вторник, 16 июля 2024, 16:40
Сайт: OpenMoodle
Курс: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Глоссарий: HEALTH

hospital staff

nemocniční personál

The hospital staff I spoke to were almost without exception complacent on the subject of interpreters. (BNC)

As the trip went on he began to feel unwell, and when he left he returned to Kingston, rather than Trinidad, as he knew the hospital staff there. (BNC)

Hospital staff sent him home to try to patch things up with his hot-tempered wife. (BNC)

hospital treatment

ústavní péče

A woman is receiving urgent hospital treatment for AIDS. (BNC)

Like the stroke patient who has received hospital treatment, the head-injured patient may still be fairly disabled at the time he is discharged. (BNC)

A woman needed hospital treatment after being attacked by a parrot as she walked her dog at Ashleworth, near Gloucester. (BNC)

hospital ward

nemocniční oddělení

In rare instances, new-born babies have been studied for several months in a constant environment in a hospital ward. (BNC)

Be aware of the possible need for privacy, for example, in a hospital ward an intimate conversation with close relatives should not be overheard. (BNC)

And Eve's in a hospital ward with broken ribs and concussion and all kinds of things. (BNC)

hospital waste

nemocniční odpad

A public inquiry's begun into plans to burn hospital waste at an animal crematorium. (BNC)

This animal crematorium could soon be burning hospital waste, if it's owner gets his way. (BNC)

The move follows several waste dumping scandals, in particular the illegal export of hospital waste to France and chemical waste to Romania. (BNC)