úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.39
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLOTHES

hacking jacket

tvídové sako

Above, Slater sported a well-worn hacking jacket over a black shirt and a black bow tie which appeared to have lots of small, dull red stones set in it. BNCB

Sir, i it was a terrible brief point about clad in jodhpurs, riding boots and hacking jacket but all the point that I was going to make that I've heard about riding roughshod over Europe but Mr Deputy Speaker this is ridiculous. BNCB

I saw him wearing a worn out hacking jacket, he should buy a new one. Wasp

hair net

síťka na vlasy

Dry your hair through an old fashioned hair net or a soft silk scarf. BNCB

Mrs Hill was a small, plump, middle-aged woman, with fine frizzy hair which she encased in a fine frizzy hair net; she always wore a purple and blue flowered pinny, a garment more in keeping with an aunt or a cleaner than with a lover of science. BNCB

On the second day of their slow ride up the river they found traces of Morthen, a snail-shell hair net, slung from the branch of a tree close to the cold remains of a fire. BNCB

hand-me-down(s) (clothes)

obnošené oblečení, odložené šactvo

During his childhood growing up on a farm he wore many hand-me-down clothes. IC

As a child I was always dressed in my sister's hand-me-downs and I longed for something new to wear. CIDI

Things are so grim that the pals are throwing in hand-me-down clothes for the baron's American wife Jeannie. BNC-B

handle/treat sb with kid gloves

jednat s kým v rukavičkách

You must handle the new computer with kid gloves as it is very fragile. IC

Kid gloves are gloves made from very soft leather which would feel very soft if someone touched you with them. CIDI

Linda can be a very difficult woman - you've really got to handle her with kid gloves.CIDI

hard hat

ochranná přilba

 He took off his hard hat and wiped his brow, after checking for scaffolding. BNCB

Next to the notice was a fat man in blue dungarees and a white hard hat. BNCB

A hard hat can protect you from having a metal spike go through your skull and into your brain. BNCB

hard/hot on the heels of st

bezprostředně následovat

A film contract came hard on the heels of the success of their first album. CIDI

Her succes came hot on the heels of the book edition. Wasp

What should come hot on the heels of being rude? IE

hat shop


Would she be like the Misses Cardings, the three spinster ladies who kept the hat shop beyond the tobacconist's? BNCB

The next minute she was running out of the yard and into the street again and into the shelter of the doorway leading into the hat shop. BNCB

They turned away and she walked up the street, past the baker's, past the shoemaker's, and the hat shop, and she rang the bell that was attached to the wall at the side of the door leading into the sweet shop. BNCB

have a bee in one´s bonnet

mít brouka v hlavě, být posedlý myšlenkou

She has a bee in her bonnet about going to the USA. Lingua

She has a bee in her bonnet about going to live on an island and starting a herb farm. IC

She's got a real bee in her bonnet about people keeping their dogs under control.CIDI

have an ace/card up one´s sleeve

mít eso v rukávu

I still had a card up my sleeve in the form of a letter from his father. CIDI

The new game show has an ace up its sleeve. It will allow viewers to play from home and win prizes. CIDI

She surprised all of us, we didn´t know that she has had an ace in her sleeve. EI

have ants in one´s pants

být neposeda, chvíli neposedět, mít roupy

You are moving around as if you have ants in your pants the teacher said to the little boy. IC

She's got ants in her pants because she's going to a party tonight. CIDI

He has ants in his pants as he is going to the concert tonight. Lingua

have nothing to wear

nemít co na sebe

Every girl thinks that she has nothing to wear although the wardrobe is full of clothes. Lingea

But now Miss Kyte must leave you, or she will have nothing to wear for the occasion. BNCB

Kate is doing shoppig all the time and all the time she claims she has nothing to wear. BNCB

have st under one´s belt

mít úspěšně za sebou, mít na svém kontě

Now that you have experience working for an international company under your belt you will have more chances to apply for a better job. IC

She was a capable individual, with fourteen years as managing director under her belt. CIDI

He has several major drama awards under his belt. CIDI

have st up one´s sleeve

mít schované v rukávu (pro příhodnou dobu)

If this trip doesn't work out I've still got a few ideas up my sleeve. CIDI

He didn´t lose his head, he had another anwer up his sleeve. Lingua

They had many excuses for their absence up their sleeve that I couldn´t say anything. IE

heart is in one´s boots

být celý nervózní a zkroušený

My heart was in my boots as I waited for the results. Lingua

His heart was in his boots as he waited for news of the accident. CIDI

Why was your heart in your boots? What happened? WASPS

high fashion

top móda (tvořená špičkovými světovými salóny)

We grew up in a world of chainstore high fashion, middle-of-the-road revolution, cover-version original pop music. BNCB

 It manufactures high quality men's leather Goodyear welted and high fashion Dr Martens footwear under licence. BNCB

Those ladies slim and brave enough to wear the high fashion were ethereal in gauzy dresses that clung to their bodies as they moved. BNCB