čtvrtek, 13. června 2024, 13.32
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

have reason to believe/for believing

have adequate evidence or justificationfor believing

The National Writers Union has reason to believe that KeepMedia
may be infringing on the works of freelance writers.  Google

Suppose that the government has reason to believe that a large company discriminates against women.  Google

The Department of Justice may start a lawsuit where it has reason to believe
that a creditor is engaged in a "pattern or practice" of discrimination. Google

have sth on the brain

not be able to stop thinking or talking about one particular thing

Everyone here has it on the brain.

 I guess that's why I have it on the brain.  Google

In fact, I'll probably have it on the brain for all of next month, too.  Google

have sth out of the brain

not be able to stop thinking or talking about one particular thing

Everyone here has it on the brain. Google

She has it on the brain. Google

They have it on the brain.  Google

have the brains

have sufficient intelligence to enable one to do sth

Any man who has the brains to think and the nerve to act for the benefit of the
people of the country is considered a radical. Google

Mr Howard has the brains and edginess to drag the Tories into the 21st century. Google

Miriam Santiago has the brains but she shows signs of emotional and mental instability at times. Google

have the gift of the gab

have the ability to talk fluently and at length

Berlusconi has the gift of the gab that appeals to Italians. Google

He has the gift of the gab and can put people immediately at their ease. Google

Decide who has the gift of the gab to answer those impossible questions! Google

have the gift of tongues

have knowledge of and skill in the use of a language or languages

 Has the gift of tongues served its purpose? Google

 If anyone today thinks he has the gift of tongues, he needs to deal with the
reality of that statement, and reconsider just what his gift is for. Google

The ability to understand what is said by the person who has the gift of tongues.  Google

have/know all answers

be or seem to be more intelligent or know more than others

…its a woman who seeks truth, knows all answears are found within, and always strives to do her best. WebC

He knows all answers to your questions concerning safe solarium visits. WebC

She knows all answers and can give you advise on everything! WebC


difficult, needs lot of effort

You may have to remain with an unsatisfactory state of affairs through most of 1993, which means that any planned moves will prove heavy-going or much resented.  BNCI

He was heavy going. Google

Its only weakness is that it is a little heavy going at times, but this is because
it is dealing with tricky stuff! google

high days and holidays

days when festivals and celebrations are held

Iceland's calendar of high days and holidays differs in many ways from those of neighbouring countries. Google

The term dates from old calendars in which "high days and holidays" (ie Holy Days)were marked in red.  Google

The regulars re-book as they leave, particularly for high days and holidays.  Google

high school

střední škola (US) pro děti od 14-18, nebo od 16-18, pokud před tím absolvují Junior High school; (GB and Australia) někdy se užívá pro školy s dětmi od 11-18 let.

This will make for greater safety for pupils of Currie High School crossing the road. BNC

Born in Glasgow, he was educated at Hillhead Hgh School. BNC

The boys of Pensby High School will be going French at the Parkgate hotel. BNC

history repeats itself

sth that has occured in the past, happens, is likely to happen, again

Although a perfect is clearly an utopia, monopolies explain why history repeats itself over and over.  Google

History repeats itself - and it we don't learn from it, including its success stories - then we are doomed to repeat its failures. Google

History repeats itself is a hard phrase to swallow up.  Google

hit the books

šprtat, drtit se

"I have an exam next week; I must hit the books now." (Google)

 I suggest you hit the books. (Google) 

Insurance agents hit the books; new Indiana law requires continuing education. (Google)