utorok, 16 júla 2024, 13:55
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

general election

všeobecné volby

The 1931 general election gave the Conservatives a huge overall majority in the House of Commons, enabling them to pursue their tariff policy with little hindrance. (BNCI)

The political consequence of the general election result for Northern Ireland will be the prompt resumption of the inter-party talks about the province's future, probably by the end of the month. (BNCI)

Is the Minister aware that, after the general election, the assisted area map will change because the Government will change, and that changes are necessary? (BNCI)

general secretary

generální tajemník

Rodney Bickerstaffe, general secretary of the public employees' union Nupe, said that local management of schools, giving schools control over their own budgets would mean less money for education.(BNCI)

Meanwhile John Edmonds, general secretary of Britain's general union the GMB, claimed the rate rise would throw 250,000 people out of work. (BNCI)

Mr Mladenov followed his appointment as Communist Party General Secretary with a speech clearly aimed at the country's dissident movement, which has been growing. (BNCI)

genetic engineering

genetické inženýrství

It is also right that consumers should pay the full price of the advantages they will enjoy as a result of genetic engineering. (BNCI)

Genetic engineering makes it possible to cut and splice DNA. (BNCI)

In the 1970s, genetic engineering made it possible to clone human insulin genes in micro-organisms which secreted insulin with the same structure as natural human material.(BNCI)

genetically modified foods

geneticky upravené potraviny

In the USA, it notes, there has been a storm of protest over a government decision not to insist on tests and labelling of genetically modified foods, which has led to calls for boycotts of gene foods. (BNCI)

The appearance of genetically modified foods in the marketplace has resulted in a firestorm of public debate, scientific discussion, and media coverage.(Google)

Genetically modified foods (GM foods or GMF) offer a way to quickly improve crop characteristics such as yield, pest resistance, or herbicide tolerance, often to a degree not possible with traditional methods. (Google)

genuine independence

úplná nezávislost

They are determined to carry on their resistance until they have won genuine independence and freedom and true peace.(WebCorp)

The major Western Powers continued to advocate negotiations with the South African regime - despite its constant defiance of United Nations resolutions and opinions of the International Court of Justice - knowing well that no solution ending racial discrimination in Namibia or granting genuine independence to the country could result from such negotiations.(WebCorp)

But there are short-sighted and sinister plots to plunge the whole region in Cold War and prevent genuine independence of Namibia.(WebCorp)

geothermal energy

geotermální energie

Although on a world scale the geothermal energy contribution is low, more than 50 countries are at present engaged in research into methods of exploiting it. (BNCI)

 Above and above right Volcanic centres in the northern Rift Valley of Kenya are being investigated as a possible source of geothermal energy. (BNCI)

There is a continuing demand for well qualified geologists to satisfy the world-wide demand for oil, gas, coal, geothermal energy, minerals and other raw materials. (BNCI)

global street parties

shromáždění na ulicích proti globalizaci

Indeed, the actions during May were quite extensive, as half a million took to the streets in India, fifty thousand demonstrated in Brazil and some 20 cities held "Global Street Parties" via the RTS movement.(Google)

Global Street Parties were celebrated in 35 cities all over the world, for example in Geneva, Birmingham, Sydney, Toronto and Prague, with several thousand people in each town. (Google)

The first worldwide co-ordination of local struggles during the WTO ministerial conference in Geneva in May 1998 was a huge success: many different demonstrations, actions and Global Street Parties took place on all five continents from the 16th to the 20th of May.(Google)

global warming

globální oteplování

One of the most important issues facing all countries is the threat of global warming. (BNCI)

Car travel contributes to the greenhouse effect (global warming caused by burning fossil fuels such as petrol) and pollution generally. (BNCI)

The rise in sea level caused by global warming, for instance, is likely to lead to many deaths and to large changes in population, as a result of flooding. (BNCI)