söndag, 2 juni 2024, 07:15
Startsida: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Ordlista: Town & Country

housing estate


This housing estate is surrounded by open land which is seen between the houses and the minor road, in the top of the south eastern section of the square. (Google)

A housing estate is a group of buildings built together as a single development. The exact form may vary from country to country. (Google)

Contact your local housing estate office for matters concerning repairs, housing benefits, garden maintenance scheme and sheltered accommodation. (Google)

hunting season

lovecká sezóna

1. The mountain goat hunting season lasts 11 weeks from 15 September to the end of November. (BNC)

2. Although it restricts the hunting season to three months (ending on 31 January, not 10 March as before), it allows regional governments to alter the deadline. (BNC)

3. For the rest of the hunting season, the saboteurs will play a cat and mouse game with the huntsmen. (BNC)