Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024, 15:48
Website: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossar: TRAVEL

holiday season

doba dovolených, prázdninová sezóna

 It’s the peak of the holiday season, so the roads will be busy. MED

The holiday season begins to get into full swing as our schools close. BNC

This weekend is the start of Golden Week , the traditional kick-off for Japan 's holiday season. WASPS 

hoot one´s horn at

troubit na někoho

She hooted her horn at the dog in the road. CALD

The limo driver hooted his horn when he saw her coming. WebC

A man became the victim of road rage after he hooted his horn at a van driver going the wrong way down a one-way street. WebC