utorok, 16 júla 2024, 14:27
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLIMATE

get a second wind

chytit druhý dech

After two hours we could hardly walk another step, but we got a second wind as we neared home. CIDI

Dad stamped back down, leaving Mum to get her second wind.  BNC

Like many other plants, asparagus seems to have got a second wind.  BNC

get all steamed up

 rozčílit se, dostat se do varu

She got all steamed up about the books being left on the tables. CALD

This is why Peter gets so steamed up with the sales people from the software houses. BNC

It means thinking before you speak, trying hard not to get all steamed up and confrontational. BCN

get cold feet

dostat strach, ztratit odvahu

We're getting married next Saturday - that's if Trevor doesn't get cold feet!CIDI

I'm worried she may be getting cold feet about our trip to Patagonia.

We are following the commitment that we gave in 1973 to ever closer union, so why are we now beginning to get cold feet? BNC

get out of the rain

schovat se před deštěm

Then you've got the jokers who sleep under lorries to get out of the rain. BNC

No, I came to get a ticket for the literature festival but it was pouring down so I came to get out of the rain.  BNC

Open the door, let's get out of the rain. BCN

get snowed in

uváznout ve sněhu

However, when we all get snowed in this coming winter, what would you advise for a serious snow tyre?  BNC

"When people get snowed in, we get packed," she said. "Everybody comes in, and everybody knows everybody." WebCorp

We'd better get home now before we get snowed in! WebCorp

get soaked to the skin

promoknout na kůži

I had no umbrella so I got soaked to the skin. CALD

When we are all shopped out I make a run for the van in the downpour and get soaked to the skin running 10 yards.WebCorp

Luckily come the evening the wind has gone North West and after some squalls and torrential downpours when I got soaked to the skin we are now able to make a South West course.  WebCorp

get wind of

dozvědět se

I don't want my boss to get wind of the fact that I'm leaving so I'm not telling many people. CIDI

Right, let's get this done before the Press get wind of what's happened,'; said Inspector Drew. BNC

That caused a series of hiccups in the process, and the ripples allowed the Ardakkeans to get wind of the theft. BNC

give sb the cold shoulder

ignorovat, přezírat, chovat se chladně

What have I done to him? He gave me the cold shoulder the whole evening at the party. CIDI

I'll just give him the cold shoulder next time I see him! WebCorp

The team will give him the cold shoulder, he won't enjoy it any more, and he'll leave. WebCorp

global warming

globální oteplování

These will all reduce emissions from fossil fuels and so help combat global warming and acid deposition. BNC

Carbon dioxide emissions The UN estimates that a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 20% by 2005 will be necessary to avoid potentially disastrous effects of global warming. BNC

There was some speculation during late 1989 that the rate of global warming might accelerate due to hitherto unforeseen circumstances. BNC

go out with a bang

skončit bouchnutím, hromobitím

We put on a few and I knew I was finishing, so I thought I would try to go out with a bang by breaking the pavilion window in the Long Room. BNC

He had found it difficult to resist the temptation to tell Patricia, at least, of his intention to become a Dominican, to go out with a bang instead of a whimper. BNC

She would rather go out with a bang than a whimper. BNC

greenhouse effect

skleníkový efekt

The Prime Minister's latest ambition is to close the ozone gap and save the world from the greenhouse effect. BNC

Methane is one of the principal gases contributing to the greenhouse effect. BNC

From fridges to cars, we already have the technology we need to curb the greenhouse effect. BNC

grey skies


By Sunday morning the grey skies had cleared away. BNC

It was a chilly May day, with grey skies and a wind which seemed thirsty for another death. BNC

And even the drizzle and grey skies won't stop some putting on their new outfits, though others succumbed to the weather and brought out their brollies and even wellington boots. BNC

ground frost

přízemní mráz

A touch of ground frost is not uncommon, irrespective of how blazing hot it has been during the day. BNC

Turning west to cross the freeway the ground frost got really thick in spots. WebCorp

However, a few clear intervals may develop, allowing some patchy mist and perhaps a touch of ground frost during the early hours.  BNC