tirsdag, 16. juli 2024, 15:55
Portal: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Ordbok: HOME

garden gnome

zahradní trpaslík

He called in Julian; a six-inch-tall red, white and blue garden gnome! (BNC)

I had to dive in the corner and make like a garden gnome… (BNC)

Notice garden gnome with little fishing rod is missing from pond. (BNC)


velice obyčejný

Mine are your everyday garden-variety blue. (BNC)

People who want to use Pentium or write garden-variety software for it reportedly don't need it. (BNC)

It´s just a garden-variety shopping mall, large but not special in any way.(Google)

gas fire

plynový krb

We could turn on the artificial gas fire! (BNC)

The old open fireplace had been boarded in and a single gas fire now burned in the hearth. (BNC)

It had minimal busted furniture, yellow walls and a gas fire. (BNC)

get foot in the door

dokončit první krok (v nějakém procesu)

Swallow explained: they had a low-key attitude to the region and had just wanted to get a foot in the door. (BNC)

His parting advice to those interested in taking the challenge was: keep an ear to the ground, your back to the wheel and get your foot in the door. (BNC)

I'm not saying it happened on this occasion, but it is not unknown for a private company to take a loss on government contracts to get a foot in the door. (BNC)

get in on the ground floor

být do něčeho zpojený od začátku

Can someone tell me how you get in on the ground floor of a money-making deal like that? (Google)

After just two days on the market, the software group has shot up from 70p to 113p; great news for the institutions who got in on the ground floor. (BNC)

You are in on the ground floor of something very, very exciting! (BNC)

get on like a house on fire

vycházet s někým velice dobře

I was worried that they wouldn't like each other, but in fact they're getting on like a house on fire. (Google)

Selina and I get on like a house on fire. (BNC)

We get on like a house on fire -- now we no longer live together. (BNC)

get on like a house on fire - vycházet (s někým) velice dobře

1. Me and Tarzan, yeah we get on like a house on fire. (Google)

2. I'll introduce you to my brothers, you'd get on like a house on fire. (Google)

3. I went for a single share, where P&O matched me up with another lone traveller in a twin cabin. Luckily, we get on like a house on fire. (Google)

get one's own house in order - zamést si před vlastním prahem

1. So to those who would point the finger at the IRA for the current difficulties in the peace process I say: "Get your own house in order." (Google)

2. So before you go whining about all your bad luck, it's time to get your OWN house in order first. (Google)

3. Understand what your own engineers are telling you and make sure it is the truth. Often times they will gloss over deficiencies or soft-sell benefits. Get your own house in order before you go on the road to demonstrate the product or write the press kit. (Google)

get out of bed on the wrong side - vstát z postele zadkem napřed / špatně se vyspat

1. You must have got out of bed on the wrong side to be so cross about so small a matter. (Google)

2. It looks like someone got out of bed on the wrong side and is going to make everyone else pay for it. (Google)

3. I must have got out of bed on the wrong side this morning. I'm not normally as critical as this! (Google)

get your own house in order

zamést si nejprve před svým vlastním prahem

You should get your own house in order before telling me what to do! (Google)

Ian has plenty of problems of his own, so he needs to get his own house in order before he starts telling other people how to live their lives. (Google)

Al Gore, get your own house in order before you lecture me. (Google)