age. BNC

 Ingrid, who joined her at Howard a couple of years after leaving college, got hauled in to help with Brownies and go camping in grass shelters the girls had built.

go down that road

vydat se/jít touto cestou, dělat věci určitým způsobem

I’ve tried being reasonable with him and I don’t want to go down that road again. MED

And if you go down that road in every area of life, I think we're storing tremendous trouble for ourselves as a society! BNC

I'm sure it's been operated in some places but your policy and resources committee do recommend that we do not go down that road. BNC

go for a drive

jet na projížďku

We went for a drive in Jack’s new car. MED

The last time I saw Jonathan was Thursday evening when he picked me up in the car and we went for a drive. BNC

They go for a drive, but the minibus runs out of petrol, Kevin goes for petrol, but there's a problem… BNC

go on/take a trip

jet na výlet

I thought we might hire a motorboat and take a trip round the bay. CALD

And on these occasions they would visit the museums or take a trip to Durham, or travel down the river to Shields in the ferryboat.  BNC

The whole family went on a trip to Florida. MED

go one´s own way

jít svou vlastní cestou, jednat samostatně

After a couple of years together, we realized we weren't suited to one another and decided to go our own ways. CALD

His parents must realize that he will soon go his own way. MED

She went her own way, made her own successes and failures, and cared for no opinion but her own, apart from that of people she knew to be her intellectual equals or superiors. BNC

goods traffic

nákladní doprava

Although Nine Elms Station was closed to passenger traffic in 1848 and converted to goods traffic when Waterloo opened, Queen Victoria continued to use it. BNC

But the greater proportion of goods traffic was not carried in specials but in ordinary merchandise trains, made up of all kinds of vehicles containing an assortment of commodities, raw and manufactured. BNC

Goods traffic is more fundamental to a developing economy than is that in passengers or mail, but these are also important. BNC

guided tour

prohlídka/zájezd s průvodcem

Salzburg is a fascinating city too, and the guided tour is by far the best way to get your initial bearings. BNC

 A short guided tour of the workplace, with explanations and a chance to ask questions may come first. BNC

You will be taken on a guided tour of the theatre including the stage, auditorium, backstage, paintshop and dressing rooms. BNC