úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.49
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

ham-fisted/ ham fisted

nemotorný, nešikovný, neobratný

In the nineteenth century the chateau was altered further, with some ham fisted restoration and the addition by King Louis-Philippe and the Emperor Napoleon - the Third, not the First - of a sixth tower to go with the five earlier ones.

In her book Riding Through My Life she revealed that the KGB had then made several ham-fisted attempts to spy on her. She arrived at her hotel to find a fearsome woman guarding her door.

Ham-fisted thieves had tried to steal a Metro GTi from my driveway. But in their clumsy efforts to break the steering lock they had broken the steering itself.


hand and foot

v jednom kuse, neustále

For all his altruism, he is intrinsically self-centred. Having been waited on hand and foot for most of his life and had people jump whenever he called, he has never really had the opportunity to be anything else.

He was refighting the Battle of Prestonpans, marching to Derby , advising General George Murray on tactics and encouraging the troops; in his mind’s eye, waiting hand and foot upon his hero, Prince Charles Edward Stewart.

Sometimes, with strangers, excessive expectations of and need for support arise from these earlier relationships (my husband waited on me hand and foot). However, we are in a shadowy area unless we have some secondary verification of how those relationships worked.


hand in glove

ruku v ruce, spolu

He was bent with arthritis but was the master spirit, the source of garden wisdom. She did the bending and the kneeling, and they worked together hand in glove.

Most of the councillors seem to be hand in glove with each other; you can’t make any one of them speak to you, let alone give an interview. I know. It’s some sort of fraud all right.

Fran sat up straighter, feeling the flurry of unease that ran along her spine as once again she wondered what Luke had overheard of that conversation. All night long the thought of his being hand in glove with Harry Martin had lingered at the back of her mind.


hand it to someone

uznat, muset nechat

Though I say it myself, your mother and I knew how to throw a party. I remember old Johnny Redburn saying, I’ve got to hand it to you, Ralph, you know how to make things go with a swing.

It would be in your own best interests, believe me. You have to hand it to him, he’s never short of a new idea.

He owns us, the studios from which we broadcast and the building they’re in, although by now he must have recovered whatever his original investment was several times over. You have to hand it to the man. He’s only thirty-four, and he’s done the same thing all over the Far East , taking over struggling and usually amateur or pirate radio stations like this one once was.


hand over fist

raz dva, rychle, šmahem

Etna is tired and must be thirsty, he said in a bitter, parting comment as he left his land. But a bar owner said: Since this all began the town has been making money hand over fist. It has become a tourist trap.

And within a few months we’d got the thing going till they were blowing out, and we were making it hand over fist you see? And What sort of money were you making on that then? Oh were making twenty five bob a day then.

But once he’s resigned himself to that, he’s then gotta look at that operation next door and he must be losing money hand over fist for the amount of space it is. That’s right. He to take out all these walls out, right the way back.


hard as nails

tvrdý, bezcitný

I’m here strictly for business and being dissected does not appeal to me at all. If you want my real character I’ll tell you. I can fight for whatever I want and I’m hard as nails.

Both pictured a glamorous brunette, at least a dozen years older than herself. Beautiful but hard as nails, she’d thought then.

It was easy to see why any man would be beguiled by the woman, Lindsey found herself thinking. She was beautiful, with an air of fragility which, for all she suspected it hid a character as hard as nails, yet was guaranteed to bring out the male protective instinct.


hard shoulder

zpevněná krajnice

I saw a child walking along the hard shoulder.

Lord Romsey, of Hampshire, found himself issued with a £40 fixed penalty and a severe ticking-off after he drove on to the hard shoulder to join the M271 near Southampton .

Colin, of Exeter , later saw a police car following, pulled on to the hard shoulder and jumped out.


have a bone to pick with somebody

chtít si s kým ještě něco vyřídit

So Barry Brittlebank has a bone to pick with my grammar. He apparently believes that the construction to recommend that someone does something is more correct than to recommend that someone do something.

That’s right, and I’ve got a bone to pick with one club. Thame United, they’re at home to Milton Keynes Borough in the south Midlands premier league.

Dear Father Christmas I have a bone to pick with you. Diana M Hillsdon, Harrogate , North Yorkshire . I may have reindeer antlers but I don’t have Santa!


have a change of heart

změnit názor

LORD RENFREW, the Master of Jesus College, Cambridge , has had a change of heart. He is talking of reviewing his position as a member of the Oxford and Cambridge Club.

She had already been offered a place at the University of Georgia , but recently she has had a change of heart, and it is now a toss - up between Moray House College in Edinburgh or Stirling University , two establishments which offer golf scholarships.

At the start of it, Pleasence had declared himself to be a conscientious objector and was sent to the Lake District to work as a forester. He had a change of heart six months later and joined the RAF in 1942.


have a chip on one’s shoulder

mít komplex méněcennosti

Charmless Mark developed a chip on his shoulder because so many of the other boys were much richer than him. He always wanted to be a tycoon.

His background might have given him something of a chip on his shoulder; he was a Sephardi, an Israeli descended from Jews who came from Arab lands, rather than an Ashkenazi, the elite of Israel .

He had a bit of a chip on his shoulder because he felt that other people who were not so good but who had the right background and connections had gotten ahead of him.


have a finger in the/every pie

mít prsty ve všem, do všeho se plést

He’s a developer in those parts and he’s trying to get his finger in the pie.

Recognizing that, when several agencies have a finger in the pie of, say, biotechnology, it is prudent that there should be a committee to coordinate their spending.

I said well what I’m feeling about doing I said is er just sort of keeping a finger in the pie I said.


have a leg to stand on

mít se o co opřít, mít oporu

Mr. Habsburg may not have a throne to sit on; he does have a leg to stand on.

If you're cohabiting and the man leaves you, you haven't got a leg to stand on. He has no financial obligation towards you, unless you go to a lot of trouble to prove otherwise, and that could take years.

When it comes to complaining about EC centralism the UK Government hasn't a leg to stand on. We in Wales know it is the most centralist government in Europe . (BNC-B)

have a lump in one's throat

mít knedlík v krku

She had a lump in her throat and an enormous yearning to say something beautiful to her father.

Adrian walked towards his classroom with a lump in his throat that might have been anger, or regret, or sorrow.

There were tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat, she said later. I was very moved by it. (BNC-B)

have a mind of its own

mít vlastní vůli

But it quickly became apparent she was wasting her time. The trolley also had a mind of its own and a tendency to advance crablike, sideways.

This too is a real 3D object with moving limbs and a mind of its own.

Of course the horse named Bess, which I was given, had a mind of its own, since it would always be eating and when it was not it only plodded along.


have a sweet tooth

mít mlsný jazýček, být na sladké

I have a terrible sweet tooth. How much are those doughnut things?

She found this very difficult to keep to, as she had a sweet tooth and loved cakes.

I've got a sweet tooth when it comes to like chocolates.