úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.21
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: TRAVEL

hairpin bend

ostrá zatáčka

Around the next corner he came to a hairpin bend where the road turned abruptly inland and up hill to Albert Terrace. BNC

The roads are terrifyingly steep and on the map look like coils of intestines, which translated into reality become dizzying sets of hairpin bends too narrow for two vehicles to pass in comfort at any speed. WASPS

The hill got steeper, and just before the first hairpin bend, Dougal glanced in the rear view mirror. WebC

half board


Expect to pay about £350 for a week's half board in a three-star hotel. CALD

Guests on half board take their evening meal in the Hotel Peter next door. BNC

A half board arrangement is available at the Sporthotel, which offers excellent cuisine. BNC

hand luggage

příruční zavazadlo

How many items of hand luggage am I allowed to take onto the plane? CALD

 I made one good decision: to wear the trainers on the plane, and carry the paperwork in my hand luggage. BNC

 Always carry medicines, glasses, contact lens equipment and insurance papers with you in your hand luggage BNC

hard shoulder

zpevněná krajnice

Her car started to overheat and she stopped on the hard shoulder. BNC

She slowly forced the wheel to the left and the car moved on to the hard shoulder and stopped. BNC

 This car was stopped on the hard shoulder of the M4 just west of Swindon, after a motorway chase from South Wales. BNC

have a flat tyre/tire

mít píchlé/prázdné kolo/pneumatiku

 I had a flat tyre and also I ran out of petrol. WebC

Hauling our baggage to the station, where we had left the car, we discovered it had a flat tyre. WebC

I was pushing my bicycle because I had a flat tyre . WebC

have a long way to go

mít před sebou dlouhou cestu

From their point of view they still had a long way to go in rescuing their past. WASPS

We’ve raised Ł100 so far, but we still have a long way to go. MED

The University of Utah team made it clear that they still had a long way to go and would like another year to eighteen months to continue their research before announcing it.

have a puncture

mít píchlé kolo, píchlou pneumatiku

She was on her way home from a school governors' meeting when she had a puncture. BNC

My bike has had two punctures in the last three weeks. CALD

In a wood Filip had a puncture , which caused him a great deal of trouble. WebC

head-on collision

čelní srážka

Two drivers were killed in a head-on collision between a car and a taxi last night. CALD

Peter Betts was on a training run when he crashed into a hedge as he tried to avoid a head-on collision with a lorry. BNC

Peter Betts was on a training run when he crashed into a hedge as he tried to avoid a head-on collision with a lorry. MED

high season

vrcholná/hlavní sezóna

People on limited budgets should avoid travelling in/during /at high season if they can.

Spring and autumn are probably the best times to visit, avoiding the early-year rains and the high season crowds. BNC

 It's also one of those places where especially during high season there is always something going on. BNC

hire/rent a car

půjčit si/pronajmout si auto

How much would it cost to hire a car for a fortnight? CALD

All drivers must be at least 21 years old to hire a car. BNC

At Versailles you can walk for ever in the enormous park and gardens; if you hire a car, there is instant access to countryside, and a mass of sights, including Chartres Cathedral, lie within half an hour's drive. BNC

hit by a car

sražen autem

A policeman was one of the first victims, injured when he was hit by a car as he tried to direct rush-hour traffic around an accident on icy roads. BNC

The injured police officer had been trying to get drivers to slow down when he was hit by a car that lost control. BNC

Linda and Andrew were hit by a car less than 200 yards from their home in Blackwater, Hants, on Saturday. BNC

hit the road

vydat se na cestu

I'd love to stay longer but I must be hitting the road. CALD

I'm not really a party-goer, so just popped my head in to bid my good nights, and hit the road home about 1 a.m. BNC

As soon as he was out of the bathroom he put on his tracksuit and hit the road. BNC

hitch a ride/lift

jet stopem, stopnout si

They hitched a lift to Edinburgh from a passing car. CALD

We managed to hitch a ride to Bristol with a truck driver. MED

First night we got there, we hitched a ride with these Lagos ragga kids in a VW bus. BNC


'cestovka' (objemnější taška)

The lucky winners will receive a Ventoris wide bodied racquet , a pair of Ventora tennis shoes and a deluxe tennis thermo holdall , all from the Head 1991 tennis range. (BNCB)

Into Tommy 's holdall went the binoculars-camera and the hair curler ( one never knew ) , and I had the cigarette lighter-camera as always in my pocket. (BNCB)

I tucked the binoculars into the holdall again and without any sensible plans wandered back towards the dining car. (BNCB)

holiday resort


But the most ambitious financial venture is a project to build on the Catalan coast a holiday resort called Cosmo Dali, complete with a yacht harbour and leisure park. BNC

Benidorm is such a terrific holiday resort, with so much to do, that it is difficult to know where to start. BNC

 The Florida land boom, based on the possibilities of the are around Miami as a holiday resort, ended in temporary disaster when a hurricane devastated much of the state in 1926. BNC