tisdag, 16 juli 2024, 17:46
Startsida: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Ordlista: CLIMATE

hail from


This musical duo hail from Manchester and take their name from vocalist Jan Johnston. BNC

Mary and David have travelled extensively and enjoy meeting their guests, who hail from all quarters of the world. BCN

I can tell, by the dialects, which part of Ireland the shoppers hail from; I have wilfully acquired a skill for accents. BCN

hail of bullets

krupobití/sprška/déšt´ kulek

Sandra Mitchley, 35, died immediately in a hail of bullets. BNC

The man got within twenty yards of the tape before a hail of bullets finally brought him down. BNC

A man passerby caught in the same hail of bullets was wounded in the arm. BNC

hail sb as

oslavovat, chválit

She's being hailed as one of the best up-and-coming young dancers today. CALD

Maybe they would remake Anna Karenina when she was an actress, and everyone would be amazed that such a young girl could project such depths of emotion and hail her as the new Garbo. BNC

The film was hailed as a masterpiece in its day. CALD



The quay was white and slippery with the granules of a recent hailstorm.  BNC

In 1985, its rooms in the Ancien Palais d'Expositions, which had been provided by the city, were damaged by a hailstorm and the Centre was evacuated. BNC

Whilst on a formation training flight on November 8, 1941, the pilot flew through a hailstorm and lost his reference to the horizon, crashing into the sea. BNC

half a gale

silný vítr

By now the wind, supposedly prevailing from the west, was blowing half a gale directly from the east, straight into our faces. WebCorp

Can you start a fire when it's blowing half a gale and the rain is coming down in buckets? WebCorp

It's not more than three miles away, and it's only blowing about half a gale - there's a cutter to go ashore in. WebCorp

have a face like thunder

tvářit se jako kakabus

She stood there with hands on her hips, glaring with a face like thunder. BNC

I don't know what had happened but he had a face like thunder. CIDI

She went into the kitchen where Sarah was standing, hands on  hips, her face like thunder. BNC

have no parallel

nemít obdoby

All fish have one sense for which we have no parallel. BNC

The emancipation of the plebs and its progressive participation in the government seem to have no parallel in Etruria but are easily comprehensible in Greek terms. BNC

In addition more complex and diffuse forms of accountability hedge public managers in ways which have no parallel in the private sector. BNC

have one´s head in the clouds

mít hlavu v oblacích

He's always got his head in the clouds or down a tunnel. BNC

He seemed to have his head in the clouds, to be living in a dream of gold. BNC

Then I remembered; today I would walk with my head in the clouds, it seemed. BNC

hazy memory

mlhavá vzpomínka

You see people out of context, years later, you try to judge by a hazy memory I'm just not sure. BNC

Another hazy memory floated tantalisingly at the edge of his mind. BNC

My hazy memory of your novel suggests that you were entirely too kind to Victor's betrothed, Elizabeth, and more than entirely too kind to his friend, Henry Clerval. BNC



Again the weather was cool and wet, with a strong headwind against us. BNC

The small jet battled against a strong headwind and took nearly an hour and a half to cover the four hundred nautical miles from the Polish border to the Gagarin radio beacon. BNC

Sunny conditions in temperatures below zero can suddenly turn to biting conditions in a strong headwind. BNC

heat wave

vlna veder

I remember we arrived during a heat wave and had to go into this refrigerator where they kept the furs. BNC

Soaring smog levels during a heat wave in Athens in late August resulted in hundreds of people being rushed to hospital. BNC

A record-breaking heat wave set the tone for negotiations on global warming in Washington this week. BNC

heavy air

dusný vzduch

Constance and Nicky had walked for what seemed miles in the heavy air of the beechwood. BNC

Lee sank deeper into the bath, wisps of white steam rising lazily into the heavy air, and wondered where Patrick Lundy and the girl were. BNC

In the heavy air of that dark, dusty room, she was a ghostly figure in her yellow-white dress. BCN

heavy flooding

rozsáhlé povodně

The storm caused widespread damage and heavy flooding, disrupting services and communications. BCN

The day after Oxfam was there, heavy flooding swept it away. BNC

Meanwhile, freak rain storms in the desert have resulted in heavy flooding in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. WebCorp

high wind

silný vítr

In his billowing white surplice he looked like a dishevelled old bird struggling to take off in a high wind. BNC

Earlier in the day it had been raining, now there was a high wind blowing. BNC

Inside, the blaze was already fierce, fanned by the high wind, the heat building up so that they could see the metal beginning to glow. BNC



Already the night air was laying hoar-frost on the rocks, and a gleam of thin ice was sparkling on the surfaces of the flatter stones. BNC

On the polar fringes warmer air brings in moisture and deposits it as hoar-frost, snow or rain. BNC

The frozen hoar frost from the summer fog delimits annual ice bands in the core. BNC