úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.48
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

general store

obchod se smíšeným zbožím   cool

He went to a general store in order to buy a bottle of mineral water where two young men riding on a two-wheeler came and snatched his cellular phone and fled.  WebC

So we decided to walk a few miles into town and go to a general store there. WebC

Go to a general store and get one of the cheapest models, which should not cost much over $30 for the monitor and supplies. WebC

get a discount

dostat slevu     wink

You got a discount - you got more food for less money - and McDonald's got more profits. WebC

I even got a discount on a pair of trousers as I said it was my birthday. I was told I was welcome any time in the shop and got a discount voucher. WebC

Gold members got a discount on the $140 package, which reduced it to $121.60. WebC

go broke

finančně zkrachovat    sad

He went broke several times, but ended up creating a company that is today part of one of the leading media conglomerates, responsible for hundreds of films. WebC

When he went broke, he tried working as a law clerk, but soon gave it up. WebC

He went broke several times and had a nervous breakdown before he became successful. WebC

go out of fashion

vyjít z módy    clown

This outfit went out of fashion very early on because they were uncomfortable, made you cold, and were very hard to work in.  WebC

When the crinoline went out of fashion and skirts ceased to be wide, they became no less impractical - now, they were too tight. WebC

One major change was that kneepants and long stockings went out of fashion and boys began to more commonly wear knickers and kneesocks. WebC

go shopping

jít na nákupy (pro pobavení)   wink

I went shopping in Boston yesterday and bought some neat looking Gravis shoes.  WebC

My son went shopping with our neighbors and they bought him $200 worth of clothes.  WebC

One day the two of them went shopping separately for gifts for each other. WebC

good wine needs no bush

dobré zboží se chválí samo   wink

If a good wine needs no bush and a good play needs no epilogue, then a good Seminar or Institute needs no introduction. WebC

Good wine needs no bush, and perhaps products that people really want need no hard-sell or soft-sell TV push.  WebC

In this new information age, the saying "Good wine needs no bush" is no longer true.  WebC